www2012 Accessibility WG Summary

The main goal of the www2012 accessibility working group is to help the organization committee to improve the accessibility of the conference. As a result, it concerns communication (e.g. www2012 Web site), conference proceedings, presentations, transports, help desk, accommodation, etc. WWW2012 Accessibility board

  • Local Co-Chairs : Bruno Mascret and Benoit Encelle
  • International Co-Chairs : Klaus Miesenberger and Simon Harper

www2012 Accessibility goals

The main goal is to help the organization committee for anything about accessibility.

Venue, rooms, communication, information, … anything has to be checked for accessibility assessment. It is probably impossible to reach an ideal accessibility level, but it seems very important to develop specific methods, tools, protocols in order to assess all the types of accessibility and to help organizers to enhance it.

The first task is to gather documentation, best practices, tools, and people around the global task of accessibility. The second task is to provide help for organizers to make good choices and to communicate about them. The last task is to build a « book of good practices » for organizing accessible scientific conferences.