Keynote Event
Solving Global Problems with Global Resources: Plenary Keynote
Location: Pentland
Speaker: Mary-Ann Davidson
Speaker: Tony Hey
Break Time, time to load up on
shortbread and a large dose of caffeine or may I recommend a good Scotch Whisky:
Invited Speakers Event
Location: Sidlaw
Speaker: Michael Wheatley
Invited Speakers Event
Education and information
Location: Pentland
Speaker: Tim Pearson
Speaker: Gordon Thomson
Refereed Papers Event
Industrial Practice & Experience
Location: Tinto
Paper Track: Industrial Practice & Experience
Paper: Detecting Semantic Cloaking on the Web
Authors: Baoning Wu, Brian D. Davison,
Refereed Papers Event
Search Engineering
Location: Kilsyth
Paper Track: Search
Paper: To Randomize or Not To Randomize: Space Optimal Summaries for Hyperlink Analysis
Authors: Tamás Sarlsó, András A. Benczúr, Károly Csalogány, Dániel Fogaras, Balázs Rácz,
Paper: Toward Tighter Integration of Web Search with a Geographic Information System
Authors: Katsumi Tanaka,
Developer Event
Location: Carrick
W3C Event
The Web Everywhere
Location: Harris
Paper: New languages for voice-enabling the Web
Authors: Jim Larson,
Paper: Internationalizing Speech Synthesis
Authors: Kazuyuki Ashimura,
Paper: Next steps: Ubiquitous Web
Authors: Dave Raggett,
Tutorial Event
Location: Ochil (a)
Internet Crime
Phillip Hallam-Baker
Internet crime has changed markedly in the past four years. Professional Internet criminals are replacing the hacker vandal as the chief security concern. Phishing and advance fee frauds result in losses of up to a billion dollars a year. This tutorial will cover: professional Internet crimes, the tactics used by the criminals, the non-linear nature of Internet crime, mitigation strategies, and initiatives to improve Internet infrastructure to defeat these new attacks. The objective is for the attendee to be able to predict which aspects of their Internet/Web business are vulnerable to Internet crime and strategies that can help minimize the risk of being targetted.
Tutorial Event
Location: Ochil (b)
Panel Event
Meaning on the Web: Evolution or Intelligent Design?
Location: Finlay
Break Time, time to load up on
shortbread and a large dose of caffeine or may I recommend a good Scotch Whisky:
Invited Speakers Event
Location: Sidlaw
Speaker: Phillip Hallam-Baker
Speaker: Paul King
Invited Speakers Event
Global Science
Location: Pentland
Speaker: Mark Linesch
Speaker: Franco Accordino
Speaker: Malcolm Atkinson
Refereed Papers Event
E-Learning & Scientific Applications
Location: Tinto
Paper Track: E-Science
Paper: Addressing the Testing Challenge with a Web-Based E-Assessment System that Tutors as it Assesses
Authors: Mingyu Feng, Neil T. Heffernan, Kenneth R. Koedinger,
Paper: Knowledge Modeling and its Application in Life Sciences: A Tale of two Ontologies
Authors: Satya S. Sahoo, Christopher Thomas, Amit Sheth, William S. York, Samir Tartir,
Paper: Reappraising Cognitive Styles in Adaptive Web Applications
Authors: Elizabeth Brown, Tim Brailsford, Tony Fisher, Adam Moore, Helen Ashman,
Refereed Papers Event
Search Engine Mining
Location: Kilsyth
Paper Track: Search
Paper: Random Sampling from a Search Engine's Index
Authors: Ziv Bar-Yossef, Maxim Gurevich,
Paper: A Web-based Kernel Function for Measuring the Similarity of Short Text Snippets
Authors: Mehran Sahami, Timothy D. Heilman,
Paper: Generating Query Substitutions
Authors: Rosie Jones, Benjamin Rey, Omid Madani, Wiley Greiner,
Developer Event
Semantic Web (1)
Location: Carrick
Paper: OWLIM: balancing between scalable repository and light-weight reasoner
Authors: Atanas Kiryakov,
Paper: Building semantic-based applications using Oracle
Authors: Omar Alonso,
Paper: Browsing RDF Data with OINK
Authors: Ora Lassila, Deepali Khushraj,
Paper: An Open Source Implementation of SPARQL
Authors: Andy Seaborne,
W3C Event
Web Service: Towards the Next Steps
Location: Harris
Paper: WSDL 2.0 and Semantic Annotations
Authors: Jacek Kopecky,
Paper: CR Testing WS-Addressing and XML Schema Patterns for Databinding
Authors: Paul Downey,
Tutorial Event
Location: Ochil (a)
Web Services and SOA: Futures
Charlton Barreto
This tutorial will instruct the audience in the motivation for Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), how standardized technologies are composable into SOA, and in ongoing efforts along with future developments under consideration to continue making the promise of Web Services and SOA a reality.
