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WWW 2006, May 23.26, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland.
ACM 1-59593-323-9/06/0005.
We revisit a problem introduced by Bharat and Broder almost a decade ago: how to sample random pages from a search engine's index using only the search engine's public interface? Such a primitive is particularly useful in creating objective benchmarks for search engines.
The technique of Bharat and Broder suffers from two well recorded biases: it favors long documents and highly ranked documents. In this paper we introduce two novel sampling techniques: a lexicon-based technique and a random walk technique. Our methods produce biased sample documents, but each sample is accompanied by a corresponding ``weight'', which represents the probability of this document to be selected in the sample. The samples, in conjunction with the weights, are then used to simulate near-uniform samples. To this end, we resort to three well known Monte Carlo simulation methods: rejection sampling, importance sampling and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
We analyze our methods rigorously and prove that under plausible assumptions, our techniques are guaranteed to produce near-uniform samples from the search engine's index. Experiments on a corpus of 2.4 million documents substantiate our analytical findings and show that our algorithms do not have significant bias towards long or highly ranked documents. We use our algorithms to collect fresh data about the relative sizes of Google, MSN Search, and Yahoo!.
H.3.3: Information Search and Retrieval.
Measurement, Algorithms.
search engines, benchmarks, sampling, size estimation.
The latest round in the search engine size wars (cf. [22]) erupted last August after Yahoo! claimed [20] to index more than 20 billion documents. At the same time Google reported only 8 billion pages in its index, but simultaneously announced [3] that its index is three times larger than its competition's. This surreal debate underscores the lack of widely acceptable benchmarks for search engines.
Current evaluation methods for search engines [11,14,6] are labor-intensive and are based on anecdotal sets of queries or on fixed TREC data sets. Such methods do not provide statistical guarantees about their results. Furthermore, when the query test set is known in advance, search engines can manually adapt their results to guarantee success in the benchmark.
In an attempt to come up with reliable automatic benchmarks for search engines, Bharat and Broder [4] proposed the following problem: can we sample random documents from a search engine's index using only the engine's public interface? Unlike the manual methods, random sampling offers statistical guarantees about its test results. It is important that the sampling is done only via the public interface, and not by asking the search engine itself to collect the sample documents, because we would like the tests to be objective and not to rely on the goodwill of search engines. Furthermore, search engines seem reluctant to allow random sampling from their index, because they do not want third parties to dig into their data.
Random sampling can be used to test the quality of search engines under a multitude of criteria: (1) Overlap and relative sizes: we can find out, e.g., what fraction of the documents indexed by Yahoo! are also indexed by Google and vice versa. Such size comparisons can indicate which search engines have better recall for narrow-topic queries. (2) Topical bias: we can identify themes or topics that are overrepresented or underrepresented in the index. (3) Freshness evaluation: we can evaluate the freshness of the index, by estimating the fraction of ``dead links'' it contains. (4) Spam evaluation: using a spam classifier, we can find the fraction of spam pages in the index. (5) Security evaluation: using an anti-virus software, we can estimate the fraction of indexed documents that are contaminated by viruses.
The Bharat-Broder approach. Bharat and Broder proposed
the following simple algorithm for uniformly sampling documents
from a search engine's index. The algorithm successively
formulates ``random'' queries, submits the queries to the search
engine, and picks uniformly chosen documents from the result sets
returned. In order to construct the random queries, uses a
lexicon of terms that appear in web documents. Each term
in the lexicon should be accompanied by an estimate of its
frequency on the web. Random queries are then formulated as
conjunctions or disjunctions of terms that are randomly selected
from the lexicon, based on their estimated frequency. The lexicon
is constructed at a pre-processing step by crawling a large
corpus of documents (Bharat and Broder crawled the Yahoo!
As Bharat and Broder noted in the original article [4] and was later observed by
subsequent studies [7],
the method suffers from severe biases. The first bias is towards
long, ``content-rich'', documents, simply because these documents
match many more queries than short documents. An extreme example
is online dictionaries and word lists (such as the ispell
dictionaries), which will be returned as the result of almost any
query. Worse than that, when queries are formulated as
conjunctions or disjunctions of unrelated terms, typically
only dictionaries and word lists match the queries.
Another major problem is that search engines do not allow access
to the full list of results, but rather only to the top
ones (where
is usually 1,000). Since
the Bharat-Broder technique samples documents only from the top
, it is biased towards
documents that have high static rank. Finally, the accuracy of
the Bharat-Broder method is directly related to the quality of
the term frequency estimates it uses. In particular, if these
estimates are biased, then the same bias will be reflected in the
samples. Collecting accurate term statistics is a major problem
by itself, and it is not clear that using a web directory like
Yahoo! is sufficient.
