Call for developers track

This is a track by developers, for developers. The audience will be highly technical and expecting to see new trends and interesting ideas, code and APIs of emerging applications, platforms and standards. Demonstrations of technical nitty-gritty are strongly encouraged. Submissions MUST be relevant, interesting and useful to working Web developers.

Focus areas include, but are not limited to :

  • Browsers, Plugins and Development Tools
  • Cloud Platforms
  • Open Data and Data Markets
  • Distributed Data Processing
  • HTML5 and Beyond
  • Linked Data
  • Monetization and Ads
  • The Web on new Devices
  • Web Standards and Protocols
  • User Interfaces and Visualization
  • Video and Multimedia on the Web
  • Web Data Acquisition and Cleaning

Submission guidelines :

This track is an ideal venue for short reports of industry and academic technical works. The proceedings of the Developers Track will be published online. The authors of accepted submissions will have the option to publish a 3-page report.

Accepted presentations will be considered for one of the following formats :

  • Lightning talk/demo (5min)
  • Short presentation (20min)
  • Long presentation (40min)

Proposal submissions consist of a 1-3 page description of the presentation in PDF or HTML format. Use of the ACM SIG Proceedings Template is recommended. Optionally, supplementary material can be submitted, such as a URL to a demo/screencast or slides.

Submission :

Please submit proposals via EasyChair at :

Inquiries can be sent to

Important dates :

Submission dates
February 10th, 2012 Proposals submission
March 20th, 2012 Proposals acceptance notifications
March 26th, 2012 Camera ready submission
April 16th, 2012 Conference begins

Track chairs :

  • Raphaël Troncy EURECOM (France)
  • Richard Cyganiak DERI, NUI Galway (Ireland)

Program committee :

  • Charlton Eric, University of Montreal
  • Clark Lin, Drupal
  • Dubost Karl, Opera
  • Hausenblas Michael, DERI Galway
  • Hazael-Massieux Dominique, W3C
  • Larlet David, Freelance Web Developer
  • Mahemoff Michael, Freelance Web Developer
  • Passant Alexandre, Seevl
  • Pfeiffer Silvia, Vquence
  • Rizzo Giuseppe, EURECOM
  • Steiner Thomas, Google
  • Tori Andraz, Zemanta
  • Wilde Erik, University of Berkeley