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A Microformat and Proposal for Interoperable HTML Widgets (modules, gadgets, whatever)

  • Kevin Lawver, AOL, USA
  • Shawn Carnell, AOL, USA

Track: Developers

Slot: 11:00-12:30, Wednesday 24th May

America Online has developed a microformat (http:/microformats.org) for exchanging small web applications to be embedded in other HTML documents (or XML/Atom/RSS, etc). We're proposing that this microformat be adopted by other HTML "widget" applications like Konfabulator, Dashboard, Opera's Widgets, Microsoft Gadgets, etc. We'll be giving an overview of the microformat, showing a demo of the first AOL product to use these "modules", and if time allows, a demo of how to create them and maybe some of the work we did in evaluating the various widget formats out there.

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