WWW2004 Program Sessions

Last Update: Tue May 18 14:54:39 EDT 2004

Wednesday, May 19

09:00 - 10:30 Opening Ceremony
Plenary 1: Tim Berners-Lee
11:00 - 12:30 A8: Learning Classifiers
Chair: Bing Liu

LiveClassifier: Creating Hierarchical Text Classifiers through Web Corpora
Chien-Chung Huang, Academia Sinica
Shui-Lung Chuang, Academia Sinica
Lee-Feng Chien, Academia Sinica & National Taiwan University

Using URLs and Table Layout for Web Classification Tasks
Lawrence Kai Shih, MIT
David R. Karger, MIT

Learning Block Importance Models for Web Pages
Ruihua Song, Microsoft Research
Haifeng Liu, University of Toronto
Ji-Rong Wen, Microsoft Research
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research

B8: Security and Privacy
Chair: Patrick MacDaniel

Anti-Aliasing on the Web
Jasmine Novak, IBM Research
Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity Inc.
Andrew Tomkins, IBM Research

Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection
Yao-Wen Huang, National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica
Fang Yu, Academia Sinica
Christian Hang, RWTH Aachen
Chung-Hung Tsai, National Taiwan University
Der-Tsai Lee, National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University

Trust-Serv: Model-Driven Lifecycle Management of Trust Negotiation Policies for Web Services
Halvard Skogsrud, University of New South Wales
Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales
Fabio Casati, HP Labs

C1: Usability and Accessibility
Chair: Bay-Wei Chang

SmartBack: Supporting Users in Back Navigation
Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research
Rachel Jones, Instrata Ltd
Kerry Rodden, Instrata Ltd
Gavin Smyth, Microsoft Research
Alan Blackwell, University of Cambridge
Ralph Sommerer, Microsoft Research

Web Accessibility: A Broader View
John T. Richards, IBM Research
Vicki L. Hanson, IBM Research

HearSay: Enabling Audio Browsing on Hypertext Content
I. V. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University
Amanda Stent, Stony Brook University
Guizhen Yang, University at Buffalo

ED1: Sharing Educational Resources
Chair: Vincent Wade

Semantic Resource Management for the Web: An E-Learning Application
Julien Tane, University of Karlsruhe
Christoph Schmitz, University of Karlsruhe
Gerd Stumme, University of Karlsruhe

EducaNext: A Framework for Sharing Live Educational Resources with Isabel
Juan Quemada, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Gabriel Huecas, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Tomás de Miguel, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Joaquín Salvachúa, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Blanca Fernandez, Universidad Politécnica Madrid
Bernd Simon , Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Katherine Maillet, Institut National de Telecom, Paris
Effie Lai-Chong Law, ETH Zurich

The Interoperability of Learning Object Repositories and Services: Standards, Implementations and Lessons Learned
Marek Hatala, Simon Fraser University
Griff Richards, BCIT, c/o Simon Fraser University
Timmy Eap, Simon Fraser University
Jordan Willms, Simon Fraser University

P3: Will the Semantic Web Scale?

Raphael Volz, University of Karlsruhe
Carole Goble, University of Manchester
Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe
Cathy Marshall, Texas A+M University / Microsoft Research
Jürgen Angele, University of Innsbruck / Ontoprise GmbH
Alon Halevy, University of Seattle / Nimble Technologies
Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester / Network Inference

Scalability may not be the latest fad or sexy issue, but its importance in applications will finally determine whether the Semantic Web is a mirage. Scalability is often a key requirement for the usefulness of applications in practice to users. Scalability also presents a regular challenge to developers. Its difficulty ensures the interest of researchers, e.g., most of database research is centered around achieving scalability. The panel will discuss scalability from a theoretical, technical and practical perspective and should therefore be interesting to users, developers and researchers. You can learn more about the panel and provide questions for the panelists on debate.semanticweb.org.