Our contributions. We propose two novel methods for
sampling pages from a search engine's index. Our first technique
uses a lexicon to formulate random queries, but unlike the
Bharat-Broder approach, does not need to know term frequencies.
Our second technique is based on a random walk on a virtual graph
defined over the documents in the index. This technique does not
need a lexicon at all.
Both our techniques, like the Bharat-Broder method, produce
biased samples. That is, some documents are more likely
to be sampled than others. Yet, our algorithms have one crucial
advantage: they produce together with each sample document
a corresponding
, which
represents the probability
of the
document to be sampled. This seemingly minor difference turns out
to be extremely significant. The weights allow us to apply
stochastic simulation methods on the samples and
consequently obtain uniform, unbiased, samples from the
search engine's index!
A simulation method accepts samples taken from a trial
distribution and
simulates sampling from a target distribution
. In order for the
simulation to be feasible, the simulator needs to be able to
, at least
up to normalization, given any instance
. The simulation
has some overhead, which depends on how far
are from each other. In
our case
is the uniform
distribution over the search engine's index, and
is the distribution of
samples generated by our samplers. We employ three Monte Carlo
simulation methods: rejection sampling, importance
sampling, and the Metropolis-Hastings
One technical difficulty in applying simulation methods in our
setting is that the weights produced by our samplers are only
approximate. To the best of our knowledge, stochastic
simulation with approximate weights has not been addressed
before. We are able to show that the rejection sampling method
still works even when provided with approximate weights. The
distribution of the samples it generates is no longer identical
to the target distribution
, but is rather only close to
. Similar analysis for importance sampling and for the
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is deferred to future work, but our
empirical results suggest that they too are affected only
marginally by the approximate weights.
Pool-based sampler. A query pool is a
collection of queries. Our pool-based sampler assumes knowledge
of some query pool .
The terms constituting queries in the pool can be collected by
crawling a large corpus, like the Yahoo! or ODP [9] directories. We stress again
that knowledge of the frequencies of these terms is not
The volume of a query
is the number of
documents indexed by the search engine and that match
. We first show
that if the sampler could somehow sample queries from the pool
proportionally to their volume, then we could attach to each
sample a weight. Then, by applying any of the simulation methods
(say, rejection sampling), we would obtain truly uniform samples
from the search engine's index. Sampling queries according to
their volume is tricky, though, because we do not know a priori
the volume of queries. What we do instead is sample queries from
the pool according to some other, arbitrary, distribution (e.g.,
the uniform one) and then simulate sampling from the
volume distribution. To this end, we use stochastic simulation
again. Hence, stochastic simulation is used twice: first to
generate the random queries and then to generate the uniform
We rigorously analyze the pool-based sampler and identify the properties of the query pool that make this technique accurate and efficient. We find that using a pool of phrase queries is much more preferable to using conjunctive or disjunctive queries, like the ones used by Bharat and Broder.
Random walk sampler. We propose a completely different
sampler, which does not use a term lexicon at all. This sampler
performs a random walk on a virtual graph defined over the
documents in the index. The limit equilibrium distribution of
this random walk is the uniform distribution over the documents,
and thus if we run the random walk for sufficiently many steps,
we are guaranteed to obtain near-uniform samples from the
The graph is defined as follows: two documents are connected by an edge iff they share a term or a phrase. This means that both documents are guaranteed to belong to the result set of a query consisting of the shared term/phrase. Running a random walk on this graph is simple: we start from an arbitrary document, at each step choose a random term/phrase from the current document, submit a corresponding query to the search engine, and move to a randomly chosen document from the query's result set.
The random walk as defined does not converge to the uniform distribution. In order to make it uniform, we apply the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. We analyze the random walk experimentally, and show that a relatively small number of steps is needed to approach the limit distribution.
Experimental results. To validate our techniques, we
crawled 2.4 million English pages from the ODP hierarchy
[9], and built a search
engine over these pages. We used a subset of these pages to
create the query pool needed for our pool-based sampler and for
the Bharat-Broder sampler.
We ran our two samplers as well as the Bharat-Broder sampler on this search engine, and calculated bias towards long documents and towards highly ranked documents. As expected, the Bharat-Broder sampler was found to have significant bias. On the other hand, our pool-based sampler had no bias at all, while the random walk sampler only had a small negative bias towards short documents.
