13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22
Program Statue of Liberty logo Chairs
New York City Photo gallery
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Performance and Reliability


Vice Chair: Mike Dahlin, University of Texas Austin, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Steve Gribble, University of Washington, USA

Program Committee:

Rich Wolski, UCSB
Mor Harchol-Balter, CMU
Werner Vogels, Cornell
Geoffrey M. Voelker, UCSD, USA
Amin Vahdat, Duke
Srinivasan Seshan, CMU,
Mark Crovella, BU
Idit Keidar, MIT/Technion
Michele Colajanni, University of Modena, Italy
Ernst W. Biersack, Institut EURECOM
Jayant R. Haritsa,
Alex Rousskov, Measurement Factory, USA
Lucy Cherkasova, HP Labs
Jian Yin, IBM TJ Watson
Alec Wolman, MSR
Edith Cohen, AT&T, USA
John Dilley, Akamai
Zheng Zang, Microsoft Asia

WWW 2004 Organizers
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery
NYU, New York University
NYU Center for Advanced Technology
IBM Research
IW3C2, the International World-Wide Web Conference Committee