W3C-D1-S1: W3C Web standards - An Overview
Chair: Steve Bratt

  • W3C: Introduction, Accomplishments (Steve Bratt)
  • W3C TAG and the Architecture of the Web (Dan Connolly)
  • http://www.w3.org: W3C Web standards into action (Karl Dubost)
14:00 - 15:30 A7: Information Extraction
Chair: Roberto Bayardo

Unsupervised Learning of Soft Patterns for Generating Definitions from Online News
Hang Cui, National University of Singapore
Min-Yen Kan, National University of Singapore
Tat-Seng Chua, National University of Singapore

Web-scale Information Extraction in KnowItAll (Preliminary Results)
Oren Etzioni, University of Washington
Michael Cafarella, University of Washington
Doug Downey, University of Washington
Stanley Kok, University of Washington
Ana-Maria Popescu, University of Washington
Tal Shaked, University of Washington
Stephen Soderland, University of Washington
Daniel S. Weld, University of Washington
Alexander Yates, University of Washington

Is question answering an acquired skill?
Ganesh Ramakrishnan, IIT Bombay
Soumen Chakrabarti, IIT Bombay and CMU
Deepa Paranjpe, IIT Bombay
Pushpak Bhattacharyya, IIT Bombay

B2: Mobility
Chair: Fred Douglis

Session Level Techniques for Improving Web Browsing Performance on Wireless Links
Pablo Rodriguez, Microsoft Research
Sarit Mukherjee, Bell Labs
Sampath Rangarajan, Bell Labs

Flexible On-device Service Replication with Replets
Dong Zhou, DoCoMo USA Labs
Nayeem Islam, DoCoMo USA Labs
Ali Ismael, DoCoMo USA Labs

Improving Web Browsing on Wireless PDAs Using Thin-Client Computing
Albert M. Lai, Columbia University
Jason Nieh, Columbia University
Bhagyashree Bohra, Columbia University
Vijayarka Nandikonda, Columbia University
Abhishek P. Surana, Columbia University
Suchita Varshneya, Columbia University

Chair: Bebo White

XVM: A Bridge Between XML Data And Its Behavior
Quanzhong Li, University of Arizona
Michelle Y Kim, IBM Research
Edward So, IBM Research
Steve Wood, IBM Research

SchemaPath, a Minimal Extension to XML Schema for Conditional Constraints
Paolo Marinelli, University of Bologna
Claudio Sacerdoti Coen, University of Bologna
Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna

Composite Events for XML
Martin Bernauer, Vienna University of Technology
Gerti Kappel, Vienna University of Technology
Gerhard Kramler, Vienna University of Technology

WC: Web of Communities
Chair: Liddy Neville

An Outsider's View on "Topic-oriented" Blogging
Judit Bar-Ilan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Role of Standards in Creating Community
Kathi Martin, Drexel University

Network Arts: Exposing Cultural Reality
David A. Shamma, Northwestern University
Sara Owsley, Northwestern University
Kristian J. Hammond, Northwestern University
Shannon Bradshaw, The University of Iowa
Jay Budzik, Northwestern University

P5: Web Semantics and Web Services: a marriage made in heaven?

Katia Sycara, CMU
Francisco Curbera, IBM Research
David Martin, SRI International
Mike Uschold, Boeing Corporation

There seems to be some common agreement that "more semantics is needed" in Web Services. (For example, many members of the WSD Working Group agree that WSDL is way too thin, semantically speaking). Significant disagreement lies in what that "more semantics" is. So, a question that can be profitably asked may not be "whether semantics", but "which semantics"? Are the current technologies of the Semantic Web enough to bring value added semantics to web services? Are there additional or different Web semantic technologies that would be more effective? Are there any strong drivers for bringing the two technologies together?

W3C-D1-S2: Web Access, Worldwide
Chair: Ivan Herman

  • Internationalization Update (Richard Ishida)
  • WAI: Why Standards Harmonization is Essential to Web Accessibility (Judy Brewer)
  • Update on WCAG 2.0 (Wendy Chisholm)
16:00 - 17:30 A1: Search Engineering 1
Chair: Luis Gravano

What's New on the Web? The Evolution of the Web from a Search Engine Perspective
Alexandros Ntoulas, UCLA
Junghoo Cho, UCLA
Christopher Olston, CMU

Understanding User Goals in Web Search
Daniel E. Rose, Yahoo! Inc.
Danny Levinson, Yahoo! Inc.

