Call for posters

The poster track will continue the established tradition of providing an interaction opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their new and innovative work-in-progress and to obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives conference attendees a forum where they can learn about novel on-going research projects that might not yet be complete, but whose preliminary results are already interesting. It also provides poster presenters with an excellent opportunity to receive invaluable feedback from knowledgeable sources.

Posters will be peer-reviewed by members of the Posters Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Poster authors are not required to transfer copyright. Accepted poster papers will be allocated 2 pages in the conference proceedings. In addition to the 2-page submission, accepted poster authors will be asked to generate a poster and possible demonstration to be displayed in a dedicated poster area and presented during a poster session at the conference. To encourage high-quality submissions, awards will be presented to the Best Poster and the Best Student Poster.

Submission :

Submissions will follow the template available at :

and can be made at :

Inquiries can be sent to the track chairs at :

Important dates :

Submission dates
February 3rd, 2012 Posters submission
February 24th, 2012 Posters acceptance notifications
March 9th, 2012 Camera ready deadline for accepted posters
April 16th, 2012 Conference begins

Track chairs :

  • Lionel Médini Université de Lyon (France)
  • Yi Chang Yahoo! (USA)

Program committee :

  • Sitaram Asur (HP Labs Palo Alto, USA)
  • Jiang Bian (Yahoo! Labs, USA)
  • Karima Boudaoud (University of Nice, France)
  • Rui Cai (Microsoft Research Asia, China)
  • Gaelle Calvary (ENSIMAG, France)
  • K. Selcuk (Candan Arizona State University, USA)
  • Pierre-Antoine Champin (University of Lyon, France)
  • Yi Chang (Yahoo! Labs, USA)
  • Olivier Chapelle (Yahoo! Labs, USA)
  • Naren Chittar (Ebay, USA)
  • Bertrand David (University of Lyon, France)
  • Mohamed Elfeky (Google, USA)
  • Elena Ferrari (University of Insubria, Italy)
  • Marcus Fontoura (Google, USA)
  • Nazli Goharian (Georgetown University, USA)
  • Dominique Guinard (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
  • Zoltan Gyongyi (Google, USA)
  • Ralf Herbrich (Microsoft Research, UK)
  • Bijit Hore (University of California, Irvine, USA)
  • Yoshiyuki Inagaki (Yahoo! Labs, USA)
  • Ali Inan (Isik University, Turkey)
  • Wei Jiang (Ohio State University, USA)
  • Andreas Kaltenbrunner (Barcelona Media, Spain)
  • Murat Kantarcioglu (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
  • Latifur Khan (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
  • Bernhard Krüpl (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
  • Frédérique Laforest (University of Lyon, France)
  • Stephane Lavirotte (University of Nice, France)
  • Hongfei Lin (Dalian university of technology, China)
  • Dan Lin (Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA)
  • Ting Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)
  • Gabriel Macia-Fernandez (University of Granada, Spain)
  • Brad Malin (Vanderbilt University, USA)
  • Lionel Médini (University of Lyon, France)
  • Chikashi Nobata (University of Manchester, UK)
  • Paolo Papotti (Roma Tre University, Italy)
  • Davood Rafiei (University of Alberta, Canada)
  • Nicolas Roussel (Inria Lille Nord-Europe, France)
  • Yucel Saygin (Sabanci University, Turkey)
  • Uri Schonfeld (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
  • Mohamed Shehab (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA)
  • Wolf Siberski (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
  • Fabrizio Silvestri (Institue of Technology and Information Science, Italy)
  • Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany)
  • Krysta M. Svore (Microsoft Research, USA)
  • Lei Tang (Yahoo! Labs, USA)
  • Ismail Toroslu (Middle East Technical University, Turkey)
  • Raphael Troncy (Eurecom, France)
  • Zografoula Vagena (University of California, Riverside, USA)
  • Jaideep Vaidya (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA)
  • Sergei Vassilvitskii (Yahoo! Research, USA)
  • Ingmar Weber (Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain)
  • Erik Wilde (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
  • Li Xiong (Emory University, USA)
  • Hongbo Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
  • Wanli Zuo (Jilin University, China)