Top  W3C Track  Program

W3C Track Program

The World Wide Web Consortium reports on the range of their achievements since last year's conference WWW2004. With fifty-one W3C Working Groups for twenty-two W3C Activities and about 370 Working Group members, attendees can expect substantive reports on the variety of technologies that bring the Web to its full potential, as well as insights on future work developments. In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions to the W3C staff. Tim Berners-Lee is giving the opening keynote of the WWW2005 conference.

Please refer W3C Track description at W3C for details.

W3C Track Chair: Marie-Claire Forgue (World Wide Web Consortium),

The W3C Track sessions will take place in the International Conference Room in the International Conference Hall, 2F.

Wednesday, May 11

10:50 - 12:20
[W3C01] Enabling the Mobile Web
Session Chairs:
Dan Applequist, Vodafone
Stéphane Boyera, W3C Device Independence Activity Lead
Dan Applequist, Vodafone
Stéphane Boyera, W3C Device Independence Activity Lead
The session's goal is twofold: present in details the objectives and roadmap of W3C's work in the Mobile Web area (in Mobile Web Best Practices and Device Description), and get feedback and input from Japanese companies involved in the mobile market in Japan, very advanced in terms of enabling and accessing the Web on mobile devices.
The session will mainly consist on a panel discussion where all actors of the mobile delivery chain will be represented.
14:40 - 16:10
[W3C02] Accessibility Aspects within Mobile Web and Other Developing Technologies
Session Chair:
Shawn Henry, W3C WAI Activity Team
Shawn Henry, W3C WAI Activity Team
Wendy Chisholm, W3C
In the first part of this session we explain the interdependencies between essential components of Web accessibility, and show that the responsibility for Web accessibility goes beyond the content developer to include developers of authoring tools, user agents, assistive technologies, and technical specifications. We provide a brief update on WCAG 2.0, ATAG 2.0, and international Web accessibility developments.
In the second part, we explore how the knowledge and experience in Web accessibility helps inform the development of emerging Web technologies, including the mobile Web, multimodal interaction, and content adaptation.
16:30 - 18:00
[W3C03] Foundations And Future Directions of Web Services
Session Chair:
Hugo Haas, W3C Web Services Activity Lead
Hugo Haas, W3C Web Services Activity Lead
Charlton Barreto, webMethods
This session will give an overview of the motivation for Web services,how the technologies standardized at W3C fit together, starting with the messaging framework (SOAP 1.2, MTOM, WS-Addressing 1.0) and continuing with the description languages for services and choreographies (WSDL 2.0, WS-CDL 1.0). Finally, this presentation will discuss future work considered to continue making the Web services' promise a reality.

Thursday, May 12

10:30 - 12:00
[W3C04] Privacy and the Semantic Web
Session Chairs:
Giles Hogben, Joint Research Center of the European Commission
Thomas Roessler, W3C Technology and Society Team
Giles Hogben, Joint Research Center of the European Commission
Thomas Roessler, W3C Technology and Society Team
This session will explore privacy-enhancing technologies beyond P3P, how the semantic web is contributing to these technologies and vice-versa.
We will discuss new technologies for enforcing privacy promises, evaluating the security of data processing operations in realtime and reasoning about anonymity of authorization credentials requested. The session will consist of presentations and a subsequent panel discussion.
14:40 - 16:10
[W3C05] Recent Work in the Semantic Web Activity: Query and Best Practices
Session Chair:
Guus Schreiber, W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group co-chair (Vrije Universiteit)
Guus Schreiber, W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group co-chair (Vrije Universiteit)
Jeremy Carroll, HP
David Wood, Mindswap, co-chair SWBPD
Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C
This session presents recent work in the W3C Semantic Web activity, in particular the activities of the Semantic Web Best Practices & Deployment Working Group and the Data Access Working Group.
The session will feature a number of talks addressing selected topics from this work, namely (i) links between RDF/OWL and UML. (ii) support for RDF/OWL-based ontology engineering, (iii) representing RDF metadata in XHTML, and (iv) an overview of the draft query language SPARQL. The session will also show some sample applications of semantic-web technology.
16:30 - 18:00
[W3C06] Web Internationalization Developments
Session Chair:
Richard Ishida, W3C Internationalization Activity Lead
Richard Ishida, W3C Internationalization Activity Lead
The W3C Internationalization Activity now comprises three Working Groups. This session brings you up to date with key areas of their work.
Topics covered: recent clarifications by the GEO Working Group on language declaration and character encoding for Web documents; the issues before the newly formed Internationalized Tag Set Working Group; work by the Core Working Group on internationalized Web addresses; and related work on language tags.

Friday, May 13

10:30 - 12:00
[W3C07] The Future of XML
Session Chair:
Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead
Liam Quin, W3C XML Activity Lead
Makoto Murata, IBM Tokyo Research Lab
Robin Berjon, Expway
What should the W3C XML Activity be working on over the next few years? How might we incorporate efficient transfer of XML (e.g. binary XML) into the XML stack? Where should our major specifications be going? Should we work on new specifications?
This is a community session: come prepared to voice a considered opinion and be heard.
13:30 - 15:00
[W3C08] Interaction and the Web: The Future Browser
Session Chair:
Steven Pemberton, W3C Interaction Domain Team
Steven Pemberton, W3C Interaction Domain Team
Bert Bos, W3C
TV Raman, IBM
Mark Birbeck,
Dean Jackson, W3C
As new W3C technologies begin to come online in browsers, new possibilities open for how browsers can be used and applied, across devices, and for new purposes. This session explores some of these new directions.
15:30 - 17:00
[W3C09] Questions & Answers to the W3C Members and Team
Session Chair:
Steve Bratt, W3C Chief Operating Officer
all W3C Track'05 session chairs and speakers