Lyon World Web Capital – Platinum partners

Grand Lyon

The Urban Community of Lyon welcomes, supports and is participating in www2012.
For Greater Lyon, the staging of this event of worldwide renown is the reward for a long-term policy of support for innovation in the digital economy. With the web being by its very nature a vector of innovation, of potential for differentiation and competitiveness, it represents a wonderful opportunity for developing the digital economy in our territory.
Greater Lyon is working on all fronts to develop the potential of its territory in this area: be this via ambitious (fibre-optic) network infrastructures, support for digital technologies or the will to support changes in society by the use of digital technologies, favouring the emergence and appropriation by all of new urban services and new practices.
And this policy is bearing fruit since the agglomeration has in its territory alone the entire eco-system needed for an attractive and profitable digital economy to thrive: innovative businesses, clusters, research laboratories, training, poles of excellence, dedicated real estate, networks, co-working spaces… assets which will be highlighted during the congress.


The Rhône-Alpes region lies at the natural crossroads of major national and European axes of communication. This situation makes it a region where diversity is the key-word. This geographic, climatic, sociological and cultural puzzle could be a handicap. Rhône-Alpes has made this its great strength. Considered as a symbol of dynamism in the heart of the European Union, the Rhône-Alpes Region is co-founder of the « Four Motors for Europe » which, with Catalonia, Lombardy and Baden-Wurttemberg, works in the university, scientific, economic, sport and cultural fields.
Rhône-Alpes is one of the regions with the highest birth rates in Europe and its net migration rate is positive. Young people are very much present, and the student population is around 236,000.

Lyon World Web Capital – Gold sponsor


France Telecom-Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with 172,000 employees worldwide, including 105,000 employees in France, and sales of 45.3 billion euros in 2011. Present in 35 countries, the Group had a customer base of 226 million customers at 31 December 2011, including 147 million customers under the Orange brand, the Group’s single brand for internet, television and mobile services in the majority of countries where the company operates. At 31 December 2011, the Group had 167 million mobile customers and 14 million broadband internet (ADSL, fibre) customers worldwide. Orange is one of the main European operators for mobile and broadband internet services and, under the brand Orange Business Services, is one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies.
With its industrial project, "conquests 2015", Orange is simultaneously addressing its employees, customers and shareholders, as well as the society in which the company operates, through a concrete set of action plans. These commitments are expressed through a new vision of human resources for employees; through the deployment of a network infrastructure upon which the Group will build its future growth; through the Group’s ambition to offer a superior customer experience thanks in particular to improved quality of service; and through the acceleration of international development.
France Telecom (NYSE:FTE) is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment A) and on the New York Stock Exchange.
For more information (on the internet and on your mobile):

www2012 – Gold sponsors

Dassault Systèmes Exalead

3DS Exalead©, a Dassault Systèmes company, is a global software provider in the enterprise and Web search markets, and the maker of CloudView, the industry’s top platform for Search-Based Applications (SBAs). Exalead’s clients include leading companies such as AFP, American Greetings,, Yellow Pages Group, and Rightmove. Every month, 100 million users rely on 3DS Exalead for unified information presentation, reporting and search.


Yahoo! is the premier digital media company, creating deeply personal digital experiences that keep more than half a billion people connected to what matters most to them, across devices and around the globe. And Yahoo!’s unique combination of Science + Art + Scale connects advertisers to the consumers who build their businesses. Yahoo! is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California. For more information, visit the pressroom ( or the company’s blog, Yodel Anecdotal (
Yahoo! is the trademark and/or registered trademark of Yahoo!Inc. All other names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Google Inc.

Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Perhaps as remarkable as two Stanford research students having the ambition to found a company with such a lofty objective is the progress the company has made to that end. Ten years ago, Larry Page and Sergey Brin applied their research to a real problem and invented the world’s most popular search engine. The same spirit holds true at Google today. The mission of research at Google is to deliver cutting-edge innovation that improves Google products and enriches the lives of all who use them. We publish innovation through industry standards, and our researchers are often helping to define not just today’s products but also tomorrow’s.


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
The National Center for Scientific Research is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS carries out research in all fields of knowledge. 1 100 CNRS laboratories are located throughout France, and employ more than 34 000 tenured researchers, engineers, and support staff.


