Top  Posters  Accepted Posters

Accepted Posters

We received 117 submissions to the poster track. All posters were sent to three reviewers and each final selected poster has at least two reviews. We accepted 67 posters. In addition, we accepted 89 posters that were recommended from the regular paper track by the WWW2005 program committee. This gives us a total of 157 posters for the proceedings and presentation at the conference poster session. The accepted posters are divided into the following ten areas: E-commerce (2), Multimedia (6), Networking (15), Performance (15), Search and Data mining (40), Semantic Web (15), Applications and UI (18), XML and Web services (25), Web Engineering (15), and Security (5). The numbers in the parenthesis are the number of posters for each category.

Posters Chair: Weisong Shi (Wayne State University),
Deputy Chair: Akio Kido (IBM Tokyo Research Lab.),

Poster Arrangement


  • [0101] Designing Learning Services: From Content-based to Activity-based Learning Systems
    • Pythagoras Karampiperis, Advanced e-Services for the Knowledge Society Research Unit, Informatics and Telematics Institute
    • Demetrios Sampson, Advanced e-Services for the Knowledge Society Research Unit, Informatics and Telematics Institute
  • [0102] How much is a Keyword worth?
    • Ramesh Sarukkai, Yahoo! Inc.


  • [0201] Accuracy Enhancement of Function oriented Classification of Web Images
    • Koji Nakahira, Department of Frontier Informatics, The University of Tokyo
    • Toshihiko Yamasaki, Department of Frontier Informatics, The University of Tokyo
    • Kiyoharu Aizawa, Department of Frontier Informatics, The University of Tokyo
  • [0202] Multichannel publication of interactive media documents in a news environment
    • Tom Beckers, Ghent University-IBBT
    • Nico Oorts, VRT
    • Filip Hendrickx, IMEC
    • Rik Van de Walle, Ghent University-IBBT
  • [0203] Multi-Step Media Adaptation : Implementation of a Knowledge-Based Engine
    • Peter Soetens, VRT
    • Matthias De Geyter, VRT
  • [0204] Personal TV Viewing by Using Live Chat as Metadata
    • Hisashi Miyamori, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
    • Satoshi Nakamura, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
    • Katsumi Tanaka, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Kyoto University
  • [0205] Video Quality Estimation for Internet Streaming
    • Amy Reibman, AT&T Labs-Research
    • Subhabrata Sen, AT&T Labs-Research
    • Jacobus van der Merwe, AT&T Labs-Research
  • [0206] Webified Video: Media Conversion from TV Program to Web Content and their Integrated Viewing Method
    • Hisashi Miyamori, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
    • Katsumi Tanaka, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and Kyoto University


  • [0301] A Publish and Subscribe Collaboration Architecture for Web-Based Information
    • M. Brian Blake, Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University
    • David H. Fado, Advanced Systems and Concepts, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)
    • Gregory A. Mack, Advanced Systems and Concepts, Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)
  • [0302] An Adaptive Middleware Infrastructure for Mobile Computing
    • Ronnie Cheung, Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • [0303] An Approach for Realizing Privacy-Preserving Web-Based Services
    • Wei Xu, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
    • R. Sekar, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
    • I.V. Ramakrishnan, Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University
    • V.N. Venkatakrishnan, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • [0304] Application Networking on Peer-to-Peer Networks
    • Mu Su, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Chi-Hung Chi, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
  • [0305] Automatic Generation of Web Portals Using Artificial Ants
    • Hanene Azzag, Laboratoire d'Informatique, Polytech Tours
    • Gilles Venturni, Laboratoire d'Informatique, Polytech Tours
    • Christiane Guinot, CE.R.I.E.S
  • [0306] Data Versioning Techniques for Internet Transaction Management
    • Ramkrishna Chatterjee, Oracle Corporation
    • Gopalan Arun, Oracle Corporation
  • [0307] Design and Implementation of A Feedback Controller for Slowdown Differentiation on Internet Servers
    • Jianbin Wei, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University
    • Cheng-Zhong Xu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University
  • [0308] Exploiting the Web for Point-in-Time File Sharing
    • Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Sebastian Thomschke, IBM Deutschland GmbH
  • [0309] Finding Group Shilling in Recommendation System
    • Xue-Feng Su, Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    • Hua-Jun Zeng, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
  • [0310] Improved Timing Control for Web Server Systems Using Internal State Information
    • Xue Liu, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • Rong Zheng, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • Jin Heo, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • Lui Sha, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • [0311] Information Flow using Edge Stress Factor
    • Franco Salvetti, University of Colorado at Boulder
    • Savitha Srinivasan, IBM Almaden Research Center
  • [0312] Predicting Navigation Patterns on the Mobile-Internet Using Time of the Week
    • Martin Halvey, Adaptive Information Cluster, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin
    • Mark T. Keane, Adaptive Information Cluster, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin
    • Barry Smyth, Adaptive Information Cluster, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin
  • [0313] WAND: A Meta-data Maintenance System over the Internet
    • Anubhav Bhatia, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
    • Saikat Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
    • Saugat Mitra, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
    • Srinath Srinivasa, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
  • [0314] Web Page Marker: a Web Browsing Support System based on Marking and Anchoring
    • Takahiro Koga, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Noriharu Tashiro, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Tadachika Ozono, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Takayuki Ito, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Toramatsu Shintani, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • [0315] Web Resource Geographic Location Classification and Detection
    • Chuang Wang, Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    • Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Lee Wang, Microsoft Corporation
    • Yansheng Lu, Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
    • Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia


  • [0401] A Comprehensive Comparative Study on Term Weighting Schemes for Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines
    • Man Lan, Institute for Infocomm Research
    • Chew-Lim Tan, Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore
    • Hwee-Boon Low, Institute for Infocomm Research
    • Sam-Yuan Sung, Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore
  • [0402] A Framework for Determining Necessary Query Set Sizes to Evaluate Web Search Effectiveness
    • Eric C. Jensen, Information Retrieval Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology
    • Steven M. Beitzel, Information Retrieval Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology
    • Ophir Frieder, Information Retrieval Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology
    • Abdur Chowdhury, Search & Navigation Group, America Online Inc.
  • [0403] Applying NavOptim to Minimise Navigational Effort
    • David Lowe, University of Technology, Sydney
    • Xiaoying Kong, University of Technology, Sydney
  • [0404] Boosting SVM Classifiers By Ensemble
    • Yan-Shi Dong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Ke-Song Han, Motorola Labs, China Research Center
  • [0405] Bootstrapping Ontology Alignment Methods with APFEL
    • Marc Ehrig, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
    • Steffen Staab, ISWeb, University of Koblenz-Landau
    • York Sure, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
  • [0406] Can Link Analysis Tell Us about Web Traffic?
    • Marcin Sydow, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology
  • [0407] Clustering for Probabilistic Model Estimation for CF
    • Qing Li Kumoh, National Institute of Technology, Information & Communication University, Korea
    • Byeong Man Kim, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
    • Sung Hyon Myaeng, National Institute of Technology, Information & Communication University, Korea
  • [0408] Efficient Structural Joins with On-The-Fly Indexing
    • Kun-Lung Wu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    • Shyh-Kwei Chen, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    • Philip S. Yu, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • [0409] Finding The Search Engine That Works For You
    • Kin F. Li, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
    • Wei Yu, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
    • Shojiro Nishio, Graduate School of Information Science & Technology, Osaka University
    • Yali Wang, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Victoria
  • [0410] Improving Text Collection Selection with Coverage and Overlap Statistics
    • Thomas Hernandez, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
    • Subbarao Kambhampati, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
  • [0411] Predicting Outcomes of Web Navigation
    • Jacek Gwizdka, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
    • Ian Spence, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
  • [0412] Site Abstraction for Rare Category Classification in Large-Scale Web Directory
    • Tie-Yan Liu, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Hao Wan, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    • Tao Qin, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    • Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Yong Ren, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    • Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
  • [0413] The WT10G dataset and the evolution of the Web
    • Wei-Tsen Milly, University of Wollongong
    • Markus Hagenbuchner, University of Wollongong
    • Ah Chung Tsoi, Australian Research Council
  • [0414] TotalRank: Ranking Without Damping
    • Paolo Boldi, DSI, Università degli Studi di Milano
  • [0415] WCAG Formalization with W3C Standards
    • Vicente Luque Centeno, Carlos III University of Madrid
    • Carlos Delgado Kloos, Carlos III University of Madrid
    • Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe
    • Martin Nussbaumer, University of Karlsruhe
  • [0501] A Clustering Method for News Articles Retrieval System
    • Hiroyuki Toda, NTT Cyber Solutions Laboratories, NTT Corporation
    • Ryoji Kataoka, NTT Cyber Solutions Laboratories, NTT Corporation
  • [0502] A More Precise Model of Web Retrieval
    • Junli Yuan, Institute for Infocomm Research, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Chi-Hung Chi, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Qibin Sun, Institute for Infocomm Research
  • [0503] Adaptive Page Ranking with Neural Networks
    • Franco Scarselli, University of Siena
    • Sweah Liang Yong, University of Wollongong
    • Markus Hagenbuchner, University of Wollongong
    • Ah Chung Tsoi, Australian Research Council
  • [0504] Adaptive Query Routing in Peer Web Search
    • Le-Shin Wu, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University
    • Ruj Akavipat, Department of Computer Science, Indiana University
    • Filippo Menczer, School of Informatics and Department of Computer Science, Indiana University
