Program committee

Program committee chairs :

Dr. Michael Rabinovich

Michael Rabinovich Dr. Michael Rabinovich is a Professor of Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University, which he joined in Summer 2005 after spending 11 years at AT&T Labs – Research. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Internet Computing and on the Editorial Board of the ACM Transactions on the Web. In 2001, he published a book “Web Caching and Replication” (with O. Spatscheck). His interests revolve around Internet, especially concerning issues related to performance, measurement, and security.

Dr. Steffen Staab

Steffen Staab Dr. Steffen Staab is professor for databases and information systems at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. He is director of the institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST). He is editor-in-chief of Elsevier’s Journal of Web Semantics. His interests are related to many aspects of Web Science, such as Semantic Web, Web Retrieval, Social Web, Multimedia Web, Software Web and Interactive Web. Steffen is project coordinator for the EU Integrated Project « Robust – Risk and Opportunities Management of Huge-Scale Business Community Cooperation ». Previously, Steffen held positions as researcher, project leader and lecturer at the University of Freiburg, the University of Stuttgart/Fraunhofer Institute IAO, and the University of Karlsruhe and he is a co-founder of Ontoprise GmbH.

Special requests can be sent to program committee chairs using the address:
contact (at)

Scientific topics chairs :

For each topic, the first name in the list is the chair, others are deputy chairs.

Web Search
  • Wolfgang Nejdl
    University of Hannover (Germany)
  • Edleno Silva De Moura
    Univ. Federal do Amazonas (Brazil)
  • Hang Li
    Microsoft Research Asia (China)
Web Mining
  • Evgeniy Gabrilovich
    Yahoo! (USA)
  • Charles Clarke
    University of Waterloo (Canada)
Information Extraction and Natural Language Processing
  • Roberto Navigli
    Sapienza University Rome (Italy)
  • Hinrich Schütze
    University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Behavioral Analysis and Personalization
  • Andrei Broder
    Yahoo (USA)
  • Pearl Pu
    EPFL (Switzerland)
Social Networks
  • Bernardo Huberman
    HPLabs (USA)
  • Filippo Menczer
    Indiana University (USA)
Data and Content Management
  • Serge Abiteboul
    INRIA (France)
  • Alon Halevy
    Google (USA)
Semantic Web
  • Axel Polleres
    National University, Galway (Ireland)
  • Sören Auer
    University of Leipzig (Germany)
Security, Privacy, Trust, and Abuse
  • Yan Chen
    Northwestern University (USA)
  • Collin Jackson
    Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Internet Monetization and Incentives
  • Gui-Rong Xue
    Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (China)
  • Ying Li
    Microsoft Corporation (USA)
Web Engineering
  • Schahram Dustdar
    TU Wien (Austria)
  • Martin Gaedke
    TU Chemnitz (Germany)
Performance, Scaleability, and Availability
  • Giovanni Pacifici
    IBM Research (USA)
  • Bhuvan Urgaonkar
    Penn State University (USA)
User Interfaces, Interaction, and Human Factors
  • Mor Naaman
    Rutgers University (USA)
  • Björn Hartmann
    Univ. of California – Berkeley (USA)
Smart Devices and the Web
  • Matthias Wagner
    Docomo Labs (Germany)
  • Ora Lassila
    Nokia (USA)