When using ontology-based techniques for knowledge management it is important for the ontology to capture the domain knowledge in a proper way. Very often different tasks and users require the knowledge to be encoded into ontology in different ways, depending on the task. For instance, the same document-database in a company may be viewed differently by marketing, management, and technical staff. Therefore it is crucial to develop techniques for incorporating user's background knowledge into ontologies.
In [4] we introduced a system called OntoGen for semi-automatic construction of topic ontologies. Topic ontology consists of a set of topics (or concepts) and a set of relations between the topics which best describe the data. The OntoGen system helps the user by discovering possible concepts and relations between them within the data.
In this paper we propose a method which extends OntoGen system so that the user can supervise the methods for concept discovery by providing background knowledge - his specific view on the data used by the text mining algorithms in the system.
To encode the background knowledge we require from the user to group documents into categories. These categories do not need to describe the data in details, the important thing is that they show to the system the user's view of the data - which documents are similar and which are different from the user's perspective. The process of manually marking the documents with categories is time consuming but can be significantly speeded up by the use of active learning [5], [7] . Another source of such labeled data could be popular online tagging services (e.g Del.icio.us) which allow the user to label the websites of his interests with labels he chose.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce OntoGen system and in Section 3 we derive the algorithm for calculating word weights. We conclude the paper with some preliminary results in Section 4.
Important parts of OntoGen [4] are methods for discovering concepts from a collection of documents. For the representation of documents we use the well established bag-of-words representation, where each document is encoded as a vector of term frequencies and the similarity of a pair of documents is calculated by the number and the weights of the words that these two documents share. This method heavily relies on the weights associated with the words - the higher the weight of a specific word is the more probable it is that two documents are similar if they share this word. The weights of the words are commonly calculated by so called TFIDF weighting [8] . We argue that this provides just one of the possible views on the data and propose an alternative word weighting that also takes into account the background knowledge which provides the user's view on the documents.
OntoGen discovers concepts using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [3] and k-means clustering [6] . The LSI is a method for linear dimensionality reduction by learning and optimal sub-basis for approximating documents' bag-of-words vectors. The sub-basis vectors are treated as concepts. The k-means method discovers concepts by clustering the documents' bag-of-words vectors into k clusters where each cluster is treated as a concept.
The most commonly used representation of the documents in text mining is bag-of-words representation [5]. Let V={w1,...,wn} be vocabulary of words. Let TFk be the number of occurrences of the word wk in the document. In the bag-of-words representation a single document is encoded as a vector x with elements corresponding to the words from a vocabulary providing some word weight, eg. xk = TFk.
Measure usually used to compare text documents is cosine similarity [5] and is defined to be the cosine of the angle between two documents' bag-of-words vectors,
Performance of both bag-of-words representation and cosine similarity can be significantly influenced by word weights. Each word from vocabulary V is assigned a weight and elements of vectors xi are multiplied by the corresponding weights.
Feature selection methods based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) [2] has been found to increase the performance of classification by discovering which words are important for determining the correct category of a document [1]. The method proceeds as follow. First linear SVM classifier is trained using all the features. Classification of a document is done by multiplying the document's bag-of-words vector with the normal vector computed by SVM,
xTw = x1w1 + x2w2 + ... + xnwn,
and if the result is above some threshold b then the document is considered positive. This process can also be seen as voting where each word is assigned a vote weight wi and when document is being classified each word from the document issues xiwi as its vote. All the votes are summed together to obtain the classification. A vote can be positive (the document belongs to the category) or negative (does not belong to the category).
A simple way of selecting the most important words for the given category would be to select the words with the highest vote values wi for the category. It turns out that it is more stable to select the words with the highest vote xiwi averaged over all the positive documents. The votes wi could also be interpreted as word weights since they are higher for the words which better separate the documents according to the given categories.
The algorithm we developed for assigning weights using SVM feature selection method is the following:
This approach has another strong point. Weights are not only selected so that similarities correspond to the categories given by the user but they also depend on the context. Let us illustrate this on a sample document which contains words "machine learning". If the document would belong to category "learning" then the word "learning" would have high weight and the word "machine" low weight. However, if the same document would belong to category "machine learning", then most probably both words would be found important by SVM.
As a document collection for testing the above methods we chose Reuters RCV1 [9] dataset. We chose it because each news article from the dataset has two different types of categories (1) the topics covered and (2) the countries involved in it. We used a subset of 5000 randomly chosen documents for the experiments.
In the Figure 1 are the top 3 concepts discovered with k-means algorithm for both word weighting schemas. Documents are placed also in different concepts. For example, having two documents talking about the stock prices, one at the New York stock-exchange and the other at the UK stock-exchange. The New York document was placed in (1) Market concept (the same as the UK document) and in (2) USA concept (while the UK document was placed in (2) Europe concept).
Figure 1. The top 3 discovered concepts for topic labels (left) and for country labels (right).
This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and the IST Programme of the European Community under SEKT Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies (IST-1-506826-IP) and PASCAL Network of Excellence (IST-2002-506778). This publication only reflects the authors' views.
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