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Microformats, converting XHTML to vCards and vCalendars

  • Brian Suda, SUDA, USA

Track: Developers

Slot: 14:00-15:30, Wednesday 24th May

X2V is a simple set of XSLT files that extensively use XPATH to extract data from an XHTML document and convert them into corresponding vCards and vCalendars. X2V has also jump started much of the interest around Microformats. Microformats describe ways to embed data into your XHTML files through the use of classes. X2V is the main tool to extract this data. Technorati.com uses X2V in their feeds services to extract microformats from blogs for syndication. These XPATH expressions used to extract data can be used in many different applications including GRDDL to convert XHTML to RDF helping to generate more data for the semantic web.The demo will consist of simply showing an XHTML file with some structured data, running it through the XSLT file and converting it to its corresponding output. Time permitting, the demo will make changes to the input file demonstrating the changes in the output, a brief walk through of XSLT and XPATH code showing how to recursively clean strings, call-back to other parts of the XHTML file, and look up the DOM Tree to find any language encodings. For longer demos/talks it is possible to explore additional microformats including rel="tag" and the new citation microformat which uses X2C to extract citation data from XHTML files.

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