Presenting the Posters Area

Complete poster area program.

We are very happy to display the 100 posters present from April 18 to April 20 at Lyon Exhibition Center, for this session, posters from www2012. WE want to thank the members of the Program Comitee for the quality and extent of their work. Naturally, we also compliment selected authors and contributors who represent the diversity of subjects at WWW : every poster represent high quality works in many fields, authors from many countries, and from academic and corporate research teams. The posters session is an opportunity for authors and attendees of the manifestation to interact and share about theorical and technical contributions and current works on the web and about the web.

This year, the posters will be displayed during all 3 days of the Conference. moreover, we organize “spotlight events” on thursday afternoon, which consist in 5 minutes for authors to present their works and start sharing with other contributors. Seven spotlight will be held at the same time and group posters around the following themes :

  1. Web search / Web mining
  2. Natural Language Processing / Information Search and Retrieval 3 – Web engineering / Performance / Security / Privacy
  3. Recommender Systems / Semantic Web
  4. Social Web / Human Factors / Accessibility
  5. Microblogging / Social media / Catch up TV
  6. Monetization
  7. This year, we aim to enhance the posters in different ways. they will also be visible in different digital environments, and a web app allow speakers to access metadata and complementary resources regarding the posters, and extend the social aspects through a discussion board for every poster. A lot of efforts have been made to encourage the sharing of knowledge around the posters, for an audience as board as possible.

    Lionel Médini, University of Lyon et Yi Chang, Yahoo! Inc.


Université de Lyon
Ecole Centrale de Lyon

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