Impact of Web Search Engines on Page Popularity
Junghoo Cho, UCLA
Sourashis Roy, UCLA

B5: Web Site Engineering
Chair: Andreas Paepcke

Staging Transformations for Multimodal Web Interaction Management
Michael Narayan, Virginia Tech
Christopher Williams, Virginia Tech
Saverio Perugini, Virginia Tech
Naren Ramakrishnan, Virginia Tech

Enforcing Strict Model-View Separation in Template Engines
Terence Parr, University of San Francisco

A Flexible Framework for Engineering "My" Portals
Fernando Bellas, University Of A Coruña
Daniel Fernández, University Of A Coruña
Abel Muiño, University Of A Coruña

C3: Semantic Interfaces and OWL Tools
Chair: Peter Patel-Schneider

Semantic Email
Luke McDowell, University of Washington
Oren Etzioni, University of Washington
Alon Halevy, University of Washington
Henry Levy, University of Washington

How to Make a Semantic Web Browser
Dennis Quan, IBM Research
David R. Karger, MIT

Parsing OWL DL: Trees or Triples?
Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
Jeremy J. Carroll, HP Labs

WS1: Quality of Service
Chair: Francisco Curbera

A Quality Model for Multichannel Adaptive Information
Carlo Marchetti, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano
Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano

Towards Context-Aware Adaptable Web Services
Markus Keidl, University of Passau
Alfons Kemper, University of Passau

QoS Computation and Policing in Dynamic Web Service Selection
Yutu Liu, Texas State University
Anne H.H Ngu, Texas State University
Liangzhao Zeng, IBM Research

P4: On Culture in a Worldwide Information Society: Long Term Preservation of Digital Archives

Alfredo Ronchi

Rapid changes in technology make preservation of digital content a challenge. Taking into account the huge amount of data to be filed, the amount of time to accomplish with this task and more over the period of time we need to store such information, we have to value objectively a problem up till now widely underestimated and that is the conservation for long periods of time of digital information. This subject takes us to consider two aspects, the first is technological obsolescence and the second the 'temporary instinct' of the so-called 'permanent supports'. The biological clock of ICT beats smaller time slices compared to those considered worldwide in the field of cultural heritage. Digital formats becomes suddenly obsolete and disappear. An extraordinarily long-lived solution, such as the PC/DOS in great favour for over twenty years, represents a short-lived apparition if compared to the time spent in state owned archives. Computer systems are aging, media on which information is stored are disintegrating, the magnetic technology diskette survives without problems for thousands of hours but not enough to be considered 'permanent' for those aims. What are the long-term implications if we rely on current digital technology to preserve our cultural memory? Long term preservation of digital archives is a issue not only for cultural content but even for e-government and social services.

W3C-D1-S3: Mixing Markup and Style for Interactive Content
Chair: Ian Jacobs

  • Web Forms - XForms 1.0 (Steven Pemberton)
  • CSS3 for Behaviors and Hypertext (Bert Bos)
  • Mixed markup (Dean Jackson)
17:30 - 19:30 Welcome and Poster Reception

Thursday, May 20

09:00 - 10:30 Plenary 2: Udi Manber, Rick Rashid
Customer-centric Innovations for Search and E-Commerce
11:00 - 12:30 B1: Server Performance and Scalability
Chair: Irwin King

A Method for Transparent Admission Control and Request Scheduling in E-Commerce Web Sites
Sameh Elnikety, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Erich Nahum, IBM Research
John Tracey, IBM Research
Willy Zwaenepoel, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

A Smart Hill-Climbing Algorithm for Application Server Configuration
Bowei Xi, Univ. of Michigan
Zhen Liu, IBM Research
Mukund Raghavachari, IBM Research
Cathy Xia, IBM Research
Li Zhang, IBM Research