We then used our pool-based sampler to collect samples from Google, MSN Search, and Yahoo!. As a query pool, we used 5-term phrases extracted from English pages at the ODP hierarchy. We used the samples from the search engines to produce up-to-date estimates of their relative sizes.
For lack of space, all proofs are omitted. They can be found in the full version of the paper.
Apart from Bharat and Broder, several other studies used queries to search engines to collect random samples from their indices. Queries were either manually crafted [5], collected from user query logs [17], or selected randomly using the technique of Bharat and Broder [12,7]. Assuming search engine indices are independent and uniformly chosen subsets of the web, estimates of the sizes of search engines and the indexable web have been derived. Due to the bias in the samples, though, these estimates lack any statistical guarantees. Dobra and Fienberg [10] showed how to avoid the unrealistic independence and uniformity assumptions, but did not address the sampling bias. We believe that their methods could be combined with ours to obtain accurate size estimates.
Several studies [18,15,16,2,23] developed methods for sampling pages from the indexable web. Such methods can be used to also sample pages from a search engine's index. Yet, since these methods try to solve a harder problem, they also suffer from various biases, which our method does not have. It is interesting to note that the random walk approaches of Henzinger et al. [16] and Bar-Yossef et al. [2] implicitly use importance sampling and rejection sampling to make their samples near-uniform. Yet, the bias they suffer towards pages with high in-degree is significant.
Last year, Anagnostopoulos, Broder, and Carmel [1] proposed an enhancement to index architecture that could support random sampling from the result sets of broad queries. This is very different from what we do in this paper: our techniques do not propose any changes to current search engine architecture and do not rely on internal data of the search engine; moreover, our goal is to sample from the whole index and not from the result set of a particular query.
Notation. All probability spaces in this paper are
discrete and finite. Given a distribution on a domain
the support of
defined as:
. For an event
, we define
to be the
probability of this event under
Search engines. A search engine is a tuple
is the collection of
documents indexed. Documents are assumed to have been
pre-processed (e.g., they may be truncated to some maximum size
is the space
of queries supported by the search engine.
is an
evaluation function, which maps every query
an ordered sequence of documents, called candidate
results. The volume of
is the number of
candidate results:
is the result
limit. Only the top
candidate results are actually returned. These top
results are called the
result set of
and are denoted
A query
overflows, if
, and it
underflows, if
. Note that if
does not
overflow, then
A document
a query
, if
. The set of
queries that a document
matches is
Search engine samplers. Let be a target distribution over the document
. Typically,
is uniform, i.e.,
, for all
. A
search engine sampler with target
is a randomized
procedure, which generates a random document
from the domain
. The distribution of
the sample
is called the
sampling distribution and is denoted by
. Successive
invocations of the sampler produce independent samples from
. Ideally,
, in which case
the sampler is called perfect. Otherwise, the sampler is
biased. The quality of a search engine sampler is
measured by two parameters: the sampling recall,
measuring ``coverage'', and the sampling bias, measuring
Search engine samplers have only ``black box'' access to the
search engine through its public interface. That is, the sampler
can produce queries, submit them to the search engine, and get
back their results. It cannot access internal data of the search
engine. In particular, if a query overflows, the sampler does not
have access to results beyond the top .
Not all documents in are practically reachable via the public interface of
the search engine. Some pages have no text content and others
have very low static rank, and thus formulating a query that
returns them as one of the top
results may be impossible. Thus, search engine samplers usually
generate samples only from large subsets of
and not from the whole
. The sampling
recall of a sampler with sampling distribution
is defined as
For instance, when
is the
uniform distribution, the sampling recall is
, i.e., the
fraction of documents which the sampler can actually return as
samples. Ideally, we would like the recall to be as close to 1 as
possible. Note that even if the recall is lower than 1, but
sufficiently representative of
, then estimators that use samples from
produce accurate estimates.
Since samplers sample only from large subsets of and not from
in its entirety, it is
unfair to measure the bias of a sampler directly w.r.t. the
target distribution
Rather, we measure the bias w.r.t. the distribution
conditioned on
selecting a sample in
Formally, let
be the following distribution on
for all
. The sampling
bias of the sampler is defined as the total variation
distance between
Since the running time of samplers is dominated by the number of search engine queries they make, we define the query cost of a sampler to be the expected number of search engine queries it performs per sample generated.
