Two widely-known research areas investigating document segmentation are proximity measurement and passage retrieval [2]. Proximity measurement considers the distance between queried words within the same document; on the other hand, passage retrieval can be viewed as a type of proximity measure, which mainly investigates how to segment a document into smaller units (termed passages) and returns only the most relevant passages to users rather than the whole document. Although the area of passage retrieval has been widely investigated, some issues need to be considered. For example, an appropriate indexing method has to be chosen, as it can be slow due to the larger number of passages compared to documents [8]. Moreover, it may not be suitable for very long queries as there is a low possibility that short passages can match many queried words [3].
Based on the concept of article writing in which authors usually arrange associated ideas together, PWP considers the occurrence of unique queried words and determines relevance through the proximity of these words enclosed in the same paragraph (called logical block hereafter). The process of PWP can be divided into three steps as below.
1) Query Analysis: this procedure mainly concerns how to assign a weight to each unique queried word. In this experiment, an equal weight is employed; however, different weighting schemes can be applied instead, such as user-specified weights.
2) Logical Block Identification: as previous research mainly focuses on a typical document, PWP addresses how to separate HTML documents into blocks with the use of seven HTML tags which are title, paragraph, headers, table, unordered list, ordered list, and horizontal rule.
3) Similarity Value Calculation:
the occurrences of queried words inside each block are located
and a score is then assigned to each block with respect to the
number of unique queried words. Let
be the weight of a queried term
the number of unique queried words in a query
number of unique queried words in a logical block
the total weight of all queried words,
the number of logical blocks within a document,
the score of
The scoring scheme of PWP is shown as follows.
procedure Similarity Value Calculation
(1) for each queried termin a query,
(2) initial score of each logical block![]()
(3) for each logical block![]()
(4) if allappear in
(5) the score ofis
PWP score![]()
end procedure
The effectiveness of PWP is compared to Minimum Distance Between Queried Pair (MQP),
employed as a part of Inquirus [6].
The MQP score of a document is
calculated as follows.
where is the minimum distance between queried
-th and
the number of unique queried words in a
document, and
constant specifying the maximum useful distance between queried
words. To compare the effectiveness of both methods, a test
system was constructed from three test sets based on the WT10G
dataset provided from TREC, and 50 short queries created from the
titles and descriptions of Topics 501-550. Each test set
comprises three underlying engines; Test Set 1 comprises
fub01be2, JuruFull and ricMM; Test Set 2 includes Ntvenx2,
PDWTAHDR and uwmtaw1; finally, icadhoc2, irtLnua and uncfsls are
chosen for Test Set 3. Two criteria are employed to evaluate the
effectiveness: the average interpolated precision-recall
(AvgPrec) [1] and
the average Discounted Cumulative Gain (AvgDCG) [5]. AvgPrec
measures the accuracy of a retrieval strategy to order relevant
documents toward the top rank, where AvgDCG assesses the effort
spent by users to gain knowledge from result lists.
The experiment further investigates whether a combination of
PWP and MQP, known as PROX hereafter,
can improve the effectiveness as research has shown that a
combination of similarity values from different retrieval
strategies yield considerable improvement [4,7].
In this experiment, CombSUM [4], the
sum of individual similarity values, is employed to combine the
scores of both methods. The effectiveness of PWP, MQP and PROX is
demonstrated in Table 1.
From Table 1, the results are not consistent as PWP sometimes provides lower AvgPrec and AvgDCG. This can be explained that MQP considers only the distances between all pairs of queried words; as a result, if a particular document contains only one out of many queried words, this document will be assigned a score of zero, as there is no distance between queried words. This situation may occur when users have no knowledge regarding the topics for which they are searching, they may enter words which are not related to or commonly used in the topics; for example, users may search for ``cloud and silhouette'' rather than ``cloud and formation''. In contrast, PWP looks at both the number of unique queried words and the occurrence of these words; therefore in the same situation PWP will assign scores to a document with respect to the occurrence of each word and its position.
Another limitation of MQP is that it tends to give equal scores to documents as it only takes into account the average minimum distance of queried words; as a consequence, it is difficult to rank many documents which obtain an equal score. An example of such is the name of an organization, such as ``Federal Housing Administration''. PWP can mitigate this limitation by assigning higher scores to documents containing more occurrences of queried words in different blocks.
Having alleviated the limitations of MQP, PWP has a restriction regarding multiple-topic documents, which tend to be longer and have more logical blocks compared to single-topic documents. Due to this, pages with multiple-topics are likely to obtain low scores from PWP even though their content covers a searched topic. This is mainly caused by PWP using the maximum possible score to normalize the raw score; hence, scores of related blocks will be reduced by the weight of unrelated blocks. On the other hand, MQP is not affected by multiple-topic documents due to consideration of only one occurrence of the queried-word set. Another limitation of PWP is that it could obtain lower AvgDCG values than MQP because PWP considers both the number of unique queried words and the number of their occurrences.
Table 1 further demonstrates that PROX
generally provides significant improvement compared with PWP and
MQP on their own, as the combination merges the advantages of
both strategies. Consider the example shown in Table 2, where it can be seen that
obtains the highest score from MQP but the lowest from PWP. This
means that the distance among queried words of
the shortest compared with the others but the number of
occurrences is the lowest. On the other hand, having the highest
relevant judgment,
ranked second by both MQP and PWP. Once the similarity values are
combined, the rank of
increased first due to a higher frequency of its occurrence,
although the value of its average minimum distance is lower than
Table 2: Example of a combination between MQP and PWP
MQP | PWP | MQP+PWP | ||||||
ID | Score | Rel | ID | Score | Rel | ID | Score | Rel |
![]() |
0.95 | 0 | ![]() |
0.84 | 1 | ![]() |
1.54 | 2 |
![]() |
0.78 | 2 | ![]() |
0.76 | 2 | ![]() |
1.49 | 1 |
![]() |
0.65 | 1 | ![]() |
0.41 | 0 | ![]() |
1.36 | 0 |
PWP linearly combines scores of all logical blocks with the use of maximum normalization to represent a final document score, and the whole document is presented to users. Although PWP has limitations, it can alleviate the limitations of MQP and a combination of both can significantly improve the effectiveness, thus supporting previous research.
This work is partly supported by the Royal Thai Government through a studentship of S. Palakvangsa-Na-Ayudhya.
[1] R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto. Retrieval Performance Evaluation. In Modern Information Retrieval, pages 74-84. ACM Press, 1999.
[2] M. Beigbeder. Integrating Boolean and Vector Models of Information Retrieval with Passage Retrieval.In Winter Intl. Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, 2005.
[3] J. P. Callan. Passage-Level Evidence in Document Retrieval. In Proc. ACM SIGIR'94, 1994.
[4] E. A. Fox and J. A. Shaw. Combination of Multiple Searches. In Proc. 2nd TREC, 1993.
[5] K. Järvelin and J. Kekäläinen. IR Evaluation Methods for Retrieving Highly Relevant Documents. In Proc. ACM SIGIR'00, 2000.
[6] S. Lawrence and C. L. Giles. Inquirus, the NECI Meta Search Engine. In Proc. 7th Intl. World Wide Web Conference, 1998.
[7] R. Manmatha and H. Sever. A Formal Approach to Score Normalization for Metasearch. In Proc. Human Language Technology Conference, 2002.
[8] R. Wilkinson. Effective Retrieval of Structured Documents. In Proc. ACM SIGIR'94, 1994.