Challenges and Practices in Deploying Web Acceleration Solutions for Distributed Enterprise Systems
Wen-Syan Li, NEC Laboratories America
Wang-Pin Hsiung, NEC Laboratories America
Oliver Po, NEC Laboratories America
Koji Hino, NEC Laboratories America
K. Selçuk Candan, NEC Laboratories America
Divyakant Agrawal, NEC Laboratories America

IP1: Industrial Practice 1
Chair: Raymie Stata

Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations
Jeremy J. Carroll, HP Labs
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs
Chris Dollin, HP Labs
Dave Reynolds, HP Labs
Andy Seaborne, HP Labs
Kevin Wilkinson,HP Labs

Internet Delivery of Meteorological and Oceanographic Data in Wide Area Naval Usage Environments
Udaykiran Katikaneni, Naval Research Laboratory
Roy Ladner Naval, Research Laboratory
Frederick Petry, Naval Research Laboratory

Can Web-Based Recommendation Systems Afford Deep Models: a context-based approach for efficient model-based reasoning
Leiguang Gong, IBM Research

P8: Standardized Uniqueness: Standards as the Key to Personalized Learning

Philip Dodds, U.S. Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative
Erik Duval,PhD ARIADNE and Catholic University
Robert Farrell, IBM Research
Leuven Peter Greene, MD, Medbiquitous and John Hopkins University
Wayne Hodgins, IEEE LTSC and Autodesk
Daniel Rehak, PhD, CMU
Tyde Richards, IEEE LTSC and IBM Software Group

The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a compilation of specifications and standards to enable effective Web-based learning. Learning technology standards are typically viewed as imposing constraints on how learning can be designed and delivered. The panelists take the opposite view---standards provide the key enabling technology for delivery of personalized learning on a global scale. The panelists have been involved as experts in both the definition and adoption of SCORM. They will discuss core issues around the broad application of SCORM and standards to learning, including exploring how SCORM is evolving, supporting adoption at scale, and killing common myths about learning and standards.

W3C-D2-S1: Semantic Web, Phase 2: Developments and Deployment
Chair: Eric Miller

  • Semantic Web activity update (Eric Miller)
  • Semantic Web Applications (Charles Myers - Adobe, Frank Careccia - Brandsoft, Dennis Quan - IBM, Jeff Pollock - Network Inference, Dave Reynolds - HP)
14:00 - 15:30 A4: Link Analysis
Chair: Junghoo Cho

Ranking the Web Frontier
Nadav Eiron, IBM Research
Kevin S. McCurley, IBM Research
John A. Tomlin, IBM Research

Link Fusion: A Unified Link Analysis Framework for Multi-Type Interrelated Data Objects
Wensi Xi, Virginia Tech
Benyu Zhang, Microsoft Research
Zheng Chen, Microsoft Research
Yizhou Lu, Peking University
Shuicheng Yan, Peking University
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech

Sic Transit Gloria Telae: Towards an Understanding of the Web's Decay
Ziv Bar-Yossef, IBM Research
Andrei Broder, IBM Research
Ravi Kumar, IBM Research
Andrew Tomkins, IBM Research

B4: Optimizing Encoding
Chair: Jason Nieh

Using Link Analysis to Improve Layout on Mobile Devices
Xinyi Yin, National University of Singapore
Wee Sun Lee, National University of Singapore

An Evaluation of Binary XML Encoding Optimizations for Fast Stream Based XML Processing
Roberto J. Bayardo, IBM Research
Daniel Gruhl, IBM Research
Vanja Josifovski, IBM Research
Jussi Myllymaki, IBM Research

Optimization of HTML Automatically Generated by WYSIWYG Programs
Jaqueline Spiesser, University of Melbourne
Les Kitchen, University of Melbourne

