I will be There

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If you're attending, please create an account and say something on your user page about yourself.

Moved to user pages:


David Leip

I'm the chief innovation officer for ibm.com. I'm interested in people responsible for other corporate web presences.

Kirstie Hawkey

I'm a PhD candidate in theEDGE Lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax. My main research interest is the privacy of incidental information, those pesky traces of previous activities that can be visible during collaboration around a personal computer (e.g. previous search terms in a web browser revealed through the use of Auto Complete) and may not be appropriate for the current viewers of the display. I'm one of the organizers of the Logging Traces of Web Activity: The Mechanics of Data Collection workshop and will be presenting a paper on Wednesday Examining the Content and Privacy of Web Browsing Incidental Information. I'm arriving in Edinburgh on Saturday night and am looking forward to exploring the city.

Nigel Hamilton

I am the developer of a new search engine called Trexy.com. At the conference, I’ll be programming a new feature for the website in real time. If anyone has any suggestions for a new feature, stop by booth 13 in the exhibition area. We will choose the new feature at the end of Tuesday. From there it will be design, code, test and go live by the end of the week - all while exhibiting at the conference. You can contact me at nigel@trexy.com and I’ll also be on the pub crawl on Wednesday night.

Paul Walsh

I'm CEO of Segala; co-editor of the W3C MWI mobileOK document. I'm a member of the W3C MWI Steering Council and sponsor of the WCL-XG project. I'm also Chair of the British Interactive Media Association (www.bima.co.uk) - site to be redesigned so if you want to tender for this project please drop me a note. My three presentations at www2006 are Opportunities for the Mobile/Pervasive Web, What will the Mobile Web 2.0 be? and Models of Trust for the Web

Robert Easthope

I am a Systems Administrator for the web group at UKERNA. I will be attending for the first time this year and looking forward to the conference and meeting lots of new people. My interests are in web application developments.

Christopher Gutteridge

I'm the Web Projects Manager for ECS at Southampton (so blame me for the website). I'm also lead developer on the EPrints project, and work in the area of Open Access Repositories. I'm always happy for a beer and a chat. - cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk (update: I also like whiskey, speyside for preference. Hopefully I'll be able to find some)

King, Ryan

I'm an engineer with Technorati and work on the microformats initiative. I like beer. :D

email: firstname AT myemployer DOT com

Decker, Stefan

I'm an professor and leader of the Semantic Web research group at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute in Galway and work on the Social Semantic Information Spaces (eg., the Semantic Desktop). Of course I also like beer. :D

email: Stefan . Decker AT DERI DOT org

Denny Vrandecic

PhD Student at the AIFB in Karlsruhe, Germany. I am co-organizer of the EON2006 workshop. I don't like beer at all. But a lot of other stuff. I am interested in Semantic Web topics, and hope to discuss with you the web of tomorrow (or, well, maybe the day after that) at the conference. See you in Edinburgh!

M.T. Carrasco Benitez

I am organizing the Multilingual Web Site BOF.

Jeff Dalton

I am an engineer at Globalspec and work on The Engineering Web search engine. I am interested in spam, ranking, text classification, information extraction, and related topics. I'm getting married (website) in Edinburgh after the conference. I also love real ale. email: jeffdalton AT hotmail DOT com

Dave Brondsema

I am presenting Konfidi research at the Models of Trust for the Web workshop. I am interested in trust, identity, spam, social networks, photo metadata, software development in higher ed, family blogging, and the Apache Software Foundation. I am a Java software developer (JSF, portlets, spring, hibernate) at Cornerstone University. email: dave AT brondsema DOT net

Monika Solanki

I'm a Research fellow working at the De Montfort University, UK on Web services wth specific interest in Service composition and the application of Semantic Web technologies to Web services. I am presenting at the Web services track (second last presentation on the last day!!!!!!) I don't drink beer, but orange juice should be good enough...:). I shall be around in Edinburgh from Sunday afternoon (21 st) to Friday evening (26 th).

email: monika at dmu DOT ac DOT uk

Stephan Fowler

I'll be talking about Public Key Authentication for HTTP on Wednesday - Developer Track and on Friday - Authentication 2.0 panel. I'm with Clink Systems, based in London.

Email: stephan AT clinksystems DOT com

Arnon Hershkovitz

I'm a PhD candidate in the Knowldge Technology Lab (my homepage is being built), School of Education, Tel Aviv University, Israel. My main research interest is Usage Mining of Online Learning, and I'm going to attend the Usage Mining workshop. This is my second time in Edinburgh, and I can't wait to eat Fish&Chips and Haggis...

Email: arnonher AT post DOT tau DOT ac DOT il

Avigdor Gal

I am a faculty member at the Information Systems Engineering area, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management at the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology. I am co-organizing the IIWeb'2006 workshop and participating in the E-Government: Barriers and Opportunities workshop. I am involved in two European projects on eGovernment, Qualeg and TerreGov. My main area of research is that of schema matching. You may wanna follow this link to OntoBuilder our research platform. Beer sounds good.

