Accepted papers – Developers Track

This is a track by Web developers, for Web developers. The audience will be highly technical and expecting to see new trends and interesting ideas, code and APIs of emerging applications, platforms and standards. Demonstrations of technical nitty-gritty are strongly encouraged. Submissions MUST be relevant, interesting and useful to working Web developers.

The Linked Data Platform (LDP)
Arnaud Le Hors and Steve Speicher

Quill: A Collaborative Design Assistant for Cross Platform Web Application User Interfaces
Vivian G. Motti, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Dave Raggett, W3C, UK

Linked Services Infrastructure: a single entry point for online media related to any concept
Lyndon Nixon
STI International

ResourceSync: Leveraging Sitemaps for Resource Synchronization
Bernhard Haslhofer, Simeon Warner, Cornell University, USA
Carl Lagoze, University of Michigan School of Information, USA
Martin Klein, Robert Sanderson, Herbert Van De Sompel, Los Alamos
National Laboratory, USA
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University, USA

Static Typing & JavaScript Libraries: Towards a More Considerate Relationship
Benjamin Canou, Emmmanuel Chailloux, LIP6 – University Pierre and
Marie Curie – Paris 6, France
Vincent Botbol, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France

Client-server Web applications widgets
Vincent Balat.
Univ Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, PPS, UMR 7126 CNRS, INRIA

Effective Web Scraping with OXPath
Giovanni Grasso, Tim Furche and Christian Schallhart
Oxford University

CSS Browser Selector Plus: a JavaScript library to support cross-browser responsive design
Richard Duchatsch Johansen, Soyuz Sistemas, Brazil
Talita Cristina Pagani Britto, MStech, Brazil
Cesar Augusto Cusin, Faculdade Paraíso do Ceará, Brazil

A Meteoroid on Steroids: Ranking Media Items Stemming from Multiple Social Networks
Thomas Steiner

Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with Hydra
Markus Lanthaler
Graz University of Technology