The basic question addressed in stochastic simulation is the
following. There is a target distribution on a space
, which is hard
to sample from directly. On the other hand, we have an
easy-to-sample trial distribution
available. Simulation
methods enable using samples from
to simulate sampling from
, or at least to estimate statistical parameters
under the measure
Simulators need to know the distributions
unnormalized form. That is, given any instance
they should be able to compute ``weights''
represent the probabilities
respectively. By that we mean that there should exist
normalization constants
s.t. for all
. The
need not be known to the simulator. For example, when
is a uniform
distribution on
a possible unnormalized form is
. In this case the normalization constant is
Rejection sampling. Rejection sampling [24] assumes
and assumes
knowledge of an envelope constant
, which is at least
. The procedure, described in Figure 1, repeatedly calls a sampler
that generates samples
from the trial
, until a sample
is ``accepted''. To decide whether
is accepted,
the procedure tosses a coin whose heads probability is
(note that
this expression is always at most 1, due to the property of the
envelope constant).
A simple calculation shows that the distribution of the
accepted samples is exactly the target distribution
(hence rejection
sampling yields a perfect sampler). The expected number
of samples from
needed in
order to generate each sample of
. Hence, the efficiency of the procedure depends on two factors:
(1) the similarity between the target distribution and the trial
distribution: the more similar they are the smaller is the
; and (2) the gap between the envelope constant
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The
Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm [21,13] is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) approach to simulation. Unlike rejection sampling, there
is no single trial distribution, but rather different trial
distributions are used at different steps of the algorithm. The
big advantage over rejection sampling is that no knowledge of an
``envelope constant'' is needed.
The MH algorithm, described in Figure 2,
runs a random walk on ,
starting from a state
. After
steps (called the
``burn-in period''), the reached state is returned as a sample.
The transition probability from state to state is determined by a
``proposal function''
, which
is a
matrix (i.e., every row of
specifies a probability distribution over
). When the random walk reaches a state
, it uses the
distribution specified by the
-th row of
to choose a ``proposed''
next state
. The algorithm
then applies an acceptance-rejection procedure to determine
whether to move to
or to stay at
. The
probability of acceptance is:
It can be shown that for any proposal function satisfying some
standard restrictions, the resulting random walk converges to
. This means that if
the burn-in period is sufficiently long, the sampling
distribution is guaranteed to be close to
. The convergence rate, i.e., the length of the
burn-in period needed, however, does depend on the proposal
function. There are various algebraic and geometric methods for
figuring out how long should the burn-in period be as a function
of parameters of the proposal function. See a survey by Diaconis
and Saloff-Coste [8] for a
detailed review. If the parameters of the proposal function are
easy to analyze, one can use these methods to set the parameter
. Otherwise, empirical
methods are used to set
Monte Carlo methods with approximate weights. All Monte
Carlo methods assume that the trial distribution is known, up to
normalization. This assumption turns out to be very problematic
in our setting, since the trial distributions we construct depend
on unknown internal data of the search engine. The best we can do
is come up with an unnormalized weight distribution
, whose normalized
is statistically close
. To the best of our
knowledge, no previous study addressed this scenario before.
The following theorem proves that as long as and
are close, the sampling
distribution of rejection sampling is close to the target
We believe that similar analysis is possible also for importance sampling and for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, but leave it to future work. Nevertheless, our empirical results indicate that these two methods are not significantly affected by the approximate weights.
In this section we describe our pool-based (PB) sampler. A
query pool is a fragment of the query space
(e.g., all single term queries, all
-term conjunctions, or
-term exact phrases). A
query pool can be constructed by crawling a large corpus of web
documents, such as the ODP directory, and collecting terms or
phrases that occur in its pages. We can run the PB sampler with
any query pool, yet the choice of the pool may affect the
sampling bias, the sampling recall, and the query cost. We
provide quantitative analysis of the impact of various pool
parameters on the PB sampler.