C4: Semantic Web Applications
Chair: Amit Sheth

Building a Companion Website in the Semantic Web
Timothy Miles-Board, University of Southampton
Wendy Hall, University of Southampton
Christopher Bailey, University of Southampton
Leslie Carr, University of Southampton

A Hybrid Approach for Searching in the Semantic Web
Cristiano Rocha, PUC-Rio and Milestone - I.T.
Daniel Schwabe, PUC-Rio
Marcus Poggi de Aragão, PUC-Rio

CS AKTive Space: Representing Computer Science in the Semantic Web
m.c. schraefel, University of Southampton
Nigel R. Shadbolt, University of Southampton
Nicholas Gibbins, University of Southampton
Hugh Glaser, University of Southampton
Stephen Harris, University of Southampton

ED2: Adaptive E-Learning Systems
Chair: Wolfgang Nejdl

Model based Engineering of Learning Situations for Adaptive Web Based Educational Systems
Thierry Nodenot, Laboratoire LIUPPA
Christophe Marquesuzaa, Laboratoire LIUPPA
Pierre Laforcade, Laboratoire LIUPPA
Christian Sallaberry, Laboratoire LIUPPA

KnowledgeTree: A Distributed Architecture for Adaptive E-Learning
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh

Authoring of Learning Styles in Adaptive Hypermedia: Problems and Solutions
Natalia Stash, Eindhoven University of Technology
Alexandra I. Cristea, Eindhoven University of Technology
Paul De Bra, Eindhoven University of Technology

P1: Is interoperability a futile quest?

David Marston, IBM Research
Mark Skall, NIST
Dimitris Dimitriadis, Ontologicon
Art Mena, Boeing

We begin by describing the new-in-2003 W3C guidelines that will make interoperability more provable. W3C Working Groups (WGs) will present a more integrated view of their requirements in the future, by providing tests in addition to specs. Then we will broaden our range to all the organizations attempting to set standards and guidelines for the Internet, looking at how notions of "conformance" should drive interoperability. Sanctioned conformance tests supplement marketplace pressure, but sanctioning them is more work for the WGs. The volunteer/contributed efforts in the WGs are hard-pressed to serve the ideals of interoperability.

W3C-D2-S2: Web Services Foundations and Innovations
Chair: Philippe Le Hégaret

  • Architecture and Future of Web Services: from SOAP to Semantic Web Services (Hugo Haas)
  • Update on Web Services Description Language 2.0 - WSDL 2.0 (David Booth)
  • Web Services Choreography (Yves Lafon)
16:00 - 17:30 A5: Reputation Networks
Chair: David Pennock

Shilling Recommender Systems for Fun and Profit
Shyong (Tony) K. Lam, University of Minnesota
John Riedl, University of Minnesota

Propagation of Trust and Distrust
R. Guha, IBM Reseach
Ravi Kumar, IBM Research
Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity Inc.
Andrew Tomkins, IBM Research

A Community-Aware Search Engine
Rodrigo B. Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Virgílio A. F. Almeida, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

B6: Versioning and Fragmentation
Chair: Corey Anderson

Managing Versions of Web Documents in a Transaction-time Web Server
Curtis Dyreson, Washington State University
Hui-Ling Lin, Washington State University
Yingxia Wang, Washington State University

Fine-grained, Structured Configuration Management for Web Projects
Tien N. Nguyen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ethan V. Munson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Cheng Thao, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Automatic Detection of Fragments in Dynamically Generated Web Pages
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Georgia Tech
Arun Iyengar, IBM Research
Ling Liu, Georgia Tech
Fred Douglis, IBM Research

C5: Semantic Annotation and Integration
Chair: Carole Goble

Incremental Formalization of Document Annotations through Ontology-Based Paraphrasing
Jim Blythe, USC Information Sciences Institute
Yolanda Gil, USC Information Sciences Institute

Towards the Self-Annotating Web
Philipp Cimiano, University of Karlsruhe
Siegfried Handschuh, University of Karlsruhe
Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe

Web Taxonomy Integration using Support Vector Machines
Dell Zhang, National University of Singapore
Wee Sun Lee, National University of Singapore

