Semantic Web

One of the biggest challenges in Computer Science is the exploitation of the Web as a global platform for data and information integration as well as for intelligent search and querying. Just as we publish unstructured textual information on the Web as HTML pages and search such information by using keyword-based search engines, we will soon be able to easily publish structured information, reliably interlink this information with other data published on the Web and search the resulting data space by using expressive but user-friendly querying techniques. Semantic Web technologies and particularly the Linked Data paradigm have evolved as powerful enablers for the transition of the current document-oriented Web into a Web of interlinked data and, ultimately, into the Semantic Web.

To facilitate this transition many aspects of distributed data and information management need to be adapted, advanced and integrated. Of particular importance are approaches for (1) extracting semantics from unstructured, semi-structured and existing structured sources, (2) management of large volumes of RDF data, (3) techniques for efficient automatic and semi-automatic data linking, (4) algorithms, tools, and inference techniques for repairing and enriching Linked Data with conceptual knowledge, (5) the collaborative authoring and creation of data on the Web, (6) the establishment of trust by preserving provenance and tracing lineage, (7) user-friendly means for browsing, exploration and search of large, federated Linked Data spaces. Particularly promising might be the synergistic combination of approaches and techniques touching upon several of these aspects at once.

Relevant topics of the www2012 Semantic Web track include, but are not restricted to :

  • Linked Data on the Web as well as in the enterprise
  • RDF stores and repositories
  • RDF data publishing and access
  • Querying and searching Semantic Web Data, including combinations with statistics, natural language, soft computing and distributed approaches
  • Methods for linking, integrating and federating Data on the Web
  • Semantic annotation and metadata
  • Community and social mechanisms for the  definition of semantics of data, and metadata and ontology creation
  • Ontologies, Reasoning and representation languages (such as OWL), as they pertain to Web needs
  • Re-purposing of data, information, and  multimedia using semantics
  • Applications of Semantic Web formats for  enterprises, learning and science
  • Other novel applications that exploit  structured data sources on the Web
  • Blogs, wikis, browsers, crawlers, harvesters, content management systems, search engines and other applications that produce and consume Semantic Web Data
  • Mobile and ubiquitous applications exploiting semantics
  • User interfaces for interacting with Semantic Web Data
  • Methodologies for the engineering of Semantic Web applications

Program committee :

  • Alani, Harith
  • Auer, Sören
  • Bizer, Christian
  • Cimiano, Philipp
  • Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe
  • D’Amato, Claudia
  • De Virgilio, Roberto
  • Ding, Li
  • Euzenat, Jérôme
  • Gandon, Fabien
  • Handschuh, Siegfried
  • Harth, Andreas
  • Hartig, Olaf
  • Hepp, Martin
  • Hitzler, Pascal
  • Kagal, Lalana
  • Krötzsch, Markus
  • Lehmann, Jens
  • Mika, Peter
  • Motik, Boris
  • Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille
  • Parsia, Bijan
  • Patel-Schneider, Peter
  • Polleres, Axel
  • Sack, Harald
  • Schaffert, Sebastian
  • Schreiber, Guus
  • Schwabe, Daniel
  • Studer, Rudi
  • Tummarello, Giovanni
  • Wang, Haofen
  • Zhang , Lei