The PB sampler uses as its principal subroutine another
sampler, which generates random documents from according to the
``match distribution'', which we define below. The match
distribution is non-uniform, yet its unnormalized weights can be
computed efficiently, without submitting queries to the search
engine. Thus, by applying any of the Monte Carlo methods on the
samples from the match distribution, the PB sampler obtains
near-uniform samples. In the analysis below we focus on
application of rejection sampling, due to its simplicity. We note
that the unnormalized weights produced by the PB sampler are only
approximate, hence Theorem 4.1 becomes essential for the
Preliminaries. is the
target distribution of the PB sampler. For simplicity of
exposition, we assume
is the
uniform distribution on
, although the sampler can be adapted to work for
more general distributions. The unnormalized form of
we use is:
, for all
is any query
pool. The set of queries
that overflow (i.e.,
) is denoted
, while the
set of queries
that underflow (i.e.,
) is denoted
. A query that
neither overflows nor underflows is called valid. The
set of valid queries
and the set of
invalid queries is denoted
Let be any distribution
. The
overflow probability of
, is
. Similarly, the
underflow probability of
, is
denotes the set of
queries in
that a
matches. That
. For example, if
consists of all the 3-term exact phrases, then
consists of all the
3-term exact phrases that occur in the document
We say that
covers a document
, if
. Let
be the
collection of documents covered by
. Note that a sampler that uses only queries
can never reach
documents outside
. We thus
to be the
uniform distribution on
. The PB
sampler will generate samples from
and hence
in order to determine its sampling bias, its sampling
distribution will be compared to
Let be any distribution
. The recall of
, denoted
, is the probability that
a random document selected from
is covered by
. That is,
. The recall of
w.r.t. the uniform distribution is the ratio
. This recall
will determine the sampling recall of the PB sampler.
Match distribution. The match distribution
induced by a query pool , denoted
, is a
distribution over the document collection
defined as follows:
. That is, the probability of choosing a document is proportional
to the number of queries from
it matches. Note that the support of
is exactly
The unnormalized form of
we use is the
. We next argue that for ``natural'' query pools,
can be computed
based on the content of
alone and
without submitting queries to the search engine. To this
end, we make the following plausible assumption: for any given
and any
given query
we know, without querying the search engine, whether
or not. For
example, if
is the set of
single-term queries, then checking whether
boils down to
finding the term
in the text of
Some factors that may impact our ability to determine whether
the search engine matches
are: (1) How the
search engine pre-processes the document (e.g., whether it
truncates it, if the document is too long). (2) How the search
engine tokenizes the document (e.g., whether it ignores HTML
tags). (3) How the search engine indexes the document (e.g.,
whether it filters out stopwords or whether it indexes also by
anchor text terms). (4) The semantics of the query
. Some of the
above are not publicly available. Yet, most search engines follow
standard IR methodologies and reverse engineering work can be
used to learn answers to the above questions.
Since queries typically correspond to the occurrence of terms
or phrases in the document, we can find
, by enumerating the
terms/phrases in
and deducing the
queries in
matches. For
example, if
is the set of
single-term queries, finding all the queries in
matches simply
requires finding all the distinct non-stopword terms occurring in
Query volume distribution. A special distribution over a
query pool is the
query volume distribution, which we denote by
. The
volume of a query pool
, denoted
is the sum
is defined as:
The query volume distribution always has an underflow
probability of 0. Yet, the overflow probability may be high,
depending on the pool .
Typically, there is a tradeoff between this overflow probability
and the the recall of
the higher the recall, the higher also is the overflow
Note that sampling queries from according
seems hard to
do, since volumes of queries are not known a priori.
The PB sampler. Assume, for the moment, we have a sampler
that generates
sample documents from the match distribution
. Figure
3 shows our PB sampler, which uses
as a
The PB sampler applies rejection sampling with trial
and target
. The
unnormalized weights used for document
. Since
is a least
for any
, then an
envelope constant of
sufficient. As argued above, we assume the weight
can be
computed exactly from the content of
alone. The
following shows that if
generates samples from
, then the
sampling distribution of the PB sampler is uniform on
. The proof
follows directly from the analysis of the rejection sampling
Match distribution sampler. In Figure 4 we describe the match distribution
sampler. For the time being, we make two unrealistic assumptions:
(1) there is a sampler
that samples
queries from the volume distribution
; and (2) the
overflow probability of
is 0, although
the pool's recall is high (as argued above, this situation is
unlikely). We later show how to remove these assumptions.
The sampler is very similar to the Bharat-Broder sampler,
except that it samples random queries proportionally to their
volume. Since no query overflows, all documents that match a
query are included in its result set. It follows that the
probability of a document to be sampled is proportional to the
number of queries in
that it matches:
We next address the unrealistic assumption that the overflow
probability of
is 0. Rather
than using
, which is
likely to have a non-zero overflow probability, we use a
different but related distribution, which is guaranteed to have
an overflow probability of 0. Recall that
is the set of
valid (i.e., non-overflowing and non-underflowing) queries in
. We can view
as a query
pool itself (after all, it is just a set of queries). The volume
of this
pool has, by definition, an overflow probability of 0.
