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Refereed Track: Security, privacy & Ethics

Viruses, spyware, and identity theft are turning the World Wide Web into a dangerous place. By undermining consumer trust, these problems are hampering e-commerce and the growth of online communities. A basic lesson is coming home to researchers, operators, and ordinary users alike: Security and privacy are not frills or features, but vital and enabling building blocks. As Web-based systems take on a physical dimension through wireless devices and sensors, and as they absorb varied media — from books to online games to home movies — digital security is ramifying in its economic and social reach.

This track promotes the view that security, privacy, and sound guiding ethics must be part of the texture of a successful World Wide Web. In addition to devising practical tools and techniques, it is the duty of the research community to promote and guide business adoption of security technology for the Web and to help inform related legislation.

The organizers seek novel research in security, privacy, and ethics as they relate to the Web, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Biometrics and secure template management
  • Digital Rights Management from its technical, ethical, and legal perspectives
  • Economic / business analysis of Web security and privacy
  • Electronic commerce, particularly security mechanisms for e-cash, auctions, payment, and fraud detection
  • Intrusion detection, insider threats, auditing, and honeypots
  • Legal and legislative approaches to issues of Web security and privacy
  • Location-based services
  • Knowledge-based authentication, such as security questions for password recovery
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies, including anonymity, pseudonymity and identity management
  • Public-key infrastructure and supporting concepts like digital signatures and certification
  • Secure and robust management of server farms
  • User interfaces as they relate to digital signing, encryption, passwords, and online scams like phishing
  • Wireless devices that interface with the Web, including RFID, sensors, and mobile phones
  • Web-services and supporting standards like XML

Accepted Papers

Markus Jakobsson
Sid Stamm
Stefan Kals
Engin Kirda
Christopher Kruegel
Nenad Jovanovic
Markus Jakobsson
Jacob Ratkiewicz
Collin Jackson
Andrew Bortz
Dan Boneh
John C Mitchell


  • Ari Juels, RSA Laboratories, USA (Vice Chair)
  • Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University, USA (Deputy Chair)

PC Members

  • Ari Juels, RSA Laboratories, USA (Vice Chair)
  • Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University, USA (Deputy Chair)
  • Masayuki Abe, NTT, Japan
  • Kostas Anagnostakis, University of Penn., USA
  • Dan Boneh, Stanford University, USA
  • Dario Catalano, l’ENS, France
  • Sabrina de Capitani di Vimercati, University of Milan, Italy
  • Marc Dacier, Institut Eurecom, France, France
  • George Danezis, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Ed Felten, Princeton University, USA
  • Kevin Fu, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
  • Craig Gentry, Stanford University, USA
  • Sotiris Ioannidis, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
  • Markus Jakobsson, University of Indiana, USA
  • Marc Joye, Gemplus & CIM-PACA, France
  • Arjen Lenstra, Lucent, Bell Labs, USA and Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
  • Radia Perlman, Sun Microsystems, USA
  • Benny Pinkas, HP Labs, USA
  • Mike Reiter, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA
  • Eric Rescorla, RTFM Inc., USA
  • Vitaly Shmatikov, UT Austin, USA
  • Jessica Staddon, PARC, USA
  • Dan Wallach, Rice University, USA
  • Brent Waters, Stanford University, USA
  • Rebecca Wright Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
  • Dongyan Xu, Purdue University, USA
  • Yuliang Zheng, University of North Carolina, USA

Additional Reviewers

  • Jean Camp
  • Ajay Mahimkar
  • Sid Stamm
  • Susanne Wetzel

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