13th International WWW Conference Statue of Liberty logo At the New York, NY Sheraton on May 17-22
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Awards Chair: David De Roure

Best Paper
Automatic Detection of Fragments in Dynamically Generated Web Pages
Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Georgia Tech
Arun Iyengar, IBM Research
Ling Liu, Georgia Tech
Fred Douglis, IBM Research
Prize: Student travel grant, given by IFIP
Best Student Paper
Characterization of a Large Web Site Population with Implications for Content Delivery
Leeann Bent, UC San Diego
Michael Rabinovich, AT&T Labs-Research
Geoffrey M. Voelker, UC San Diego
Zhen Xiao, AT&T Labs-Research
Prize: Student travel grant, given by IFIP
Best Alternate Tracks Paper
Visualising Student Tracking Data to Support Instructors in Web-Based Distance Education
Riccardo Mazza, University of Lugano
Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds
Prize: Student travel grant, given by IFIP
Best Presentation
Towards the Self-Annotating Web
Philipp Cimiano, University of Karlsruhe
Siegfried Handschuh, University of Karlsruhe
Steffen Staab, University of Karlsruhe
Prize: 500 Euros, given by IFIP
Best Alternate Tracks Presentation
Dynamic Assembly of Learning Objects
Robert Farrell, IBM Research
Soyini D. Liburd, MIT
John C. Thomas, IBM Research
Prize: Passport conference registration for WWW2005
Best Poster
A Generic UIML Vocabulary for Device- and Modality-Independent User Interfaces
Rainer Simon, Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna
Michael Jank, Kapsch CarrierCom AG
Florian Wegscheider, Telecommunications Research Center, Vienna
Prize: WWW2005 conference registration
Best Student Poster
Automatically Collecting, Monitoring, and Mining Japanese Weblogs
Tomoyuki Nanno, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toshiaki Fujiki, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Manabu Okumura, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Prize: WWW2005 conference registration
Best Paper Runners-Up
Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection
Yao-Wen Huang, National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica
Fang Yu, Academia Sinica
Christian Hang, RWTH Aachen
Chung-Hung Tsai, National Taiwan University
Der-Tsai Lee, National Taiwan University & Academia Sinica
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University
Semantic E-mail
Luke McDowell, University of Washington
Oren Etzioni, University of Washington
Alon Halevy, University of Washington
Henry Levy, University of Washington
Enforcing Strict Model-View Separation in Template Engines
Terence Parr, University of San Francisco
Impact of Web Search Engines on Page Popularity
Junghoo Cho, UCLA
Sourashis Roy, UCLA
Learning Block Important Models for Web Pages
Ruihua Song, Microsoft Research
Haifeng Liu, University of Toronto
Ji-Rong Wen, Microsoft Research
Wei-Ying Ma, Microsoft Research
Session Level Techiques for Improving Web Browsing Performance on Wireless Links
Pablo Rodriguez, Microsoft Research
Sarit Mukherjee, Bell Labs
Sampath Rangarajan, Bell Labs
An Evaluation of Binary XML Encoding Optimizations for Fast Stream Based XML Processing
Roberto J. Bayardo, IBM Research
Daniel Gruhl, IBM Research
Vanja Josifovski, IBM Research
Jussi Myllymaki, IBM Research
Best Alternate Tracks Paper Runners-Up
Network Arts: Exposing Cultural Reality
David A. Shamma, Northwestern University Sara Owsley, Northwestern University
Kristian J. Hammond, Northwestern University
Shannon Bradshow, The University of Iowa
Jay Budzik, Northwestern University
Jena: Implementing the Semantic Web Recommendations
Jeremy J. Carroll, HP Labs
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs
Chris Dollin, HP Labs
Dave Reynolds, HP Labs
Andy Seaborne, HP Labs
Kevin Wilkinson, HP Labs
CTR-S: A Logic for Specifying Contracts in Semantic Web Services
Hasan Davulcu, Arizona State University
Michael Kifer, Stony Brook University
I.V. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University
WWW 2004 Organizers
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery
NYU, New York University
NYU Center for Advanced Technology
IBM Research
IW3C2, the International World-Wide Web Conference Committee