WS2: Business Processes and Conversations
Chair: Susan Dumais

A Framework for the Server-Side Management of Conversations with Web Services
Liliana Ardissono, Univ. Torino
Davide Cardinio, Univ. Torino
Giovanna Petrone, Univ. Torino
Marino Segnan, Univ. Torino

Decentralized Orchestration of Composite Web Services
Girish Chafle, IBM Research
Sunil Chandra, IBM Research
Vijay Mann, IBM Research
Mangala Gowri Nanda, IBM Research

CTR-S: A Logic for Specifying Contracts in Semantic Web Services
Hasan Davulcu, Arizona State University
Michael Kifer, Stony Brook University
I.V. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University

P7: Why do XForms Now?

Mark Seaborne, Origo Services
TV Raman, IBM Research
Mark Birbeck: CEO of xport.net
Steven Pemberton, CWI
John Boyer, PureEdge Solutions Inc.

XForms is a new technology from W3C. HTML Forms have formed the basis of the e-forms revolution, but after a decade of experience it is clear where they could be improved. XForms is based on an analysis of the shortcomings of HTML Forms, and the requirements for future generations of e-forms. XForms was released as a specification late last year, and at release time was the most implemented W3C specification at release date ever.

This panel is made up of representatives from the XForms working group, and represent a broad range from industry and research. The issues that will be addressed are around what XForms offers, and why these are necessary for future forms usage.

W3C-D2-S3: XML: Progress Report and New Initiatives
Chair: Danny Weitzner

  • XSLT 2.0 (Lionel Villard - IBM)
  • XML Query - XPath 2.0 (Michael Rys - Microsoft)
  • XML Security (Hugo Haas)
  • Binary Interchange of XML (Liam Quin)

Friday, May 21

09:00 - 10:30 Plenary 3: James J. Duderstadt, Mozelle Thompson
Higher Learning in the Digital Age
11:00 - 12:30 A6: Mining New Media
Krishna Bharat

Newsjunkie: Providing Personalized Newsfeeds via Analysis of Information Novelty
Evgeniy Gabrilovich, Technion
Susan Dumais, Microsoft Research
Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research

Information Diffusion Through Blogspace
Daniel Gruhl, IBM Research
David Liben-Nowell, MIT
R.V. Guha, IBM Research
Andrew Tomkins, IBM Research

Automatic Web News Extraction using Tree Edit Distance
Davi de Castro Reis, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Paulo B. Golgher, Akwan Information Technologies
Altigran S. da Silva, Federal University of Amazonas
Alberto H. F. Laender, Federal University of Minas Gerais

B7: Workload Analysis
Chair: Alec Wolman

Accurate, Scalable In-network Identification of P2P Traffic Using Application Signatures
Subhabrata Sen, AT&T Labs-Research
Oliver Spatscheck, AT&T Labs-Research
Dongmei Wang, AT&T Labs-Research

Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery
Leeann Bent, UC San Diego
Michael Rabinovich, AT&T Labs-Research
Geoffrey M. Voelker, UC San Diego
Zhen Xiao, AT&T Labs-Research

Analyzing Client Interactivity in Streaming Media
Cristiano Costa, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Italo Cunha, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Alex Borges, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Claudiney Ramos, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Marcus Rocha, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Jussara Almeida, Federal University of Minas Gerais
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, Federal University of Minas Gerais & Akwan Information Technologies

C6: Semantic Web Services
Chair: Steffen Staab

Augmenting Semantic Web Service Description with Compositional Specification
Monika Solanki, De Montfort University
Antonio Cau, De Montfort University
Hussein Zedan, De Montfort University

METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework
Abhijit Patil, University of Georgia
Swapna Oundhakar, University of Georgia
Amit Sheth, University of Georgia
Kunal Verma, University of Georgia

Foundations for Service Ontologies: Aligning OWL-S to DOLCE
Peter Mika, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Daniel Oberle, University of Karlsruhe
Aldo Gangemi, National Research Council of Italy
Marta Sabou, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