The National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (Inria) is a public science and technology institution placed under the supervision of the French ministries of research and industry. In 210 research teams split across eight Inria centers, more than 3,100 scientists are working every day on meeting the challenges posed by information and communication science and technology (ICST). The research teams are organized into five research fields: Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation; Algorithmics, Programming, Software and Architecture; Networks, Systems and Services, Distributed Computing; Perception, Cognition, Interaction; Computational Sciences for Biology, Medicine and the Environment. Inria also supported the web and the W3C’s mission since the inception of the Consortium in 1994, notably by hosting W3C’s European branch and, more recently, by hosting W3C Office in France.

Microsoft Research

Microsoft Research is dedicated to conducting both basic and applied research in computer science and software engineering. Researchers focus on more than 60 areas of computing and collaborate with leading academic, government and industry researchers to advance the state of the art. Microsoft Research has expanded over the years to eight locations worldwide and a number of collaborative projects that bring together the best minds in computer science to advance a research agenda based on their unique talents and interests.


Imaginove is the content cluster in Rhône-Alpes. Since its creation, Imaginove has lead the way in developing synergies between the various player in content production (TV, film, video game, multimedia, animation, display), constantly anticipating new uses and supporting content innovation in the industry. To support the companies in this way Imaginove organized the "Global Media Connect", an event which responds perfectly to this objective by putting forward projects with a more complete narrative platform, in line with the possibilities offered by new screens now available to content creators. The GMC bring together studios from each sector ( animation, video, Web game, Web site, etc…) all under one roof to have the opportunity to present cross-media projects and meet potential partners.
Meet us the 19th April for the GMC/www2012.


As a supplier of solutions in the fields of unified communications and collaboration, IP infrastructure, security, data centres and smart buildings, SPIE Communications aims to provide its customers – including companies of all sizes and major national corporations – with comprehensive services covering consulting and engineering, facilities management , managed services and cloud computing.
SPIE Communications’ growth is focused on the provision of local services while ensuring optimal responsiveness, technical reliability and maximum end-user satisfaction in the field.
Serving 50,000 customers, SPIE Communications currently employs 2,200 people at its six regional departments and four subsidiaries (SPIE Infoservices, VeePee, DCCS and Sertig).


People Move. Networks Must Follow.®
Aruba Networks is the leading provider of next-generation network access solutions for mobile enterprise networks. The company’s industry-leading Mobile Virtual Enterprise (MOVE) architecture unifies wired and wireless infrastructures into one seamless network access solution – for traveling business professionals, remote workers, corporate headquarters employees and guests. With the Aruba MOVE™ architecture, access privileges are linked to a user’s identity. That means your enterprise workforce has consistent, secure access to network resources based on who they are – no matter where they are, what devices they’re using or how they’re connected.

www2012 – Regular Sponsors


For over 12 years, Antidot has designed solutions for information access and searching, providing organizations and individuals with all the information they need in order to understand, decide and take action: search engines, capture systems, data structuring and enrichment, information navigation tools, collaboration tools, monitoring tools. Antidot has developed a strategic vision, encompassing the entire field of information searching and access, and driven by experience gained in a wide range of projects successfully completed with customers and partners. Founded in 1999, Antidot has over 40 employees based in Lyon, Aix-en-Provence and Paris. Honored in the 2009 Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Europe list, Antidot has positive revenues and posts annual growth exceeding 25%.


Baidu is the world’s largest Chinese search engine and Chinese website, and was founded in January 2000 at Zhongguancun, Beijing. From the very beginning, Baidu has considered “providing the best way for people to find information and fulfill needs” to be its ultimate mission. Baidu has persistently pursued technological innovation, and is committed to providing simple and reliable Internet search products and services. Baidu provides functional search services mainly consisting of online search, Baidu Postbar which focuses on social search, vertical search for specific fields and industries, MP3 search as well as user channels and IMs. Baidu’s wide range of products extends to all search needs on the Chinese Internet.


Atos is an international information technology services company with annual revenues of EUR 8.6 billion and 74,000 employees in 42 countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services. Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting and Technology Services, Atos Worldline and Atos Worldgrid.

Atos Worldline brings together Atos core expertise in Hi-Tech transactional services. A leader in end-to-end services for critical electronic transactions, Atos Worldline is specialised in electronic payment services (issuing, acquiring, terminals, card and non card payment solutions & processing), eCS (eServices for customers, citizens and communities) as well as services for financial markets.

ELB Group

The ELB Multimedia Group was established 12 years ago. Initially based in France, the group now has branches all over the world (United States, Spain, Tunisia, England …).

Among these affiliates, the company Netissime, founded in 2000, just opened its third data center in March 2011. With a Cleanroom of nearly 2000m2 in the heart of Lyon, Netissime is one of the 10 major official offices for registering domain names in France.

At the forefront of technology with its cloud servers solutions !


