Web Design & Art

Thursday, april 19th, 4:00-5:30pm

Artistic perspectives on the Web features

eXT reality by GaeaNova


Panel :
  • Moderator: Anne-Charlotte ANAV (Artilinki.com & founder Cityzer – European City Teaser)
  • Vincent Puig (IRI / Centre Pompidou) and
  • Cedric Moris Kelly (Ecole et Centre d’Art Contemporain de la Villa Arson)
  • Nicolas Nova (Near Future Laboratory)
  • Pierre Bizollon (Linkingbrand)
  • Marie-Haude Caraës (Cité du Design)

Panel presentation

  • Vincent Puig (IRI / Centre Pompidou) and Cedric Moris Kelly (Ecole et Centre d’Art Contemporain de la Villa Arson)

Since its invention, the Web development has been influenced by the artists. They feed its moving and inspiring organology, mirof of our society, of our usages, of our knowledge. In 2012, the web is massively an audiovisual web. Are these medias launches the convergence between social and semantic webs? Is creative the use of metadata? Do we invent alternatives interfaces? Several experiences coming from the artistic world will presented to think, design and develop the future of the web.

  • Nicolas Nova (Near Future Laboratory)

Information technologies and specifically the web, provide an original material to create specific artistic forms. I will concentrate on the activity of online bots (on twitter or other social networks) and on the growing hybridization between online activity and physical objects (“printed” jewels taking different forms on different pictures available on Flickr for example). We focus on the interpretation of such an evolution and on the implications for the users and the environment.

  • Pierre Bizollon (Linkingbrand)

Design, ergonomy and (social and technological) efficiency are the closest elements to Art when we consider digital industry. As a “hands on” business person, I will present a concrete and operationnal view of the latest “innovations” and best practices in terms of Design, Ergonomy and Efficiency. Objective is to give you a perspective of what may happen in the next years!

  • Marie-Haude Caraës (Cité du Design)

Marie-Haude Caraës will be the “Discussant” of the panel with her very deep knowledge of the new generation of artists and creators of the web.

Panelists presentation

Anne-charlotte Anav

Anne-charlotte Anav is currently in charge of communication strategy in the social network for professional creatives artilinki.com, working as community manager, editorial responsible, web reporter, and collaborative audiovisual product manager at an international scale (165 countries, and 13 languages on artilinki). Developing Cityzer.eu, a european platform broadcasting cultural video teaser, in artilinki universe, she works with a lot of different artists and digital experts. Graduated in Political Sciences and international relationship, she’s also specialist and consultant IT in the public sector. Involved in several social and cultural network (local & international), as a journalist, videast and communication consultant, she has an experience in the web development and it’s impact on different artistic fields (fine art, audiovisual, photography, music…) since 10 years.

Artilinki: www.artilinki.com
Cityzer: www.cityzer.eu

Nicolas Nova

Nicolas Nova is a consultant and researcher at the Near Future Laboratory. He undertakes field studies to inform and evaluate the creation of innovative products and services. His work is about exploring and understanding people’s needs, motivations and contexts to map new design opportunities and help designers and engineers. Nicolas applies this in the domains of video games, mobile and location-based media as well as networked objects/robots. He also teaches user research in interaction design at HEAD-Geneva and ENSCI-Les Ateliers in Paris. He holds a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from the Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL, Switzerland). In his free time, he collects video game controllers and peculiar interfaces dug up in flea markets here and there.

Webpage: nearfuturelaboratory.com/about/nicolas-nova
Blog: nearfuturelaboratory.com/pasta-and-vinegar/
Twitter: twitter.com/nicolasnova

Vincent Puig

Since 1993, Vincent Puig has been pioneering new technologies in the cultural domain at Centre Pompidou. Director of Industrial relations at Ircam, he designed new services for music software amateurs (Forum Ircam), online sound processing (Studio On Line) and Music interaction (Semantic HIFI) and has been active in the Mpeg7 standard process. In 2002, he launched Resonances (International Convention on Technologies for Music) and Ircam Hypermedia Studio dedicated to design of “guided listening” tools (Web radio, Musique Lab). In April 2006, he became Deputy Director of Centre Pompidou Cultural Development Dpt. in charge of the newly founded Institute for Research and Innovation (IRI) dedicated to cultural technologies such as annotation tools, collaborative Web and social networks and multimodal interfaces. He is currently Executive Director of IRI, which he co-founded with Bernard Stiegler, in its new independent form established by Centre Pompidou, CCCB, Microsoft, Goldsmiths College, Tokyo University, Institut Telecom, ENSCI, Alcatel Bell Labs and France Televisions. He is member of the Advisory Board of DISH (Digital Strategies for Heritage) and of the Board of Ars Industrialis (Industrial policies for technologies of the mind). He is President of the Culture & media community at Cap Digital Paris Cluster.

Cedric Moris Kelly

Cédric Moris Kelly, in charge of Research at the National Centre of Contemporary Art of the Villa Arson, is currently working on a research project about the history of performance on the French Riviera from 1951 to nowadays, work initiated in September 2007 by Villa Arson.

He meets with qualified artists and project contributors to gather written and audio testimonies and archives about missing pieces of art. This information is subsequently digitized to document the related art piece.

The scope of his work goes from designing a specific database to keep organized the archives that have been collected up to managing an Internet site production. The website will make the constituted corpus available to public. He also curates an exhibition based on the same topic.

This work will be published, publication that will question the status of the trace and its reception by the public within the ephemeral art.

Cedric Moris Kelly has a Master in Contemporary arts theory and practice ; expertise completed with a Professional Master in « Métiers and Arts of exhibitions ». Simultaneously, he develops a freelance activity in Web design.

Marie-Haude Caraës

Phd in Political Sciences, Marie-Haude Caraës is the Research Director of Cité du design (Saint-Étienne, France) and lecturer at the ENSCI (National Higher School of Industrial Creation, Paris, France). She leads together a research, publication and exhibition curatorship activity. Her academic specialties are the study of the space of influx, the innovation in design, and colonialism (literature and exact sciences). Within those functions, she organises in the Cité du design researches in the fields of energy, medical design, design of services, housing, sustainable development, relations between uses and technologies, etc.

Pierre Bizollon
(linkingbrand : www.linkingbrand.com)

Graduated from a business school, Pierre Bizollon is the founder and CEO of LinkingBrand, a Consultancy Company in Digital Business, focusing on strategy, ergonomy and e-commerce efficiency. LinkingBrand is working for very different accounts like SFR, France Télévisions, Alcatel, Adobe, Look Voyages, Coyote…..He has a former experience in the advertising industry within american advertising networks (Grey, FCB) taking in charge the communication strategy for FMCG brands in france or europe and then in the internet industry, as Marketing Director of Yahoo or Credit Agricole.