ED3: Student Tracking and Personalization
Chair: Peter Brusilovsky

Visualising Student Tracking Data to Support Instructors in Web-Based Distance Education
Riccardo Mazza, University of Lugano
Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds

Dynamic Assembly of Learning Objects
Robert Farrell, IBM Research
Soyini D. Liburd, MIT
John C. Thomas, IBM Research

Personalization in Distributed e-Learning Environments
Peter Dolog, University of Hannover
Nicola Henze, University of Hannover
Wolfgang Nejdl Saxony, University of Hannover
Michael Sintek, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH

P6: Multimodal Interaction Using XML -- Are we there yet?

Wu Chou, Avaya, Chair of EMMA subgroup, W3C Multimodal Interaction WG
Debbie Dahl, Conversational Technologies, Chair of W3C Multimodal WG

Distinguished Panelists:
Kuansan Wang, Microsoft
Yi-Min Chee, IBM
Mark Randolph, Motorola
Michael Johnston, AT&T
Max Froumentin, W3C
Alex Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon University

Intelligent human-machine communication is the ultimate challenge for computing machines, and multimodal interaction is the most natural way to conduct human-machine communication. Although the emergence of the Web and XML markup languages holds new promise to move human-machine communication to the next level, many critical factors still remain unknown. This panel discussion will explore the use of XML and the Web environment to enable multimodal interaction, taking a critical view of current practice and identifying new directions in this area. The panelists will consist of experts from industry, academia and the Web and XML standards communities. This panel discussion is in line with the multimodal interaction standards effort at W3C, where XML standard development work for multimodal interaction is underway.

W3C-D3-S1: W3C and the Mobile Web
Chair: Dave Raggett

  • Overview of Web Mobile Standards (Dave Raggett)
  • Device Independent Web (Stéphane Boyera)
  • SVG 1.2 and Mobile (Dean Jackson)
13:30 - 15:00 A2: Search Engineering 2
Chair: Nick Koudas

Mining Models of Human Activities from the Web
Mike Perkowitz, Intel Research
Matthai Philipose, Intel Research
Kenneth Fishkin, Intel Research
Donald J. Patterson, University of Washington

TeXQuery: A Full-Text Search Extension to XQuery
Sihem Amer-Yahia, AT&T Labs-Research
Chavdar Botev, Cornell University
Jayavel Shanmugasundaram, Cornell University

The WebGraph Framework I: Compression Techniques
Paolo Boldi, Università degli Studi di Milano
Sebastiano Vigna, Università degli Studi di Milano

B9: Infrastructure for Implementation
Chair: Martin Gaedke

XQuery at Your Web Service
Nicola Onose, Ensimag
Jérôme Siméon, IBM Research

Adapting Databases and WebDAV Protocol
Bita Shadgar, University of Bristol
Ian Holyer, University of Bristol

Analysis of Interacting BPEL Web Services
Xiang Fu, UC Santa Barbara
Tevfik Bultan, UC Santa Barbara
Jianwen Su, UC Santa Barbara

C7: Distributed Semantic Querying
Chair: Frank van Harmelen

Index Structures and Algorithms for Querying Distributed RDF Repositories
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Richard Vdovjak, Eindhoven University of Technology
Geert-Jan Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology
Jeen Broekstra, Aduna B.V. Amerfoort

REMINDIN': Semantic Query Routing in Peer-to-Peer Networks based on Social Metaphors
Christoph Tempich, University of Karlsruhe
Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe
Adrian Wranik, University of Karlsruhe

RDFPeers: A Scalable Distributed RDF Repository based on A Structured Peer-to-Peer Network
Min Cai, USC Information Sciences Institute
Martin Frank, USC Information Sciences Institute

IP2: Industrial Practice 2
Chair: Mark Manasse

EdgeComputing: Extending Enterprise Applications to the Edge of the Internet
Andy Davis, Akamai Technologies
Jay Parikh, Akamai Technologies
William E. Weihl, Akamai Technologies

B2B Integration over the Internet with XML - RosettaNet Success and Challenges
Suresh Damodaran, RosettaNet / Sterling Commerce

P2: Mind Your P's: Processes, Policies, and Protocols

Munindar P. Singh, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina St. Univ.

