Performance, Scalability and Availability

This track welcomes submissions dealing with all aspects of the performance, availability, configuration and scalability of (i) the WWW itself, (ii) other systems or entities that support and affect the WWW, or (iii) systems or entities that depend on the WWW. We take a broad view that welcomes theoretical, analytical as well as empirical work.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following :

  • Performance modeling
  • Resource management and capacity planning
  • Virtualization technologies in Web systems
  • Cloud computing and Web systems
  • Monitoring and management
  • Caching and replication
  • Quality of service and service level agreement
  • Workload and performance characterization
  • Availability and fault-tolerance
  • Load balancing
  • Performance of Web multimedia systems

Program committee :

  • Almeida, Virgilio
  • Carrera, David
  • Chandra, Abhishek
  • Colajanni, Michele
  • Enck, William
  • Figueiredo, Daniel Ratton
  • Hellerstein, Joseph
  • Kelly, Terence
  • Kulkarni, Purushottam
  • Pacifici, Giovanni
  • Stadler, Rolf
  • Steinder, Malgorzata
  • Urgaonkar, Bhuvan
  • Wierman, Adam