Doctoral Consortium Authors

Edward Benson Mockup Driven Web Development
United States – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fabian Flöck. Identifying, understanding and detecting recurring, harmful behavior patterns in collaborative Wikipedia editing
Germany – KIT Karlsruhe

A Machine-to-Machine Architecture to Merge Semantic Sensor Measurements
France – Eurecom

Larissa Freitas and Renata Vieira. Ontology based Feature Level Opinion Mining for Portuguese Reviews
Brazil – PUCRS

Pinar Yanardag Delul. Understanding and Analysing Microblogs
United States – Purdue

Teresa Bracamonte. Multimedia Information Retrieval on the Social Web
Chile – Universidad de Chile

Giang Binh Tran. Structured Summarization for News Events
Germany  - L3S Research Center and University of Hannover

Rishiraj Saha Roy. Analyzing Linguistic Structure of Web Search Queries
India – Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Jaeseok Myung. A Proximity-Based Fallback Model for Hybrid Web Recommender Systems
Korea – Republic of Seoul National University

Julia Kiseleva. Context mining and integration into Predictive Web Analytics
Netherlands – Eindhoven University of Technology

Mohammadreza Khelghati. Deep Web Entity Monitoring
Netherlands – University of Twente

Birhanu Eshete. Effective Analysis, Characterization, and Detection of Malicious Web Pages
Italy – Fondazione Bruno Kessler