WWW2013 Volunteering – Final list of Volunteers

Final list of Volunteers

Alan Tygel

Amelie Gyrard

Bianca Pereira

Claudio Azzi

Clécio Bachini

Cynthia Henry

Daniel Gil

Daniele Palazzi Krempser

Dave Kushal

David Aparicio

Eduardo Barbosa

Eliezer de Souza da Silva

Evelin Amorim

Felix Ribeiro

Flavio Figueiredo

Harlley Lima

Helen Costa

Janaina Sant’Anna Gomide

John  Baldwin

John  Miller

José Eduardo Talavera Herrera

Kelli Cordeiro

Luiz Augusto Matos da Silva

Mariana Abreu

Marilia Guterres Ferreira

Mark Schueler

Melisachew Wudage Chekol

Merlin Parra Jimenez

Michael Huggett

Michael  Antunovic

Nafiseh Shabib

Niccholas Vidal

Paula Loureiro

Pedro Calais Guerra

Pinar  Yanardag delul

Rishiraj Saha Roy

Sasidhar Kasturi

Sebastien Forget

Silvia Da Rosa

Surya Kallumadi

Talita Pagani Britto

Teresa Bracamonte

Topher White

Vanessa Tonini

Vitor Pinheiro

Vítor Mangaravite


Welcome to the WWW2013 conference volunteers FAQ page. This is the place to find quick answers to some important questions regarding volunteering for WWW 2013.

Who are Volunteers?

Volunteers are typically people with an involvement in the World Wide Web, who are interested in experiencing the conference but otherwise, could not afford to attend. We are looking for people from around the world to come join us and help support the conference in many capacities. The volunteer group consist of past and new international volunteers as well of local people.

What can I expect to do at the conference?

  • Registration Preparation
  • Support Registration Desk
  • Room Monitoring & AV setup
  • Supprot Social Events
  • Floater

Volunteers who have multi language skills are needed at registration and as floaters.

What qualifications do I need?

You don’t have to be an expert! You must have a good attitude and be enthusiastic about helping others… and of course an interest in the web.

What do I get ?

International volunteers receive a Passport Registration which allows access to all days of the conference as well as all social events and lodging for the week. You will be required to work 35 hours in exchange. Local volunteers receive a Passport Registration which allows access to all days of the conference.There will be a flexible roster system that will allow you to schedule your work commitments between attending the parts of the conference that interest you. Above all, you will meet other volunteers from all over the world and make friends for life.

Volunteers are needed in various areas from Sunday, 12th  May till Saturday, 18th May 2013.

Volunteer times start on some days as early as 0700 and end as late as 2100 on other days.


Registration begin: Thursday, January 31, 2013

Registration end: Monday, March 04, 2013

Event begin: Monday, May 13, 2013

Event end: Friday, May 17, 2013

How do I apply?

There are usually more applicants than positions so make sure you use the spaces provided in the registration form to tell us as much about yourself as possible. Click here to open the registration form.

