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The μMAIS prototype for the risk evaluation of archaelogical heritage

  • Maurizio Brioschi, CEFRIEL, Italy
  • Cinzia Cappiello, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Massimo Legnani, CEFRIEL, Italy
  • Andrea Maurino, Univ. Milano Bicocca, Italy
  • Enrico Mussi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Nicola Simeoni, CEFRIEL, Italy

Track: Developers

Slot: 14:00-15:30, Friday 26th May

Mobile teams are essential in many situations in which operators are mobile, and in situations in which a fixed networking infrastructure cannot be guaranteed, like in the case of emergency management, evaluation of the territory to design risk maps, and in general for collecting distributed information. Mobile teams use services provided by other components of the team and need to be able to acquire the necessary information, with or without the possibility to access remote services. They are also characterized by context dependent requirements and limited resources, thus posing special needs on portable equipments and their use....The _MAIS demo shows the mobile team activity highlighting both the coordination of different operators, obtained partitioning the filling in process, and the context-aware Web service selection, performed choosing operators along QoS requirements specification .

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