Facebook was founded in 2004 with the mission to make the world more open and connected. Today, over 800 million people use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, discover what’s going on in the world, and share and express what matters to them. As one of the most-trafficked sites in the world, Facebook engineers tackle technical challenges unique to our scale and infrastructure. We blur the lines between research and engineering to solve problems, envision new services and products, and think about how we can help people connect with their friends through technology.

www2012 – Fellow supports

Centrale Lyon

This « Grande Ecole » is proud to train highly-skilled general engineers, with the open minds and code of ethics they need to invent solutions that meet the needs of 21st century society.
Our engineering students undergo three years of high-quality scientific and technical training, as well as receiving in-depth human and social sciences education, undertaking pratical project experience, learning two or even three languages and gaining first-hand busines and international experience.


For more than a century, ECAM Lyon has offered a scientific and multi-disciplinary curriculum that prepares engineers to contribute to industry and modern society. The school spirit is built on the humanitarian values of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the ECAM Foundation, recognized as a public service provider by the State and administrator of the school since 1977, strives to enforce these values continuously.
The ECAM engineer is characterized by:

  • scientific rigor together with hands-on expertise
  • awareness that progress stems primarily from human values

ECAM Lyon is also one of the first French engineering schools to have developed a co-operative training program (alternating coursework with periods of work in company). It is the founding member of the ECAM Group, which is also present in Rennes, Strasbourg and Cergy-Pontoise.

www2012 – Conference support

European Commission

Europe 2020 is the EU’s growth strategy for the coming decade.

In a changing world, we want the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy. These three mutually reinforcing priorities should help the EU and the Member States deliver high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.

In this vision, Europe has identified new engines to boost growth and jobs. These areas are addressed by 7 flagship initiatives.

DG Information Society of the European Commission is in charge of the implementation of the flagship initiative aiming at establishing an European Digital Agenda. Its main objectives are reinforcing European competitiveness, while demonstrating concrete social benefits of new Internet solutions.

Rhône - the department

The organization of the Rhône Department relies on both a central and strong territorialized antennas in each township with the houses of the Rhone. Nearly 6,000 officers provide implementation of departmental policies which take place mostly in favor of the everyday life of citizens:

The solidarity actions in favor of persons with disabilities and the elderly, integration and housing the poor, followed by individuals and families in difficulty or isolated health prevention for children up to 6 years, education centers and planifia – of family planning, counseling and care of young children, prevention and detection of serious diseases, maternal and child care for children and adolescents under child protection, family support.

Development: roads and transport, maintenance and improvement of the network of county roads, schools and school transport, higher education, economy, tourism, support to agriculture and land use. – The environment: security and fire actions in favor of cultural development (performing arts, public libraries, museums), access to sports, the environment.

In its legal obligations, the General Council of Rhône voluntarily added benefit initiatives such as the conservation of heritage, culture and sport.

European Patent Office

As the Patent Office for Europe, the EPO is committed to high quality in the patents it grants. This is particularly evident in its approach to patents in the computer software field, where there is a strong focus on the technical aspects of patent applications. The EPO seeks direct contact with patent applicants to discuss its practices, so that applicants can improve their understanding of what is patentable in this complex field.
The EPO has for years also been a pioneer when it comes to providing data. Its open data policy was in place in the mid-1990s, more than a decade ahead of the current open data initiatives around the globe. The new platform is the latest step forward in a long tradition of providing the worldwide patent dataset to the public.


Acti is an independent web agency.
Directed by Laurent Constantin since 2001, acti is ranked amongst the top 3 independent web agencies in Rhône-Alpes and it is amongst France’s Top 100.
acti delivers innovative marketing strategies allowing growing online performances for its customers (City of Lyon, Mc Café, Groupe Seb, Banque Populaire, Transat Jacques Vabre, Michelin…).
acti covers every skills set related to consulting, marketing, technology and media : online recruitment campaigns, social marketing, natural SEO, buzz marketing, websites, webty, mobile website, iphone and android applications. For more information about acti: and

ROBUST Project

Online communities generate major economic value and form pivotal parts of corporate expertise management, marketing, product support, CRM, product innovation and advertising. Communities can exceed millions of users and infrastructures must support hundreds of millions discussion threads that link together billions of posts.
ROBUST is targeted at developing methods to understand and manage the business, social and economic objectives of the users, providers and hosts and to meet the challenges of scale and growth in large communities. Hence, the objectives of ROBUST are to find solutions for community risk management, large scale data management, models of community polity and politics, community simulation and community data analysis.