Suppose we could somehow efficiently sample from
and use
these samples instead of samples from
. In that
case, by Proposition 5.2, the
sampling distribution
of the
match distribution sampler equals the match distribution
by the query pool
Let us return now to the PB sampler. That sampler assumed
samples from
. What happens
if instead it generates samples from
? Note
that now there is a mismatch between the trial distribution used
by the PB sampler (i.e.,
) and the
unnormalized weights it uses (i.e.,
One solution could be to try to compute the unnormalized
weights of
, i.e.,
. However, this seems hard to do efficiently, because
is no longer a
``natural'' query pool. In particular, given a document
, how do we know
which of the queries that it matches are valid? To this end, we
need to send all the queries in
to the search engine
and filter out the overflowing queries. This solution incurs a
prohibitively high query cost. Instead, we opt for a different
solution: we leave the PB sampler as is; that is, the trial
distribution will be
but the
unnormalized weights will remain those of
). This
means that the samples generated by the PB sampler are no longer
truly uniform. The following theorem uses Theorem 4.1 to bound the distance of
these samples from uniformity. It turns out that this distance
depends on two factors: (1) the overflow probability
; and (2)
, which is the
probability that a random document chosen from
matches at
least one valid query in
Volume distribution sampler. We are left to show how to
sample queries from the volume distribution
efficiently. Our most crucial observation is the following:
can be
easily computed, up to normalization. Given any query
, we can submit
to the search
engine and determine whether
. In the former case we also obtain
. This gives the following unnormalized form of
. Since we know
unnormalized form, we can apply rejection sampling to queries
sampled from some other, arbitrary, distribution
, and obtain
samples from
The volume distribution sampler is depicted in Figure 5. The sampler uses another query sampler
that generates samples
from an easy-to-sample-from distribution
must satisfy
. (We usually
to be the uniform
distribution on
We assume
is known in some
unnormalized form
and that a
corresponding envelope constant
is given. The target distribution of the rejection
sampling procedure is
. The
unnormalized form used is the one described above. Figuring out
the unnormalized weight of a query requires only a single query
to the search engine. The following now follows directly from the
correctness of rejection sampling:
Analysis. The sampling recall and the sampling bias of
the PB sampler are analyzed in Theorem 5.3.
The query cost is bounded as follows:
Choosing the query pool. We next review the parameters of
the query pool that impact the PB sampler.
(1) Pool's recall. The sampler's recall approximately
equals the pool's recall, so we would like pools with high
recall. In order to guarantee high recall, a pool must consist of
queries that include at least one term/phrase from (almost) every
document in . Since
overflowing queries are not taken into account, we need these
terms not to be too popular. We can obtain such a collection of
terms/phrases by crawling a large corpus of web documents, such
as the ODP directory.
(2) Overflow probability. The bias of the PB sampler
is approximately proportional to the invalidity probability of
the query volume distribution. We thus need the pool and the
corresponding query volume distribution to have a low overflow
probability. Minimizing this probability usually interferes with
the desire to have high recall, so finding a pool and a
distribution that achieve a good tradeoff between the two is
tricky. -term conjunctions
or disjunctions are problematic because they suffer from a high
overflow probability. We thus opted for
-term exact phrases. Our experiments hint that for
, the overflow
probability is tiny. If the phrases are collected from a real
corpus, like ODP, then the underflow probability is also small.
The recall of exact phrases is only a bit lower than that of
conjunctions or disjunctions.
(3) Average number of matches. The query cost of the
PB sampler is proportional to
. Hence, we would like to find pools for which the number of
matches grows moderately with the document length.
-term exact phrases are
a good example, because the number of matches w.r.t. them grows
linearly with the document length.
-term conjunctions or disjunctions are poor choices,
because there the growth is exponential in
The random walk (RW) sampler, described in Figure
6, uses the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
to perform a random walk on the documents indexed by the search
engine. The graph on these documents is defined by an
implicit query pool . All we need to know about
is how to compute
the match set
, given a document
. We do not need
to know the constituent queries in
, and thus do not have to crawl a corpus in
order to construct
As in the previous section,
denotes the
set of valid queries among the queries in
. The graph on
induced by
which we denote by
, is an
undirected weighted graph. The vertex set of
is the whole
document collection
. Two
connected by an edge if and only if
. That is,
are connected
iff there is at least one valid query in
, which they both match. The weight of the edge
is set to be:
Sampling neighbors. We start with the problem of sampling
neighbors according to the proposal function
. To this end, we first come up with following characterization
of vertex degrees:
Calculating acceptance probability. Next, we address the
issue of how to calculate the acceptance probability. By
Proposition 6.1, if the current
document is
, and the
proposed neighbor is
, then the
acceptance probability should be
. Yet, our sampler cannot know
without submitting queries to the search engine. Instead, it uses
the following perturbed acceptance probability:
The validity density of a document
is defined
Why should the variance of the validity density be small? Typically, the validity density of a document is related to the fraction of popular terms occurring in the document. The fraction of popular terms in documents written in the same language (or even in documents written in languages with similar statistical profiles) should be about the same.