  • [0505] An Analysis of Search Engine Switching Behavior using Click Streams
    • Yun-Fang Juan, Yahoo! Inc.
    • Chi-Chao Chang, Yahoo! Inc.
  • [0506] An Economic Model of Web Search
    • Georgios Kouroupas, Athens University of Economics and Business
    • Elias Koutsoupias, University of Athens
    • Christos Papadimitriou, University of California, Berkeley
    • Martha Sideri, Athens University of Economics and Business
  • [0507] An Information Extraction Engine for Web Discussion Forums
    • Hanny Yulius Limanto, Nanyang Technological University
    • Nguyen Ngoc Giang, Nanyang Technological University
    • Vo Tan Trung, Nanyang Technological University
    • Nguyen Quang Huy, Nanyang Technological University
    • Jun Zhang, Nanyang Technological University
    • Qi He, Nanyang Technological University
  • [0508] Analysis of Topic Dynamics in Web Search
    • Xuehua Shen, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois
    • Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research
    • Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research
  • [0509] Analyzing Online Discussion for Marketing Intelligence
    • Natalie Glance, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
    • Matthew Hurst, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
    • Kamal Nigam, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
    • Matthew Siegler, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
    • Robert Stockton, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
    • Takashi Tomokiyo, Intelliseek Applied Research Center
  • [0510] Analyzing Web Page Headings Considering Various Presentation
    • Yushin Tatsumi, NEC Internet Systems Research Laboratories
    • Toshiyuki Asahi, NEC Internet Systems Research Laboratories
  • [0511] Automatically Learning Document Taxonomies for Hierarchical Classification
    • Kunal Punera, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
    • Suju Rajan, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
    • Joydeep Ghosh, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
  • [0512] BackRank: an Alternative for PageRank
    • Mohamed Bouklit, LIRMM
    • Fabien Mathieu, LIRMM-INRIA
  • [0513] Building an Open Source Meta-Search Engine
    • Antonio Gulli, Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Pisa
    • Alessio Signorini, University of Iowa, Computer Science
  • [0514] Comparing Relevance Feedback algorithms for Web Search
    • Vishwa Vinay, University College London
    • Ken Wood, Microsoft Research Cambridge
    • Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research Cambridge
    • Ingemar Cox, University College London
  • [0515] Cyclone: An Encyclopedic Web Search Site
    • Atsushi Fujii, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
    • Katunobu Itou, Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University
    • Tetsuya Ishikawa, Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
  • [0516] Delivering new web content reusing remote and heterogeneous sites. A DOM-based approach
    • Luis Álvarez Sabucedo, Universidade de Vigo, Departamento Telemática
    • Luis Anido Rifón, Universidade de Vigo, Departamento Telemática
  • [0517] Exploiting the Deep Web with DynaBot: Matching, Probing, and Ranking
    • Daniel Rocco, University of West Georgia
    • James Caverlee, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Terence Critchlow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • [0518] Extracting Context To Improve Accuracy For HTML Content Extraction
    • Suhit Gupta, Programming Systems Lab, Columbia University
    • Gail Kaiser, Programming Systems Lab, Columbia University
    • Salvatore Stolfo, Intrusion Detection Lab, Columbia University
  • [0519] Focused Crawling By Exploiting Anchor Text Using Decision Tree
    • Jun Li, Department of General System Studies, The University of Tokyo
    • Kazutaka Furuse, Institute of Information Sciences & Electronics, University of Tsukuba
    • Kazunori Yamaguchi, Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo
  • [0520] From User-Centric Web Traffic Data to Usage Data
    • Thomas Beauvisage, France Telecom R&D
    • Houssem Assadi, France Telecom R&D
  • [0521] Incremental Page Rank Computation on Evolving Graphs
    • Prasanna Desikan, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
    • Nishith Pathak, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota & Indian Institute of Technology
    • Delhi Jaideep Srivastava, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
    • Vipin Kumar, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
  • [0522] Information Retrieval in P2P Networks Using Genetic Algorithm
    • Wan Yeung Wong, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Tak Pang Lau, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Irwin King, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • [0523] Learning How to Learn with Web Contents
    • Akihiro Kashihara, The University of Electro-Communications
