
Jim Hendler, University of Maryland, College Park
Rohit Khare, University of California,  Irvine

SOS: Stay On Saturday!

The organizers of Developer's Day would like to encourage you to "stick around" for the Saturday after the Web Conference to join in some very exciting hot-off-the-presses sessions for developers, by developers. In addition, we are proud to announce that we have scheduled two plenary speakers: Doug Cutting, the leader of the Nutch open-source search engine project, and an interactive luncheon Q&A with Tim Berners-Lee.

The main focus of the day will be four parallel tracks split along several key themes to bring developer and specialist communities together:

Please see for the latest information and much more detail, including talk abstracts and speaker bios.

Schedule Overview
Last Updated: Wednesday, May 19, 2004

New York Ballroom A Riverside Ballroom Riverside Suite Executive Conference Center D
08:30-09:30 Opening Plenary: Doug Cutting
Nutch, an Open-Source Search Engine in New York Ballroom B
09:45-10:45 S1: Semantic Web
Chair: Eric Miller

C1: Cool Stuff
Co-Chairs: Jim Hendler and Rohit Khare

P1: Photography Markup
Chair: Greg Elin

T1: Trust on the Web
Chair: Jennifer Golbeck

11:00-12:00 S2: Semantic Web C2: Cool Stuff P2: Photography Markup T2: Trust on the Web
12:15-13:30 Luncheon Plenary: Tim Berners-Lee
Questions & Answers from the floor in New York Ballroom B
13:45-15:15 S3: Semantic Web X1: XForms
Chair: Steven Pemberton

R1: Rules on the Web
Co-chairs: Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean, Harold Boley

T3: Trust on the Web
15:30-17:00 S4: Semantic Web X2: XForms R2: Rules on the Web C3: Cool Stuff
Semantic Web Track
Chair: Eric Miller

9:45 - 10:45 a Semantic Web Case Study,
Paul Ford, Associate Web Editor,

The Making of the Semantic Web Portal Museum Finland -- a Real World Case Study,
Eero Hyvönen, Kim Viljanen, Samppa Saarela, Eetu Mäkelä, Mirva Salminen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), University of Helsinki

11:00 - 12:00

Ryan Lee, Stefano Mazzocchi, MIT

Bibster - A Semantics-Based Bibliographic Peer-to-Peer System,
Peter Haase, Steffen Staab, Frank van Harmelen & SWAP-Team

1:45 - 3:15

Massive Scalability for RDF Storage and Analysis
David Wood and Tom Adams, Tucana Technologies, Inc.

A Name Resolution Mechanism for the RDF Model,
Dirk-Willem van Gulik,

Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Laboratory Semantic Web and (MINDSWAP) Agents Project,
Jim Hendler, Aditya Kalyanpur, Daniel Krech, Evren Sirin

3:30 - 5:00

Meetings; A Semantic Web Use Case,
Ralph Swick, W3C / MIT

Semantic Web Technology Evaluation Ontology (SWETO): A test bed for evaluating tools and benchmarking applications,
Aleman-Meza, Amit Sheth, I. Budak Arpinar, Chris Halaschek and the SemDIS team

Haystack: A Semantic Web Playground
Dennis Quan, IBM

Cool Stuff
Chairs: Jim Hendler and Rohit Khare

9:45 - 10:45

eBay's Web Services for Developers,
Jeffery McManus, eBay Inc.

11:00 - 12:00

Lessons From an XML Query-Qriven SVG+XHTML Web Site, Liam Quin, XML Activity Lead, W3C

Using SVG and CSS for "Theme Engines" ,
David Raggett, Canon/W3C

3:30 - 5:00 PM

XPointer and HTTP Range: Scalable data access for RDF ,
Bryan Thompson, Hicks & Associates, Inc.

SECO: An Integration Site for Semantic Web Metadata ,
Andreas Harth, DERI at NUI Galway and USC Information Sciences Institute

Chair: Steven Pemberton

The intention of this session is to introduce key elements of XForms, the new Forms Markup language for the Web, give some demonstrations, and above all to generate discussion on the design, use, and implementation of XForms.

