Web mining

The multitude of rich information sources available on the Web today provide fascinating mining opportunities such as constructing large knowledge bases and gazetteers, predicting the future, estimating the spread of a disease in a population, as well as filtering and cleaning Web content to improve the experience of users consuming it. We welcome original high-quality research submissions related to all aspects of Web Mining, including, but not limited to, the following topics :

  • Clustering and classification of text, Web pages and metadata
  • Change detection and monitoring methods
  • Query log, click trail, and traffic data mining
  • Mining tweets, tags, and multimodal data
  • Efficient algorithms for large-scale analysis
  • Machine learning and data mining techniques for data analysis
  • Other novel Web mining applications and algorithms

Program committee :

  • Agarwal, Deepak
  • Anagnostopoulos, Aris
  • Ashkan, Azin
  • Au Yeung, Ching Man
  • Balog, Krisztian
  • Bao, Shenghua
  • Bendersky, Michael
  • Bennett, Paul
  • Bilenko, Mikhail
  • Cafarella, Michael
  • Cai, Rui
  • Cao, Yunbo
  • Carmel, David
  • Castillo, Carlos
  • Chang, Kevin
  • Cheng, Hong
  • Choi, Yejin
  • Clarke, Charles
  • Collins-Thompson, Kevyn
  • Davison, Brian
  • Deng, Hongbo
  • Donato, Debora
  • Downey, Doug
  • Dupret, Georges
  • Elsas, Jonathan
  • Fan, Wei
  • Fang, Hui
  • Fetterly, Dennis
  • Gabrilovich, Evgeniy
  • Godbole, Shantanu
  • Goel, Sharad
  • Grefenstette, Gregory
  • Gurevych, Iryna
  • Hoi, Steven C.H.
  • Hsu, Paul
  • Hua, Ming
  • Huang, Xuanjing
  • Huang, Jimmy
  • Ipeirotis, Panagiotis
  • Jiang, Daxin
  • Josifovski, Vanja
  • Kanoulas, Evangelos
  • Koren, Yehuda
  • Koudas, Nick
  • Koutrika, Georgia
  • Kurland, Oren
  • König, Arnd Christian
  • Lempel, Ronny
  • Lim, Ee-Peng
  • Liu, Huan
  • Liu, Bing
  • Losada, David
  • Ma, Hao
  • Mei, Qiaozhu
  • Metzler, Donald
  • Mladenic, Dunja
  • Mobasher, Bamshad
  • Nastase, Vivi
  • Ng, Hwee-Tou
  • Nie, Zaiqing
  • Ntoulas, Alexandros
  • Ozertem, Umut
  • Pasca, Marius
  • Pechyony, Dmitry
  • Pei, Jian
  • Peng, Fuchun
  • Ponzetto, Simone Paolo
  • Poon, Hoifung
  • Radinsky, Kira
  • Raghavan, Hema
  • Rueger, Stefan
  • Siersdorfer, Stefan
  • Smola, Alex
  • Sokolova, Marina
  • Song, Ruihua
  • Strube, Michael
  • Svore, Krysta M.
  • Tang, Jie
  • Tomkins, Andrew
  • Wang, Jianyong
  • Weld, Daniel
  • Yan, Xifeng
  • Yilmaz, Emine
  • Yom-Tov, Elad
  • Zha, Hongyuan
  • Zhai, Chengxiang
  • Zhang, Dell

Additional reviewers :

  • Marlow, Cameron
  • Punera, Kunal
  • Vazirgiannis, Michalis