    • Shinobu Hasegawa, Research Center for Distance Learning, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • [0524] METEOR: Metadata and Instance Extraction from Object Referral Lists on the Web
    • Hasan Davulcu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
    • Srinivas Vadrevu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
    • Saravanakumar Nagarajan, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
    • Fatih Gelgi, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University,
  • [0525] Mining Directed Social Network from Message Board
    • Naohiro Matsumura, Osaka University
    • David E. Goldberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • Xavier Llorà, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • [0526] Mining Web Site's Topic Hierarchy
    • Nan Liu, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Christopher C. Yang, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • [0527] Modeling the Author Bias Between Two On-line Computer Science Citation Databases
    • Vaclav Petricek, University College London
    • Ingemar J. Cox, University College London
    • Hui Han, Yahoo! Inc.
    • Isaac Councill, The School of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University
    • C. Lee Giles, The School of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University
  • [0528] On the Feasibility of Low-rank Approximation for Personalized PageRank
    • András Benczúr, Eötvös University
    • Károly Csalogány, Eötvös University
    • Tamás Sarlós, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • [0529] Predictive Ranking: A Novel Page Ranking Approach by Estimating the Web Structure
    • Haixuan Yang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Irwin King, Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Michael R. Lyu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • [0530] Preferential Walk: Towards Efficient and Scalable Search in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks
    • Hai Zhuge, Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Xue Chen, Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Xiaoping Sun, Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [0531] Representing Personal Web Information as a Topic-Oriented Interface
    • Zhigang Hua, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Hao Liu, Department of Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Xing Xie, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Hanqing Lu, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
  • [0532] Retrieving Multimedia Web Objects Based on Page Rank Algorithm
    • Christopher C. Yang, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • K. Y. Chan, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • [0533] SAT-MOD: Moderate Itemset Fittest for Text Classification
    • Jianlin Feng, Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
    • Huijun Liu, Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
    • Jing Zou, Department of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science & Technology
  • [0534] Semantic Search of Schema Repositories
    • Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Gauri Shah, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Lingling Yan, IBM SVL
    • Willi Urban, IBM Software Group
  • [0535] The Indexable Web is More than 11.5 Billion Pages
    • Antonio Gulli, Universià di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica
    • Alessio Signorini, University of Iowa, Computer Science
  • [0536] TruRank: Taking PageRank to the Limit
    • Sebastiano Vigna, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione, Università degli Studi di Milano
  • [0537] Using Visual Cues for Extraction of Tabular Data from Arbitrary HTML Documents
    • Bernhard Krüepl, Vienna University of Technology
    • Marcus Herzog, Vienna University of Technology
    • Wolfgang Gatterbauer, Vienna University of Technology
  • [0538] Web Data Cleansing for Information Retrieval using Key Resource Page Selection
    • Yiqun Liu, State Key Lab of Intelligent technology & systems, Tsinghua University
    • Canhui Wang, State Key Lab of Intelligent technology & systems, Tsinghua University
    • Min Zhang, State Key Lab of Intelligent technology & systems, Tsinghua University
    • Shaoping Ma, State Key Lab of Intelligent technology & systems, Tsinghua University
  • [0539] Web Log Mining with Adaptive Support Thresholds
    • Jian-Chih Ou, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
    • Chang-Hung Lee, BenQ Corporation 18
    • Ming-Syan Chen, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • [0540] XAR-Miner: Efficient Association Rules Mining for XML Data
    • Sheng Zhang, College of Physics Sciences and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
    • Ji Zhang, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
    • Han Liu, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
    • Wei Wang, College of Educational Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