Tutorial Event
Location: Ochil (b)
Web-Based Systems for Distance Education and e-Learning:
George Dafoulas
This full-day tutorial draws on previous experiences of two EU-funded projects (distance education and intercultural learning over the Internet), a distance education programme delivered to eight locations in five countries from Europe, Asia and Africa, the coordination of a 16-partner think-tank consortium for the study of cognitive systems and the international workshop on e-Learning Online Communities.
Both in EU and the US we are witnessing an attempt for the simultaneous development of courses and learning materials specifically designed for global students alongside the e-learning technologies and pedagogical tools required to support them. The benefits of these efforts primarily result in the professional development of e-learning practitioners and researchers including designers of courses, developers of learning content, tutors and trainers involved in distance education, programme administrators, and managing personnel of institutions teaching overseas.
E-learning developers, trainers, tutors and managers, aim on advancing their e-tutor skills as their role is crucial in facilitating distance learners undertaking bilateral online programmes internationally. This enables such e-learning professionals to provide competent support of students through a variety of e-services and web applications.
Furthermore, diversity management skills are highly needed for improving mutual learning, trust and confidentiality. Cultural awareness is needed to provide better market opportunities, for fostering the competitiveness of content and language players on the global network. In the European Union’s rich cultural diversity, values, attitudes and beliefs vary so much as to cause problems without proper intercultural and multicultural awareness. Worldwide, there is a great need for citizens to have a better understanding of the level of their own intercultural and multicultural competence.
The ICT evolution of the past two decades leading to the proliferation of the World Wide Web was the primary factor for Online Communities to transform from a social interaction medium to virtual environments with commercial value. The increased popularity of Online Communities triggered the diversification of the community building process depending on those aspects forming the core of a community and enticing Internet users to become members; hence the birth of online communities focusing on education. Currently several institutions have created e-Learning Online Communities and there is early evidence of their future success.
Panel Event
Identity Management on Converged Networks: A Reality Check
Location: Finlay
Invited Speakers Event
Security - Panel
Location: Sidlaw
Speaker: Souheil Badran
Speaker: Jonathan Armstrong
Speaker: Tom Ilube
Speaker: Mary Ellen Zurko
Invited Speakers Event
Global Science
Location: Pentland
Speaker: John Hurley
Speaker: Susie Stephens
Speaker: Reagan Moore
Refereed Papers Event
Social Networks
Location: Tinto
Paper Track: Semantic Web
Paper: POLYPHONET: An Advanced Social Network Extraction System from the Web
Authors: Yutaka Matsuo, Masahiro Hamasaki,
Paper: Semantic Analytics on Social Networks: Experiences in Addressing the Problem of Conflict of Interest Detection
Authors: Li Ding,
Paper: Exploring Social Annotations for the Semantic Web
Authors: Lei Zhang,
Refereed Papers Event
New Search Paradigms
Location: Kilsyth
Paper Track: Search
Paper: Searching with Context
Authors: Reiner Kraft, Chi Chao Chang, Farzin Maghoul, Ravi Kumar,
Paper: CWS: A Comparative Web Search System
Authors: Jian-Tao Sun, Xuanhui Wang, Dou Shen, HuaJun Zeng, Zheng Chen,
Paper: Retroactive Answering of Search Queries
Authors: Beverly Yang, Glen Jeh,
Developer Event
Semantic Web (2)
Location: Carrick
Paper: DBin: Semantic Web for user communities, now!
Authors: Giovanni Tummarello,
Paper: Rhizome: Building semantic applications the Wiki-way
Authors: Adam Souzis,
Paper: MINDSWAP Tools for the Semantic Web
Authors: Christian Halaschek-Wiener, Vladimir Kolovski,
Paper: D2R-Server - Publishing Relational Databases on the Web as SPARQL-Endpoints.
Authors: Chris Bizer, Richard Cyganiak,
W3C Event
Newest XML tools: Queries, Transformations
Location: Harris
Paper: Introduction to latest XML Tools
Authors: Liam Quin,
Paper: Choosing Between XSLT 2.0 and XML Query 1.0
Authors: Mike Kay,
Paper: An XML based architecture for Web 2.0 applications
Authors: Daniela Florescu,
Invited Speakers Event
Global Finance
Location: Finlay
Speaker: Gary Kendall
Speaker: Steven Gaines
Developer Event
Location: NESC