List of accepted demos sorted by title

  • Adding Fake Facts to Ontologies
    Fabian M. Suchanek and David Gross-Amblard
  • Adding Wings to Red Bull Media: Search and Display semantically enhanced Video Fragments
    Thomas Kurz, Sebastian Schaffert, Manuel Fernandez and Georg Güntner
  • An Early Warning System for Unrecognized Drug Side Effects Discovery
    Hao Wu and Hui Fang
  • A social network for video annotation and discovery based on semantic profiling
    Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo, Andrea Ferracani and Daniele Pezzatini
  • Automated semantic tagging of speech audio
    Yves Raimond, Chris Lowis and Jonathan Tweed
  • Automatically Learning Gazetteers from the Deep Web
    Tim Furche, Giovanni Grasso, Giorgio Orsi, Christian Schallhart and Cheng Wang
  • BabelNetXplorer: A Platform for Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Base Access and Exploration
    Roberto Navigli and Simone Paolo Ponzetto
  • Baya: Assisted Mashup Development as a Service
    Soudip Roy Chowdhury, Carlos Rodriguez, Florian Daniel and Fabio Casati
  • CASIS: A System for Concept-Aware Social Image Search
    Ba Quan Truong, Aixin Sun and Sourav S Bhowmick
  • Deep Answers for Naturally Asked Questions on the Web of Data
    Mohamed Yahya, Klaus Berberich, Shady Elbassuoni, Maya Ramanath, Volker Tresp and Gerhard Weikum
  • FindiLike: Preference Driven Entity Search
    Kavita Ganesan and Chengxiang Zhai
  • FreeQ: an Interactive Query Interface for Freebase
    Elena Demidova, Xuan Zhou and Wolfgang Nejdl
  • GovWILD: Integrating Open Government Data for Transparency
    Christoph Böhm, Markus Freitag, Arvid Heise, Claudia Lehmann, Andrina Mascher, Felix Naumann, Mauricio Hernandez, Vuk Ercegovac and Peter Haase
  • H2RDF: Adaptive Query Processing on RDF Data in the Cloud
    Nikolaos Papailiou, Ioannis Konstantinou, Dimitrios Tsoumakos and Nectarios Koziris
  • Interactive Hypervideo Visualization for Browsing Behavior Analysis
    Luis A. Leiva and Roberto Vivó
  • In the Mood for Affective Search with Web Stereotypes
    Tony Veale and Yanfen Hao
  • Kjing (Mix the knowledge)
    Daniel Lacroix
  • OPAL: A Passe-partout for Web Forms
    Xiaonan Guo, Jochen Kranzdorf, Tim Furche, Giovanni Grasso, Giorgio Orsi and Christian Schallhart
  • Paraimpu: a Platform for a Social Web of Things
    Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni and Andrea Piras
  • Partisan Scale
    Sedat Gokalp and Hasan Davulcu
  • Personalized Newscasts and Social networks: a Prototype built over a Flexible Integration Model
    Luca Vignaroli, Roberto Del Pero and Fulvio Negro
  • ProFoUnd: Program-analysis-based Form Understanding
    Michael Benedikt, Tim Furche, Pierre Senellart and Andreas Savvides
  • Querying Socio-spatial Networks on the World-Wide Web
    Yerach Doytsher, Ben Galon and Yaron Kanza
  • ResEval Mash: A Mashup Tool for Advanced Research Evaluation
    Muhammad Imran, Felix Kling, Stefano Soi, Florian Daniel, Fabio Casati and Maurizio Marchese
  • Round-trip semantics with Sztakipedia and DBpedia Spotlight
    Mihály Héder and Pablo Mendes
  • S2S Architecture and Faceted Browsing Applications
    Eric Rozell, Peter Fox, Jin Zheng and Jim Hendler
  • Scalable, Flexible and Generic Instant Overview Search
    Pavlos Fafalios, Ioannis Kitsos and Yannis Tzitzikas
  • Simplifying Friendlist Management
    Yabing Liu, Bimal Viswanath, Mainack Mondal, Krishna Gummadi and Alan Mislove
  • SWiPE: Searching Wikipedia By Example
    Maurizio Atzori and Carlo Zaniolo
  • T@gz : Intuitive and Effortless Categorization and Sharing of Email Conversations
    Parag Joshi, Claudio Bartolini and Sven Graupner
  • The RaiNewsbook: Browsing Worldwide Multimodal News Stories by Facts, Entities and Dates
    Maurizio Montagnuolo and Alberto Messina
  • Titan: A System for Effective Web Service Discovery
    Yanan Xie, Liang Chen and Jian Wu
  • Turning a Web 2.0 Social Network into a Web 3.0, distributed, and secured Social Web application
    Henry Story, Romain Blin, Julien Subercaze, Christophe Gravier and Pierre Maret
  • Twitcident: Fighting Fire with Information from Social Web Streams
    Fabian Abel, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben, Richard Stronkman and Ke Tao
  • Visual OXPath: Robust Wrapping by Example
    Jochen Kranzdorf, Andrew Sellers, Giovanni Grasso, Christian Schallhart and Tim Furche
  • WISER: A Web-based Interactive Route Search System for Smartphones
    Roi Friedman, Itsik Hefez, Yaron Kanza, Roy Levin, Eliyahu Safra and Yehoshua Sagiv