This panel seeks to delineate the above concepts clearly. It will involve specialists with considerable experience in working with processes, protocols, and policies, and with approaches for standardizing them. This panel will be centered around a simple running example just to highlight better for all how the different approaches compare with each other.

W3C-D3-S2: Giving Voice to the Web
Chair: Bert Bos

  • W3C's Speech Interface Framework and Voice XML 2.0 (Max Froumentin)
  • Multimodal Interaction (Dave Raggett)
15:30 - 17:00 A3: Query Result Processing
Chair: Andrei Broder

A Hierarchical Monothetic Document Clustering Algorithm for Summarization and Browsing Search Results
Krishna Kummamuru, IBM Research
Rohit Lotlikar, IBM Research
Shourya Roy, IBM Research
Karan Singal, IIT Guwahati
Raghu Krishnapuram, IBM Research

Mining Anchor Text for Query Refinement
Reiner Kraft, IBM Research
Jason Zien, IBM Research

Adaptive Web Search Based on User Profile Constructed without Any Effort from Users
Kazunari Sugiyama, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Kenji Hatano, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Masatoshi Yoshikawa, Nagoya University

B3: Web Site Analysis and Customization
Chair: Daniel Schwabe

Practical Semantic Analysis of Web Sites and Documents
Thierry Despeyroux, INRIA

Web Customization Using Behavior-Based Remote Executing Agents
Eugene Hung, UC San Diego
Joseph Pasquale, UC San Diego

C8: Semantic Web Foundations
Chair: Jeremy Carroll

A Possible Simplification of the Semantic Web Architecture
Bernardo Cuenca Grau, University of Maryland

A Combined Approach to Checking Web Ontologies
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore
Chew Hung Lee, DSO National Laboratories
Hian Beng Lee, DSO National Laboratories
Yuan Fang Li, National University of Singapore
Hai Wang, University of Manchester

A Proposal for an OWL Rules Language
Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester
Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs

WS3: Semantics and Discovery
Chair: Andrew Tomkins

Through Different Eyes - Assessing Multiple Conceptual Views for Querying Web Services
Wolf-Tilo Balke, UC Berkeley
Matthias Wagner, NTT DoCoMo Euro-Labs

Cooperative Middleware Specialization for Service Oriented Architectures
Nirmal K Mukhi, IBM Research
Ravi Konuru, IBM Research
Francisco Curbera, IBM Research

W3C-D3-S3: Future Work in W3C - Public Q&A
Chair: Tim Berners-Lee

  • What is coming up in W3C? (Steve Bratt)
  • Public Questions and Answers
17:30 Closing Ceremony and Awards Presentation

Saturday, May 22 - Developer's Day

Location New York Ballroom A Riverside Ballroom Riverside Suite Executive Conference Center D
08:30-09:30 Opening Plenary: Doug Cutting
Nutch, an Open-Source Search Engine in New York Ballroom B
09:45-10:45 S1: Semantic Web
Chair: Eric Miller

C1: Cool Stuff
Co-Chairs: Jim Hendler and Rohit Khare

P1: Photography Markup
Chair: Greg Elin

T1: Trust on the Web
Chair: Jennifer Golbeck

11:00-12:00 S2: Semantic Web C2: Cool Stuff P2: Photography Markup T2: Trust on the Web
12:15-13:30 Luncheon Plenary: Tim Berners-Lee
Questions & Answers from the floor in New York Ballroom B
13:45-15:15 S3: Semantic Web X1: XForms
Chair: Steven Pemberton

R1: Rules on the Web
Co-chairs: Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean, Harold Boley

T3: Trust on the Web
15:30-17:00 S4: Semantic Web X2: XForms R2: Rules on the Web C3: Cool Stuff