Burn-in period. The length of the burn-in period of the
random walk depends on the spectral gap of the Markov
Chain's transition matrix. The difference between the largest and
second largest eigenvalues determines how quickly the random walk
approaches its limit distribution. The bigger the gap, the faster
the convergence. Quantitatively, if we want the distribution of
samples to be at most
away from the limit distribution
, then we need a burn-in period of length
, where
is the
spectral gap.
When is unknown,
one can resort to empirical tests to figure out a sufficient
burn-in period length. One approach is to run the MH algorithm
several times, and empirically find the minimum burn-in period
needed to accurately
estimate statistical parameters of the data whose real value we
somehow know in advance.
The query cost of the sampler depends on two factors: (1) the
burn-in period ; and (2) the
validity densities of the documents encountered during the random
walk. When visiting a document
, the expected
number of queries selected until hitting a valid query is
, i.e., the inverse validity density of
We conducted 3 sets of experiments: (1) pool measurements: estimation of parameters of selected query pools; (2) evaluation experiments: evaluation of the bias of our samplers and the Bharat-Broder (BB) sampler; and (3) exploration experiments: measurements of real search engines.
Experimental setup. For the pool measurements and the
evaluation experiments, we crawled the 3 million pages on the ODP
directory. Of these we kept 2.4 million pages that we could
successfully fetch and parse, that were in text, HTML, or pdf
format, and that were written in English. Each page was given a
serial id, stored locally, and indexed by single terms and
phrases. Only the first 10,000 terms in each page were
considered. Exact phrases were not allowed to cross boundaries,
such as paragraph boundaries.
In our exploration experiments, conducted in January-February 2006, we submitted 220,000 queries to Google, 580,000 queries to MSN Search, and 380,000 queries to Yahoo!. Due to legal limitations on automatic queries, we used the Google, MSN, and Yahoo! web search APIs, which are, reportedly, served from older and smaller indices than the indices used to serve human users.
Our pool measurements and evaluation experiments were performed on a dual Intel Xeon 2.8GHz processor workstation with 2GB RAM and two 160GB disks. Our exploration experiments were conducted on five workstations.
Pool measurements. We selected four candidate query
pools, which we thought could be useful in our samplers: single
terms and exact phrases of lengths 3, 5, and 7. (We measured only
four pools, because each measurement required substantial disk
space and running time.) In order to construct the pools, we
split the ODP data set into two parts: a training set,
consisting of every fifth page (when ordered by id), and a
test set, consisting of the rest of the pages. The pools
were built only from the training data, but the measurements were
done only on the test data. In order to determine whether a query
is overflowing, we set a result limit of .
All our measurements were made w.r.t. the uniform distribution
over the pool (including the overflow probability). Analysis of
the overflow probability of the volume distribution (which is an
important factor in our analysis) will be done in future work.
The results of our measurements are tabulated in Table 1. The normalized deviation of the
validity density is the ratio
, where
is a uniformly
chosen document.
Table 1: Results of pool parameter measurements
Parameter | Single terms | Phrases (3) | Phrases (5) | Phrases (7) |
Size | 2.6M | 97M | 155M | 151M |
Overflow prob. | 11.4% | 3% | 0.4% | 0.1% |
Underflow prob. | 40.3% | 56% | 76.2% | 82.1% |
Recall | 57.6% | 96.5% | 86.7% | 63.9% |
Avg # of matches | 5.6 | 78.8 | 43.2 | 29 |
Avg validity density | 2.4% | 29.2% | 55.7% | 67.5% |
Normalized deviation of validity density | 1.72 | 0.493 | 0.416 | 0.486 |
Single terms have a relatively low overflow probability, only because we measure the probability w.r.t. the uniform distribution over the terms, and many of the terms are misspellings, technical terms, or digit strings. Note, on the other hand, the minuscule average validity density.
Since the ODP data set is presumably representative of the web, we expect most of these measurements to represent the situation on real search engines. The only exceptions are the overflow and underflow probabilities, which are distorted due to the small size of the ODP data set. We thus measured these parameters on Yahoo!. The results are given in Table 2. It is encouraging to see that for 5-term phrases, the overflow probability remains relatively low, while the underflow probability goes down dramatically. The elevated overflow probability of 3-term phrases is more evident here.