XForms: Introduction and Overview
Steven Pemberton, W3C/CWI, chair of the W3C Forms working group

What is XForms, and why are so many industries already committing to it so soon? This talk gives a quick introduction, some demonstrations, and explains the advantages of XForms.

Using XForms
Mark Seaborne, Origo Services Ltd

XForms has been a recommendation for 7 months now. So how is it being implemented and used? This talk examines what it is like to be an author and user right now, to see if XForms is beginning to live up to its promise.

XForms: Usable And Accessible By Design
T. V. Raman, IBM Research

Interactive forms make up a key component in Web interaction. It is important to raise the level of abstraction at which such forms are authored in order to ensure that Web interaction remains usable and accessible across a variety of end-user devices.

John M. Boyer, PureEdge Solutions

As the level of sophistication of mainstream web transactions increases, so too does both the necessity and the difficulty of creating auditable and non-repudiable transactions. In this presentation we will discuss the methodologies for solving this problem that are available in the W3C XML signatures recommendation as a means of beginning to address the security of XForms.

Mark Birbeck,

XForms is set to create a revolution in the way we build applications. No other programming language brings together XML loading and saving, schema validation, multimodal support, a web deployment model, and extensible function libraries, to name but some of XForms' capabilities. This part of the session will look at how XForms processors are implemented, and use a number of demonstrations to show why XForms processors will provide a solid backbone for the future of applications building.

Photography Markup
Chair: Greg Elin

This track will present and discuss emerging trends in intertwingingly photos and text with special attention paid to identifying who is in photo, annotating specific image regions, and adding Semantic Web metadata to imagines. Presenters and attendees will argue about the future.

Rules on the Web
Co-Chairs: Benjamin Grosof, Mike Dean, Harold Boley

This track will present tools and applications for rules on the web, including business policies, web services, and other applications. This includes use of rules in, or for, the (RDF, OWL) semantic web, as well as rules for the XML web, and rules in combination with web services and/or other web techniques/protocols.

Check for updates to this schedule at

1345-1400 Welcome by chairs
1400-1415 cwm rules Tim Berners-Lee, W3C
1415-1430 SweetRules: Tools for RuleML Inferencing and Translation Benjamin Grosof, MIT
1430-1445 OO jDREW: A Java-Based Rule Engine for Object-Oriented RuleML Harold Boley, Marcel Ball, and Bruce Spencer, National Research Council of Canada and U. New Brunswick
1445-1500 FLORA 2 Michael Kifer, Stony Brook University
1530-1545 Hoolet Sean Bechhofer and Ian Horrocks, University of Manchester
1545-1600 Use of SWRL for Ontology Translation Mike Dean, BBN Technologies
1600-1615 Rule based inference support in Jena2 Dave Reynolds, HP Laboratories
1615-1630 ROWL Norman Sadeh, CMU
1630-1700 Discussion
Trust on the Web Track
Chair: Jennifer Golbeck

The Trust on the Web track at the WWW2004 Developers Day will bring demonstrations and presentations of new work in the area of trust on the web to a wide community of users. Topics addressed span the space of web interests and applications.

9:45 - 10:45 NICE, Rob Sherwood, University of Maryland, College Park

Benjamin Grosof, Said Tabet, Neogy Chitro,
MIT Sloan School of Management, Macgregor USA, MIT Sloan School of Management

11:00 - 12:00 TRELLIS, Yolanda Gil & Donovan Artz, University of Southern California and ISI

PeerTrust, Daniel Olmedilla, Learning Lab Lower Saxony (L3S)

1:45 - 3:15 The Semantic Web Trust Layer , Chris Bizer and Jeremy Carroll, Freie Universitat Berlin, Hewlett-Packard Labs Bristol, UK

Li Ding, Pranam Kolari, Anupam Joshi, Timothy Finin, Yelena Yesha
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)