Email: avigal AT ie DOT technion DOT ac DOT il

Michael Witbrock

Michael Witbrock is Vice President for Research at Cycorp. At Cycorp, he has been responsible for the DARPA RKF and Transfer Learning Project and two seedlings, the ARDA AQUAINT and NIMD projects, the Vulcan Capital HALO project, and the NIST StreamSage project among others. He has also been a major instigator of Cycorp's work, via Cycorp RER in Ljubljana, to integrate Cyc into European research projects. Cycorp's web site.

Esteban Meneses

I am interested in web clustering and new approaches to model web document collections. I'll be presenting some ideas in the poster session. I am from Costa Rica! Contact me: esteban . meneses AT gmail DOT com

Gautam Hazari

I am a Service Platform Architect at Vodafone. I am interested in Web 2.0, Mobile Web, Collaborative Tagging, Web Services in the Mobile Web and in the Web 2.0 world, Semantic Web and Ontologies, Community Participation Model and Collborative model in Web Services etc. And no interests in Beer :-)

Brian Suda

I will be presenting a session on the developer track: Microformats, converting XHTML to vCards and vCalendars

For my more information and contact information visit my site: http://suda.co.uk/

Winnie Hsia

I am a co-organizer for the Infosys / e-skills workshop on IT education in England for 14-19 year olds. I'm an American who has been living in Bangalore, India for the past year and I am looking forward to my first trip to Edinburgh! Also, I quite enjoy a good beer. :)

If you happen to be an IT professional who is interested in influencing the development of this IT Diploma programme, please drop me an email at winnie_hsia AT infosys.com.

Jeremy Harmer

I will be at the conference from monday to friday. My interests include how best to enable our users while retaining control of our corporate content. So I am keen to learn about any new technologies that our users will want/need to use and how best we can cater for their needs.

Nick Mattin

I'm the web services manager for the the University of Cambridge administration. Interested in everything and anything that can support our users. Mainly supporting business processes on the web - Xforms, XML, Ruby on Rails. Intersted in the semantic web and microformats and SOA (and beer)

Wejdan H. Jasim

I am Software Developer(VB.NET) ,Database Administrator and IT trainer working in IT education project and especially in e-Learning and developing on line curriculum and web assessment tools, I am attending for the first time to the conference on Thursday only,it is my first time coming to UK and I am glad to do so ,I am MSc Student in Strategic Business IT with Portsmouth Univ. ,I am interested more in Strategic plans in IT frims ,I like reading , shopping ,and programming ALOT!! you can email me at: wijwij AT gmail DOT com

Jakob Voss

I'm in in Edinburgh till next Saturday. Interested in Wiki research and collaborative tagging.

email: jakob dot voss at nichtich dot de

Dave Beckett

I'm a developer working for Yahoo! in Sunnyvale on semantic web and RDF problems and have been going to the web conferences since Darmstadt in 1995. Interested in web, rdf, sparql, tagging. Contact me via my home page and see what else I've been up to.

Marja-Riitta Koivunen

I'm interested in Semantic Web based social annotations, bookmarks (tagging), and topics (folksonomies) and collaboration in document context. I develop Annotea [1] and do usability and user experience consulting. Annotea looks tagging from user point of view, for instance, the format lets users store they bookmarks not just in one dedicated service but in several private and public bookmark stores or locally in their computers but look at them as they would be in one service.

Tomasz Kaczmarek

I'm PhD candidate and research assistant at The Poznan Univ. of Economics (Poland). My research topics are: content extraction and data integration from the Web (don't forget to check out my poster on Wednesday ;) It is my first time on WWW and in Edinburgh. I hope to have a good time.

Arouna Woukeu

I'm a Reseach Assitant and at the end of my PhD at the University of Southampton. My research interests include Semantic Web and Document Engineering (PhD), Mobile Grid Computing for eLearning (EU ELeGI project), Digital Repositories (R4L project). I'm in Edinburgh till Saturday and I'm excited about meeting new people and hope to have a great time. I am very interested in meeting new people with shared research interests. My email is aw1 @ ecs.soton.ac.uk

Dave Challis

I'm webmaster for School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. I'm interesting in wikis of all kinds (and other collaborative web tools), ajax, tagging, Web 2.0 and most related areas. You'll probably find me wandering the city taking photos, or sampling local beer/whiskey (or whatever I'm bought).

Arnav Khare

I am a student at the University of Edinburgh interested in a lot of things including web search, collaborative tagging and peer-to-peer technologies. I am keen to meet people interested and working in these fields. I am also a local-ite here, and so if you have any problems with the city or just want to meet up... you can get in touch with me at: a,khare@sms,ed,ac,uk where ',' = '.'

Peggy Miles

I'd love to meet up with anyone involved in multimedia. I was a speaker on the media/entertainment panel but my intererest are anything audio and video around the world fostering better communications. I"m interested in multilingual work with multimedia, video and audio search, and business applications. You will find me likely in the press room with laptop or someone around the conference at a related session with the laptop open. Any Washington DC area folks - love to continue these discussions when I get home - pmiles @ intervox.com

List of attendees

As far as the wiki knows...

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