Semantic Web

  • [0601] An Agent System for Ontology Sharing on WWW
    • Kotaro Nakayama, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
    • Takahiro Hara, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
    • Shojiro Nishio, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
  • [0602] An Approach for Ontology-based Elicitation of User Models to Enable Personalization on the Semantic Web
    • Ronald Denaux, Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology
    • Lora Aroyo, Department of Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology
    • Vania Dimitrova, School of Computing, University of Leeds
  • [0603] An Architecture for Personal Semantic Web Information Retrieval System
    • Haibo Yu, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    • Tsunenori Mine, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    • Makoto Amamiya, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
  • [0604] Association Search in Semantic Web: Search + Inference
    • Liang Bangyong, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University
    • Tang Jie, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University
    • Li Juanzi, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University
  • [0605] Automated Semantic Web Services Orchestration via Concept Covering
    • Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari
    • Eugenio Di Sciascio, Politecnico di Bari
    • Francesco M. Donini, Università della Tuscia
    • Azzurra Ragone, Politecnico di Bari
    • Simona Colucci, Politecnico di Bari and Knowledge Management Institute - Open University
  • [0606] AVATAR: An approach based on Semantic Reasoning to Recommend Personalized TV programs
    • Yolanda Blanco-Fernández, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Jose J. Pazos-Arias, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Alberto Gil-Solla, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Manuel Ramos-Cabrer, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Ana Fernández-Vilas, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Martín López-Nores, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
    • Belén Barragáns-Martínez, Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo
  • [0607] Constructing Extensible XQuery Mappings
    • Gang Qian, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University
    • Yisheng Dong, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University
  • [0608] Hera Presentation Generator
    • Flavius Frasincar, Eindhoven University of Technology
    • Geert-Jan Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology
    • Peter Barna, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • [0609] Hybrid Semantic Tagging for Information Extraction
    • Ronen Feldman, Computer Science Department, Bar-Ilan University
    • Benjamin Rosenfeld, Computer Science Department, Bar-Ilan University
    • Moshe Fresko, Computer Science Department, Bar-Ilan University
    • Brian D. Davison, Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University
  • [0610] Multiple Strategies Detection in Ontology Mapping
    • Jie Tang, Department of Computer, Tsinghua University
    • Bang-Yong Liang, Department of Computer, Tsinghua University
    • Juan-Zi Li, Department of Computer, Tsinghua University
  • [0611] Semantic Virtual Environments
    • Karsten A. Otto, Freie Universität Berlin
  • [0612] Service Discovery and Measurement based on DAML-QoS Ontology
    • Chen Zhou, Center for Multimedia & Network Technology, Nanyang Technological University
    • Liang-Tien Chia, Center for Multimedia & Network Technology, Nanyang Technological University
    • Bu-Sung Lee, Center for Multimedia & Network Technology, Nanyang Technological University
  • [0613] Signing individual fragments of an RDF graph
    • Giovanni Tummarello, Università Politecnica delle Marche
    • Christian Morbidoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche
    • Paolo Puliti, Università Politecnica delle Marche
    • Francesco Piazza, Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • [0614] Soundness Proof of Z Semantics of OWL Using Institutions
    • Dorel Lucanu, Faculty of Computer Science, “A.I.Cuza” University
    • Yuan Fang Li, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Jin Song Dong, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
  • [0615] Verify Feature Models using Protege-OWL
    • Hai Wang, The University of Manchester
    • Yuan Fang Li, National University of Singapore
    • Jing Sun, The University of Auckland
    • Hongyu Zhang, RMIT University

