Accepted Tutorials

The description of individual tutorials can be found here.

Please note that tutorials will run in parallel in the mornings, with a total duration of 3hs.

May 13 May 14 Track
Econometric Analysis & Digital Marketing Opinion Mining on Online Reviews E-Commerce
Measuring User Engagement Sentic Computing User Engagement
HTML5 CSS3 Design
Introduction to Semantic Web & Linked Data Mining Data Semantics Semantic Web
Big Data Analytics (Big) Usage Data in Web Search Big Data
Web Applications with Xforms 2.0
Query Interpretation…Searching the WOO
MapReduce Algorithm Design
Online Learning & Linked Data
Information Network Analysis & Extraction Web Search Queries as a Corpus Information Retrieval
Graph Mining Tools for Community Detection and Evaluation in Social Networks and the Web Web Personalization & Recommender Systems Social Networking
Linked Stream Data Processing Linked Data Query Processing Linked Data
Entity Linking & Retrieval Machine Reading the Web Data/Entity Processing