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WWW 2006 Poster Presentation Guidelines

  • Authors must come with their poster printed as there are no facilities to produce posters at the conference.
  • Posters will be allocated to one of the three poster sessions. They will be mounted in the poster area at the appropriate time by the local organizing team.
  • Authors are expected to stand by their posters during the allotted time to answer questions regarding their contribution.
  • The display panels for each contribution provide a space of 1.5 m high and 2.0 m wide. We suggest adopting one of the following options in order to make an effective use of the space available:
    • 2 A0 sheets (about 85 by 120 cm each)
    • 3 A1 sheets (about 60 by 85 cm each)
    • 4 A2 sheets (about 42 by 60 cm each)
  • The ideal poster is designed to attract attention, provide a brief overview of the work, and initiate discussion.
  • Posters that convey information in a visually attractive manner make good use of figures, charts and tables. Text is used to summarize/highlight important messages and themes of the poster; we suggest a minimum font size of 24 pt. Please avoid using an enlarged photocopy of your paper.
  • Poster titles should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters with a minimum 90pt font. If possible use a "sans serif" font like Arial or Helvetica for all text. Below the title should appear the authors' names and affiliations.
  • Color can be used for highlighting and to make the poster more attractive.
  • We foresee the possibility for a limited number of chairs, tables and network connections to be made available during the poster session for the purpose of making live demos. If you wish to take advantage of this please inform the Poster Chair by email as soon as possible.


  • http:/www.scifor.com/Guidelines.htm - General guidelines
  • http:/www.postersession.com/templates.html - PowerPoint templates (non-metric)

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