Best paper award

Runners up:
  • Build Your Own Music Recommender by Modeling Internet Radio Streams
    Natalie Aizenberg, Yehuda Koren and Oren Somek.
  • Implementing Optimal Outcomes in Social Computing: A Game-Theoretic Approach
    Arpita Ghosh and Patrick Hummel.
And the winner is:
  • Counting beyond a Yottabyte, or how SPARQL 1.1 Property Paths will prevent adoption of the standard
    Marcelo Arenas, Sebastián Conca and Jorge Pérez.

Award was handed over by Prabhakar Raghavan (Google)


Best student paper award

Runners up:
  • Musubi: Disintermediated Interactive Social Feeds for Mobile Devices
    Ben Dodson, Tj Purtell, Ian Vo and Monica Lam.
And the winner is:
  • Who Killed My Battery: Analyzing Mobile Browser Energy Consumption
    Narendran Thiagarajan, Gaurav Aggarwal, Angela Nicoara, Dan Boneh and Jatinder Singh.

Award was handed over by Arun Iyengar (IBM Research)