Web & Economy

Wednesday 18th April, 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Moderator : Hermann Gouverneur


‘Business models beside adverting funded consumer services free of charge’ (breaking the oligopoly of the web giants ).

In between the classical business model of ISV’s by selling licenses and the famous freemium model of the big players in the web providing great user experience funded by advertising, based on the two sided market theory, different models can be established, giving the consumer as the provider more freedom of choice. Driven by the cloud paradigm ‘pay per use’ and the experience of consumer using valuable function free of charge, business and IT-company are forced to find and exhaust additional value of data usable for multi purposes. Time is ripe to establish some new business models in between the giant left from the last web wave and the classical and obvious ones. It is not an easy task to monetize services as the enormous amount of failed attempts to monetize content in the media sector demonstrates. Based on some examples a range of possible business models should be discussed in this panel.


Andrei Broder

Andrei Broder is a Google Distinguished Scientist. Until recently he was a Yahoo! Fellow, Vice President for Computational Advertising, and Chief Scientist for the Advertising Product Group (APG) in Yahoo.

Previously he was an IBM Distinguished Engineer and the CTO of the Institute for Search and Text Analysis in IBM Research. From 1999 until 2002 he was Vice President for Research and Chief Scientist at the AltaVista Company. He was graduated Summa cum Laude from Technion, the Israeli Institute of Technology, and obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University under Don Knuth. His current research interests are centered on computational advertising, context-driven information supply, and randomized algorithms. Together with Vanja Josifovski he teaches Introduction to Computational Advertising at Stanford University.

Broder is co-winner of the Best Paper award at WWW6 (for his work on duplicate elimination of web pages) and at WWW9 (for his work on mapping the web). He has authored over a hundred papers and was awarded over thirty patents. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering a fellow of ACM, and of IEEE, and past chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Computing.

Pierre-Jean Benghozi

Pierre-Jean Benghozi is Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Resarch (CNRS). In Ecole polytechnique (Paris, France) he is running the Research Unit in Economics and Management and is in charge of the “Orange” Chair dedicated to Innovation and Regulation in Digital Services. Pierre-Jean Benghozi is graduated in Engineering, Management studies and Economics (PhD). He developed, since the early eighties, a pioneering research group on Information Technology, Telecommunications, Media and Culture. His current projects draw attention to the adoption and uses of ITC in large organizations, the structuring of ITC-supported markets and supply chains, the characterization of competitive business models, expressly in creative industries. Pierre-Jean Benghozi publishes on these topics more than 130 academic publications in French and English. Chairman of the Scientific Interest Group dedicated to Culture – Media and Digital, board member of scientific committees in highest French institutions and numerous international scientific conferences and academic journals, Pierre-Jean Benghozi taught regularly in major French and foreign Universities. He developed, in an educational partnership jointly operated by the best french Universities and Grandes Ecoles, the international graduate program of excellence master IREN (Network Industries and Digital Economy). He is frequently requested as an expert by public bodies and private firms.

Pascale Vicat-Blanc

Pascale Vicat-Blanc founded Lyatiss in 2010 and brings more than 20 years of R&D on Internet Architecture, Networks and Cloud technologies. She decided to start a Cloud Computing venture with the goal to transform all of her research efforts to build a unique approach to Infrastructure as a Service and bring the only network-centric Cloud Computing software on the market. Prior to founding Lyatiss, Pascale Vicat-Blanc was a former Research Director at INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science), CIO of Grid 5000 and co-Chair of an INRIA-Bell Labs team.

She was recently inducted into the National Order of the Legion of Honor for her 20 years of research and receive the Irene Joliot-Curie award in 2011 from the French Ministry of Research.

Guest Invited: Loretta Anania
(EU Scientific Officer, User Centric Media, Search Engines)

Loretta Anania is invited to discuss the different point of views with her experience of important EU Web Projects.