Table 2: Pool parameter measurements on Yahoo!
Parameter | Single terms | Phrases (3) | Phrases (5) | Phrases (7) |
Overflow prob. | 40.2% | 15.7% | 2.1% | 0.4% |
Underflow prob. | 4.5% | 3.4% | 7.2% | 12.9% |
Evaluation experiments. To evaluate our samplers and the BB sampler, we ran them on a home-made search engine built over the ODP data set. In this controlled environment we could compare the sampling results against the real data.
The index of our ODP search engine consisted of the test set
only. It used static ranking by document id to rank query
results. A result limit of was used in order to have an overflow probability
comparable to the one on Yahoo!.
We ran four samplers: (1) the PB sampler with rejection sampling; (2) the PB sampler with importance sampling; (3) the RW sampler; and (4) the BB sampler. All the samplers used a query pool of 5-term phrases extracted from the ODP training set. The random walk sampler used a burn-in period of 1,000 steps. Each sampler was allowed to submit exactly 5 million queries to the search engine.
In Figure 7, we show the distribution of samples by document size. We ordered the documents in the index by size, from largest to smallest, and split them into 10 equally sized deciles. Truly uniform samples should distribute evenly among the deciles. The results show the overwhelming difference between our samplers and the BB sampler. The BB sampler generated a huge number of samples at the top decile (more than 50%!). Our samplers had no or little bias.
Figure 8 addresses bias towards highly ranked documents. We ordered the documents in the index by their static rank, from highest to lowest, and split into 10 equally sized deciles. The first decile corresponds to the most highly ranked documents. The results indicate that none of our samplers had any significant bias under the ranking criterion. Surprisingly, the BB sampler had bias towards the 4th, 5th, and 6th deciles. When digging into the data, we found that documents whose rank (i.e., id) belonged to these deciles had a higher average size than documents with lower or higher rank. Thus, the bias we see here is in fact an artifact of the bias towards long documents. A good explanation is that our 5-term exact phrases pool had a low overflow probability in the first place, so very few queries overflowed.
We have several conclusions from the above experiments: (1) the 5-term phrases pool, which has small overflow probability, made an across-the-board improvement to all the samplers (including BB). This was evidenced by the lack of bias towards highly ranked documents. (2) The BB sampler suffers from a severe bias towards long documents, regardless of the query pool used. (3) Our pool-based samplers seem to give the best results, showing no bias in any of the experiments. (4) The random walk has a small negative bias towards short documents. Possibly by running the random walk more steps, this negative bias could be alleviated.
Exploration experiments. We used our most successful
sampler, the PB sampler, to generate uniform samples from Google,
MSN Search, and Yahoo!. For complete details of the experimental
setup, see the full version of the paper.
Table 3 tabulates the measured relative sizes of the Google, MSN Search, and Yahoo! indices. Since our query pool consisted mostly of English language phrases, our results refer mainly to the English portion of these indices. We also remind the reader that the indices we experimented with are somewhat outdated. In order to test whether a URL belongs to the index, we used a standard procedure [4,12].
Table 2: Relative sizes of major search engines.
Pages from
![]() ![]() |
MSN | Yahoo! | |
46% | 45% | ||
MSN | 55% | 51% | |
Yahoo! | 44% | 22% |
Figure 9 shows the domain name distributions in the three indices. Note that there are some minor differences among the search engines. For example the .info domain is covered much better by MSN Search than by Google and Yahoo!.
We presented two novel search engine samplers. The first, the pool-based sampler, provides weights together with the samples, and can thus be used in conjunction with stochastic simulation techniques to produce near-uniform samples. We showed how to apply these simulations even when the weights are approximate. We fully analyzed this sampler and identified the query pool parameters that impact its bias and performance. We then estimated these parameters on real data, consisting of the English pages from the ODP hierarchy, and showed that a pool of 5-term phrases induces nearly unbiased samples. Our second sampler runs a random walk on a graph defined over the index documents. Its primary advantage is that it does not need a query pool. Empirical evidence suggests that the random walk converges quickly to its limit equilibrium distribution. It is left to future work to analyze the spectral gap of this random walk in order to estimate the convergence rate mathematically.
We note that the bias towards English language documents is a limitation of our experimental setup and not of the techniques themselves. The bias could be eliminated by using a more comprehensive dictionary or by starting random walks from pages in different languages.
Finally, we speculate that our methods may be applicable in a more general setting. For example, for sampling from databases, deep web sites, library records, etc.
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