Applications and User Interface

  • [0701] A Language for Expressing User-Context Preferences in the Web
    • Juan Ignacio Vazquez, Faculty of Engineering, Deusto University
    • Diego Lopez de Ipiña, Faculty of Engineering, Deusto University
  • [0702] ALVIN: A System for Visualizing Large Networks
    • Davood Rafiei, Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta
    • Stephen Curial, Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta
  • [0703] Automatic Generation of Link Collections and their Visualization
    • Osamu Segawa, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
    • Jun Kawai, TIS Inc.
    • Kazuyuki Sakauchi, TIS Inc.
  • [0704] Building Reactive Web Applications
    • Federico M. Facca, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
    • Stefano Ceri, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
    • Jacopo Armani, Istituto di Tecnologie della Comunicazione, Università della Svizzera Italiana
    • Vera Demaldé, Istituto di Tecnologie della Comunicazione, Università della Svizzera Italiana
  • [0705] Car Racing through the Streets of the Web: a High-Speed 3D Game over a Fast Synchronization Service
    • Stefano Cacciaguerra, Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna
    • Stefano Ferretti, Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna
    • Marco Roccetti, Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna
    • Matteo Roffilli, Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna
  • [0706] Interactive Web-Wrapper Construction for Extracting Relational Information from Web documents
    • Tsuyoshi Sugibuchi, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University
    • Yuzuru Tanaka, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University
  • [0707] Introducing Multimodal Character Agents into Existing Web Applications
    • Kimihito Ito, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University
  • [0708] MemoSpace: A visualization tool for Web navigation
    • Jacqueline Waniek, Keio University
    • Holger Langner, Chemnitz University of Technology
    • Falk Schmidsberger, Chemnitz University of Technology
  • [0709] Migrating Web Application Sessions in Mobile Computing
    • G. Canfora, RCOST - University of Sannio
    • G. Di Santo, RCOST - University of Sannio
    • G. Venturi, RCOST - University of Sannio
    • E. Zimeo, RCOST - University of Sannio
    • M. V. Zito, RCOST - University of Sannio
  • [0710] Multispace Information Visualization Framework for the Intercomparison of Data Sets Retrieved from Web Services
    • Masahiko Itoh, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University
    • Yuzuru Tanaka, Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University
  • [0711] On Business Activity Modeling using Grammars
    • Savitha Srinivasan, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Arnon Amir, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Prasad Deshpande, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Vladimir Zbarsky, IBM Almaden Research Center
  • [0712] Persistence in Web Based Collaborations
    • N. Bryan-Kinns, Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
    • P. G. T. Healey, Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
    • J. Lee, Department of Computer Science, Queen Mary, University of London
  • [0713] Popular Web Hot Spots Identification and Visualization
    • Dimitra Avramouli, University of Patras Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept
    • John Garofalakis, RA Computer Technology Institute, Internet and Multimedia Technologies RU 5 AND University of Patras Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept
    • Dimitris J. Kavvadias, University of Patras Mathematics Dept
    • Christos Makris, University of Patras Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept
    • Yannis Panagis, RA Computer Technology Institute, Internet and Multimedia Technologies RU 5 AND University of Patras Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept
    • Evangelos Sakkopoulos, RA Computer Technology Institute, Internet and Multimedia Technologies RU 5 AND University of Patras Computer Engineering & Informatics Dept
  • [0714] The Anatomy of a News Search Engine
    • Antonio Gulli, Dipartimento di Informatica, Pisa Italy
  • [0715] Transforming Web Contents into a Storybook with Dialogues and Animations
    • Kaoru Sumi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    • Katsumi Tanaka, Kyoto University
  • [0716] Web2Talkshow: Transforming Web Content into TV-program-like Content Based on the Creation of Dialogue
    • Akiyo Nadamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    • Masaki Hayashi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    • Katsumi Tanaka, Kyoto University
  • [0717] WEBCAP: A Capacity Planning Tool for Web Resource Management
    • Sami Habib, Kuwait University, Computer Engineering Department
    • Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Computer Engineering Department
  • [0718] WebRogue: Virtual Presence in Web Sites
    • Alessandro Soro, CRS4 - Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia
    • Ivan Marcialis, CRS4 - Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia
    • Davide Carboni, CRS4 - Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia
    • Gavino Paddeu, CRS4 - Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia

