Platinium sponsors have priority to choose one of these options…

Platinium options

Options Price Descriptions Include
Matchmaking Session 20 000 € Sponsors can associate their brand to the one-to-one meetings session organized during the conference.
  • Logo and presentation on the matchmaking online platform used by all participants,
  • Logo recognition on every individual meetings schedule,
  • Logo recognition and acknowledgment banner on the one-to-one meetings area on-site,
  • Dedicated meeting space for sponsors’ one-to-one meetings,
  • Priority given to the sponsor’s meeting requests.
Gala Cocktail 20 000 € Prominent promotion of your company throughout the evening: provides a unique forum for discussion and informal contact.
2 possible sponsors. Other evenings sponsorships are available. Please contact us for further information
  • Logo on the conference website (evening events page),
  • Logo recognition and aknowledgment banner during the gala event.
Job Fair 20 000 € Sponsors can associate their brand to the Job Fair organized during the conference.
  • Logo and presentation on the recruitment online platform used by all candidates and recruiters,
  • Logo recognition on every individual meetings schedule,
  • Logo recognition and acknowledgment banner on the interviews area on-site,
  • Dedicated meeting space for candidates’ interviews,
  • Presentation and link on the specific recruitment e-newsletter sent to our contacts network.

Exclusive Sponsoring

Wifi Coverage 20 000 € Wifi coverage for the conference
  • Logo recognition on the website as « wifi coverage sponsor » on the sponsors’ page,
  • On-site Logo recognition: « Wifi brought to you by… »,
  • Logo recognition on the Wifi connexion page,
  • Display of a promotional flyer at the welcome desk by conference hostesses,
  • Logo recognition in the conference programme.

Exclusive Sponsoring