Vice Chair: Andreas Paepcke, Stanford University, USA
Deputy Vice Chair: Bay-Wei Chang, Google, USA
Program Committee:
Jan Borchers, ETH
Yi-Farn Robin Chen, ATT Labs Research
Steve Cousins, PARC, inc
Gene Golovchinsky, Fuji Xerox
Kaj Grønbæk, University of Aarhus
Michael R. Lyu, CUHK, Hong Kong
Wei-Ying Ma, MS Research
Gary Marchionini, U. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jock McKinley, PARC
Vibhu Mittal, Google
Erich Neuhold, IPSI, Germany
Dave Raggett, W3C Fellow (Canon)
Aya Soffer, IBM Research Lab in Haifa
Don Turnbull, University of Texas, USA
Howard Wactlar, CMU
Terry Winograd, Stanford University
Polle Zellweger, MacZell Consulting