XML and Web Services

  • [0801] A Fast XPATH Evaluation Technique with the Facility of Updates
    • Ashish Virmani, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
    • Suchit Agarwal, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
    • Rahul Thathoo, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
    • Shekhar Suman, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
    • Sudip Sanyal, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
  • [0802] A Framework for Handling Dependencies among Web Services Transactions
    • Seunglak Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Hyukjae Jang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Hangkyu Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Jungsook Kim, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)
    • Su Myeon Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Junehwa Song, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
    • Yunjoon Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
  • [0803] A Semantic-Link-Based Infrastructure for Web Service Discovery in P2P Networks
    • Jie Liu, China Knowledge Grid Research Group, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • Hai Zhuge, China Knowledge Grid Research Group, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • [0804] Advanced Fault Analysis in Web Service Composition
    • Liliana Ardissono, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Luca Console, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Anna Goy, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Giovanna Petrone, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Claudia Picardi, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Marino Segnan, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino
    • Daniele Theseider Dupré, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università del Piemonte Orientale
  • [0805] Answering Order-Based Queries Over XML Data
    • Zografoula Vagena, University of California, Riverside
    • Nick Koudas, University of Toronto
    • Divesh Srivastava, AT&T Labs-Research
    • Vassilis J. Tsotras, University of California, Riverside
  • [0806] Automated Synthesis of Executable Web Service Compositions from BPEL4WS Processes
    • Marco Pistore, University of Trento
    • Paolo Traverso, ITC-IRST
    • Piergiorgio Bertoli, ITC-IRST
    • Annapaola Marconi, ITC-IRST
  • [0807] Consistency Checking of UML Model Diagrams Using the XML Semantics Approach
    • Yasser Kotb, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Information Science
    • Takuya Katayama, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Information Science
  • [0808] Describing Namespaces with GRDDL
    • Erik Wilde, ETH Zürich
  • [0809] Does Learning How to Read Japanese Have to Be So Difficult, And Can the Web Help?
    • Julien Quint, (formerly of) National Institute of Informatics
    • Ulrich Apel, (formerly of) National Institute of Informatics
  • [0810] GalaTex: A Conformant Implementation of the XQuery Full-Text Language
    • Emiran Curtmola, University of California San Diego
    • Sihem Amer-Yahia, AT&T Labs Research
    • Philip Brown, AT&T Labs Research
    • Mary Fernandez, AT&T Labs Research
  • [0811] Generating XSLT Scripts for the Fast Transformation of XML Documents
    • Dong-Hoon Shin, Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University
    • Kyong-Ho Lee, Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University
  • [0812] Guidelines for Developing Trust in Health Websites
    • Elizabeth Sillence, PACT Laboratory, School of Psychology & Sports Science, Northumbria University
    • Pam Briggs, PACT Laboratory, School of Psychology & Sports Science, Northumbria University
    • Lesley Fishwick, PACT Laboratory, School of Psychology & Sports Science, Northumbria University
    • Peter Harris, Psychology Department, Sheffield University
  • [0813] Hubble: An Advanced Dynamic Folder System for XML
    • Ning Li, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Joshua Hui, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Hui-I Hsiao, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Kevin Beyer, IBM Almaden Research Center
  • [0814] Mapping XML Instances
    • Sai Anand, ETH Zürich
    • Erik Wilde, ETH Zürich
  • [0815] Middleware Services for Web Service Compositions
    • Anis Charfi, Software Technology Group, Darmstadt University of Technology
    • Mira Mezini, Software Technology Group, Darmstadt University of Technology
  • [0816] MiSpider: A Continuous Agent on Web pages
    • Yujiro Fukagaya, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Tadachika Ozono, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Takayuki Ito, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
    • Toramatsu Shintani, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • [0817] Ontology-based learning content repurposing
    • Katrien Verbert, Departement Computerwetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    • Dragan Gaševic´, FON-School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade
    • Jelena Jovanovic´, FON-School of Business Administration, University of Belgrade
    • Erik Duval, Departement Computerwetenschappen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • [0818] SLL: Running My Web Services on Your WS Platforms Donald
    • Donald Kossmann, ETH Zürich
    • Christian Reichel, University of Heidelberg & Siemens AG
  • [0819] Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO
    • Ana Cristina B. da Silva, PUCRS/FACIN
    • Joao B. S. de Oliveira, PUCRS/FACIN
    • Fernando T. M. Mano, PUCRS/CPSE
    • Thiago B. Silva, PUCRS/CPSE
    • Leonardo L. Meirelles, PUCRS/CPSE
    • Felipe R. Meneguzzi, Hewlett-Packard
    • Fabio Giannetti, Hewlett-Packard
  • [0820] The Semantic Webscape: A View of the Semantic Web
    • Juhnyoung Lee, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    • Richard Goodwin, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • [0821] TJFast: Efficient processing of XML twig pattern matching
    • Jiaheng Lu, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Ting Chen, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Tok Wang Ling, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
  • [0822] Using OWL for Querying an XML/RDF Syntax
    • Rubén Tous, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Dpt.Tecnologia
    • Jaime Delgado, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Dpt.Tecnologia
  • [0823] Wireless SOAP: Optimizations for Mobile Wireless Web Services
    • Naresh Apte, DoCoMo USA Labs
    • Keith Deutsch, DoCoMo USA Labs
    • Ravi Jain, DoCoMo USA Labs
  • [0824] XSLT By Example
    • Daniele Braga, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
    • Alessandro Campi, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
    • Roberto Cappa, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
    • Damiano Salvi, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano
  • [0825] X-Warehouse: Building Query Pattern-driven Data
    • Ji Zhang, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
    • Wei Wang, College of Educational Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
    • Han Liu, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
    • Sheng Zhang, College of Physics Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

Web Engineering

  • [0901] A Model fot Short-Term Content Adaptation
    • Marco Benini, Centro di Ricerca Informatica Interattiva Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione Università degli Studi dell'Insubria Alberto Trombetta Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
    • Michela Acquaviva, Centro di Ricerca Informatica Interattiva Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
  • [0902] A Quality Framework For Web Site Quality: User Satisfaction And Quality Assurance
    • Brian Kelly, UKOLN, University of Bath
    • Richard Vidgen, School of Management, University of Bath
  • [0903] A Study on Combination of Block Importance and Relevance to Estimate Page Relevance
    • Shen Huang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Yong Yu, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Shengping Li, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Gui-Rong Xue, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
    • Lei Zhang, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • [0904] Adaptive Filtering of Advertisements on Web Pages
    • Babak Esfandiari, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University
    • Richard Nock, GRIMAAG-DSI / University Antilles-Guyane
  • [0905] An Experimental Study on Large-Scale Web Categorization
    • Tie-Yan Liu, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Yiming Yang, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
    • Hao Wan, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    • Qian Zhou, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    • Bin Gao, Department of Mathematics, Peking University
    • Hua-Jun Zeng, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research Asia
    • Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research Asia
  • [0906] An Investigation of Cloning in Web Applications
    • Damith C. Rajapakse, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
    • Stan Jarzabek, Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
  • [0907] Composite Event Queries for Reactivity on the Web
    • James Bailey, Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne
    • François Bry, Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
    • Paula-Lavinia Patranjan, Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
  • [0908] Extracting Semantic Structure of Web Documents Using Content and Visual Information
    • Rupesh R. Mehta, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
    • Pabitra Mitra, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
    • Harish Karnick, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology
  • [0909] Finding the Boundaries of Information Resources on the Web
    • Pavel Dmitriev, Cornell University
    • Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
    • Boris Suchkov, Cornell University
  • [0910] Processing Link Structures and Linkbases on the Web
    • François Bry, Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
    • Michael Eckert, Institute for Informatics, University of Munich
  • [0911] The Language Observatory Project (LOP)
    • Yoshiki Mikami, Nagaoka University of Technology
    • Pavol Zavarsky, Nagaoka University of Technology
    • Mohd Zaidi Abd Rozan, Nagaoka University of Technology
    • Irwan Nizan Ayob, Nagaoka University of Technology
    • Paolo Boldi, Università degli Studi di Milano
    • Massimo Santin, Università degli Studi di Milano
    • Sebastiano Vigna, Università degli Studi di Milano
  • [0912] Topological Spaces of the Web
    • Gabriel Ciobanu, Romanian Academy, Institute of Computer Science
    • Danut Rusu, A.I.Cuza University of Iasi
  • [0913] Towards Autonomic Web-sites Based on Learning Automata
    • Pradeep S, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
    • Chitra Ramachandran, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
    • Srinath Srinivasa, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
  • [0914] Understanding the Function of Web Elements Using Random Walk Models
    • Xinyi Yin, Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore
    • Wee Sun Lee, Department of Computer Science and Singapore - MIT Alliance, National University of Singapore
  • [0915] XHTML Meta Data Profiles
    • Tantek Çelik, GMPG
    • Eric A. Meyer, Complex Spiral Consulting
    • Matthew Mullenweg,


  • [1001] A Modeling Approach to Federated Identity and Access Management
    • Martin Gaedke, University of Karlsruhe
    • Johannes Meinecke, University of Karlsruhe
    • Martin Nussbaumer, University of Karlsruhe
  • [1002] Detection of Phishing Webpages based on Visual Similarity
    • Liu Wenyin, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
    • Guanglin Huang, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
    • Liu Xiaoyue, Department of Chinese, Translation & Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong
    • Zhang Min, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
    • Xiaotie Deng, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong
  • [1003] Enhancing the Privacy of Web-based Communications
    • Aleksandra Korolova, Palo Alto Research Center
    • Ayman Farahat, Palo Alto Research Center
    • Philippe Golle, Palo Alto Research Center
  • [1004] Merkle Tree Authentication of HTTP Responses
    • Roberto J. Bayardo, IBM Almaden Research Center
    • Jeffrey Sorensen, IBM Watson Research Center
  • [1005] Web Services Security Configuration in a Service-Oriented Architecture
    • Takeshi Imamura, IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
    • Michiaki Tatsubori, IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
    • Yuichi Nakamura, IBM Research, Tokyo Research Laboratory
    • Christopher Giblin, IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory