is held by the author/owner(s).
WWW2003, May 20-24, 2003, Budapest, Hungary.
ACM 1-58113-680-3/03/0005.
This paper describes Seeker, a platform for large-scale text analytics, and SemTag, an application written on the platform to perform automated semantic tagging of large corpora. We apply SemTag to a collection of approximately 264 million web pages, and generate approximately 434 million automatically disambiguated semantic tags, published to the web as a label bureau providing metadata regarding the 434 million annotations. To our knowledge, this is the largest scale semantic tagging effort to date.
We describe the Seeker platform, discuss the architecture of the SemTag application, describe a new disambiguation algorithm specialized to support ontological disambiguation of large-scale data, evaluate the algorithm, and present our final results with information about acquiring and making use of the semantic tags. We argue that automated large scale semantic tagging of ambiguous content can bootstrap and accelerate the creation of the semantic web.
D.2.11 [Software Engineering]: Software Architectures; H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems -- Textual databases; H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval; H.3.5 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Online Information Services -- Web-based services; I.2.7 [Artificial Intelligence]: Natural Language Processing;
Algorithms, Design, Experimentation
Large text datasets, information retrieval, data mining, text analytics, automated semantic tagging
The Semantic Web [5] is a vision of a future web of machine-understandable documents and data.1 On a machine understandable web, it will be possible for programs to easily determine what documents are about. For instance, the people, places, events, and other entities that a document mentions will be canonically annotated within it. As a consequence, it is hoped that a new breed of smarter applications will become available.
Where will the data come from? For the semantic web vision to come to fruition, two classes of meta-data must become extensive and pervasive. The first is ontological support in the form of web-available services which will maintain metadata about entities and provide them when needed. The second is large-scale availability of annotations within documents encoding canonical references to mentioned entities.
Ontological support for the semantic web is an active area of both research and business development, but not the focus of this paper. Instead, we use the TAP ontology [30] in our experiments.
In partial support of the second class of data, document annotations, it is expected that enterprises will make business data available in Semantic Web formats (RDF, XML, or OWL). It is also expected that productivity tools will make it possible for individuals to author semantically annotated documents.
Nonetheless, for all this to happen, we need applications that can effectively leverage semantically tagged data. In turn, these applications cannot be useful unless there is enough semantically tagged data on the web in the first place. Unfortunately, today's reality is that few documents contain such annotations a priori, and we are in a state of circular dependency. Organizations that might create powerful tools based on semantic annotations are leery of sinking significant developmental effort while the number of available tags remains small; and content creators are similarly unwilling to create annotations while no tools exist to make use of them. The size of the web makes this bootstrapping problem is both formidable and acute.
Maintaining and updating a corpus the size of the Web requires infrastructure of a scale which most tagging applications cannot be expected to support. We also need a platform which different tagging applications can share. Seeker is a platform designed for this purpose. It provides highly scalable core functionality to support the needs of SemTag and other automated semantic annotation algorithms.
In the last couple of years, as part of the Semantic Web activity, a number of different systems have been built. These systems help perform one of two tasks: (1) create ontologies, and (2) annotate web pages with ontology derived semantic tags. By and large, both classes of systems have been focused on manual and semi-automatic tooling to improve the productivity of a human ontologist or annotator rather than on fully automated methods. Such systems have the advantage that humans can provide extremely fine-grained semantic tags. However, as reported in [11], even with the machine assistance, this is an arduous, time consuming and error-prone task.
A number of annotation tools for producing semantic markups exist. Protege-2000 [28] is a tool which supports the creation of ontologies for the semantic web. OntoAnnotate [34], a framework for the semantic web, includes tools for both manual and semi-automatic annotation of pages. Annotea [17] provides RDF-based markup but it does not support information extraction nor is it linked to an ontology server. SHOE [14] was one the earliest systems for adding semantic annotations to web pages. SHOE Knowledge Annotator allows users to mark up pages in SHOE guided by ontologies available locally or via a URL. These marked up pages can be reasoned about by SHOE-aware tools such as SHOE Search. Such tools are described in [36,19]. AeroDAML [23] is an interesting tools which takes an ontology and automatically produces a semantically marked up page which can then be checked by a human.
More recently, there have been efforts to automate some of these tasks using machine learning as a palliative measure. The principal tool is ``wrapping'' (see, for instance, [18,20,10]). These systems try to extract detailed structural data out of the pages and require significant training before they can be productive. Furthermore, such systems don't work against common shared ontologies, which is the focus of the semantic web.
SemTag is different from both these classes of systems in that it tags very large numbers of pages, with terms from a standard ontology, in an automated fashion. Furthermore, since SemTag operates as a centralized application with access to the entire database and associated metadata, it has many advantages over a local, per-page tagger. For example, it can make use of corpus-wide statistics to increase the quality of semantic tags. It can easily be re-run as new annotation algorithms and new semantic repositories become available. And it can perform operations that are only possible in the presence of many tags, such as automated alias discovery. More recent work, e.g. [22], which combines natural language understanding with learning to automatically generate annotations for specific domains is similar in spirit to SemTag. The current focus of SemTag is detecting the occurrence of particular entities in web pages. One of the critical steps in this process is that of resolving ambiguities. This is an area with a rich body of work ([40,32,21,26,29]) from the language understanding community.
In this paper, we present results of SemTag using the TAP knowledge base [31]. TAP is a shallow knowledge base that contains a broad range of lexical and taxonomic information about popular objects like: Music, movies, authors, sports, autos, health, etc. We used the TAP knowledge base in its standard ontology. Building a web scale ontology will require much larger knowledge bases. Future work involves using techniques such as those described in [31] to bootstrap from TAP to build much larger and richer ontologies.
With SemTag's current shallow level of understanding, RDFS [7] provides an adequate language for representing the annotations it generates. We expect that in the future, as SemTag's level of understanding improves, we will have to use more advanced languages [24] and move towards OWL [38].
SemTag is built on the Seeker platform for large scale text analytics. The explosive growth of the web, and the difficulty of performing complex data analysis tasks on unstructured data, has led to several different lines of research and development. Of these, the most prominent are the web search engines, (see for instance [12,3]) which have been primarily designed to address the problem of ``information overload.'' A number of interesting techniques have been suggested in this area; however, since this is not the direct focus of this paper, we omit these here. The interested reader is referred to the survey by Broder and Henzinger [8].
Several authors [1,15,4,33,25] describe relational approaches to web analysis. In this model, data on the web is seen as a collection of relations (for instance, the ``points to'' relation) each of which are realized by a function and accessed through a relational engine. This allows a user to describe his or her query in declarative form (SQL, typically) and leverages the machinery of SQL to execute the query. In all of these approaches, the data is fetched dynamically from the network on a lazy basis, and therefore, runtime performance is heavily penalized.
The Stanford WebBase project [16], while targeting a system that allows easy sequential and random access to a copy of the web, does not provide the same prototyping and development environment Seeker does. Specifically, it lacks the functionality that allows developers to annotate web pages, and easily reuse the results of other analysis components.
Compaq SRC web-in-a-box (WIB) project [39] is another system designed to allow researchers to develop text analysis tools that have access to a copy of the web. While WIB allows analysis components to annotate web pages, it does not provide storage for any derived data (such as people or organizations) other than web pages. Furthermore, its architecture does not allow users to compose complex data mining modules from simpler data mining modules, or re-use data.
The Internet Archive [35], has a different objective. The data is crawled and hosted, as is the case in web search engines. In addition, a streaming data interface is provided which allows applications to access the data for analysis. However, a sophisticated querying system is not provided, nor is a method to perform large scale data analysis.
The <resource ref=" BasketballTeam_Bulls">Chicago Bulls</resource> announced yesterday that <resource ref= ",_Michael"> Michael Jordan</resource> will...''Thus, the annotation:
<resource ref=" AthleteJordan,_Michael">Michael Jordan</resource>says that the string ``Michael Jordan'' refers to the resource whose URI is ``,_Michael.'' It is expected that querying this URI will result in encoded information which provides greater detail about this resource.
The bulk of documents on the web today do not contain annotations of this form. Consequently, application developers cannot rely on such annotations. On the other side, website creators are unlikely to add annotations in the absence of applications that use these annotations. A natural approach to break this cycle and provide an early set of widespread semantic tags is automated generation. This is the goal of SemTag. SemTag seeks to provide an automated processes for adding these to the existing HTML corpus on the Web. In this paper, we look at what needs to be done to address this problem at the scale of the web.
We adapt the concept of a label bureau from PICS so that an application of the Semantic Web can obtain semantic annotations for a page from a third party even when the author of the page has annotated the page. Semantic annotations can be retrieved separately from the documents to which they refer. To request annotations in this way, an application contacts a Semantic Label Bureau. A semantic label bureau is an HTTP server that understands a particular query syntax. It can provide annotations for documents that reside on other servers.
Because SemTag does not have write access to the original document, the resulting annotations are written into a web-available database. The contents of this data base are made available via a semantic label bureau from which it is possible to extract semantic tags using a variety of mechanisms. For instance, one application may request the semantic tags for a given document, while another may request all semantic tags regarding a particular object (say, the basketball player Michael Jordan).
Ambiguity within SemTag: Automated tagging algorithms, unlike human tagged data, can have significant levels of mis-classification. Thus, sources of ambiguity within the ontology is a significant concern. There are two fundamental categories of ambiguities:
Evolution of ontologies: Ontologies such as TAP will continue to evolve. Our expectation is that tailored algorithms with human-tuned parameters will be applied to a small number of critical sections, with automated approaches still dealing with the bulk of the ontology. In keeping with this philosophy TBD makes use of two classes of training information:
An ontology is defined by four
elements. A set of classes,
, a
subClass relation
, a set of
, and a type
. We use the
to denote the boolean function
likewise. We assume that
instances are closed over super-classing. Namely, for any
An taxonomy is defined by three
elements: a set of nodes,
; a
; and finally, a parent
. We require that (1) the
root is its own parent,
, (2) for all other
nodes, this is not so, i.e. if
, and (3) the root
is in the ancestry of every node,
i.e. for every
Henceforth, we will use
to denote the
ancestry chain of
. The internal nodes
of the taxonomy are given by
for some
. A taxonomy can be derived given an
ontology, which is a more general concept.
Each node is associated with a set of
. For instance, taxonomy
nodes about cats, football, computers and
cars all contain the label ``jaguar.'' A spot
is a label
in a
, where
is the space of all possible contexts. The context consists of 10
preceding and 10 succeeding words of text surrounding the label,
culled from the document in which the label occurred. We use the
spot to tag the label with its semantic tag, which is always an
node of
With each internal node we
associate a similarity function
mapping from a
context to a similarity. Good similarity functions have the
property that the higher the similarity, the more likely that the
spot contains a reference to an entity that belongs in the subtree
rooted at
. The similarity functions encapsulate
the automatically-generated metadata regarding nodes of the
We can use the similarity function to define an algorithm Sim to
guess whether a particular context is
appropriate for a particular node, as follows. We will then use Sim
to define TBD. The definition of Sim is given in Figure 2.
For our problem instance, we must focus on disambiguating
references in the taxonomy versus references outside the taxonomy.
If the focus is instead on disambiguating references that may
belong to multiple nodes of the taxonomy, then the test should be replaced with
Finally, with a small number of popular internal nodes we associate a measurement
gives the probability as measured by human
judgments that spots for the subtree rooted at
are on topic.
gives the probability that Sim
correctly judges whether spots for the subtree rooted at
are on topic. Thus, the set of measurements
encapsulates the manually-generated metadata in the system, and can
be seen as a training set for the algorithm.
Algorithm TBD is defined in Figure 3. The algorithm returns 1 or 0 to
indicate whether a particular context is on topic
for a node
Thus, the small numbers of measurements allow TBD to determine whether it is operating in a region of the taxonomy that is highly unambiguous, or a region that is highly ambiguous. If the former, it will choose to adopt references with certainly; if the latter, it will apply a probabilistic algorithm.
In Section 4 we evaluate
various different approaches to the similarity function .
We implemented the SemTag algorithm described above, and applied it to a set of 264 million pages producing 270G of dump data corresponding to 550 million labels in context. Of these labels, approximately 79% are judged to be on-topic, resulting in a final set of about 434 million spots, with accuracy around 82%. Details are given below.
As described above, we first dumped context surrounding each spot. We then processed those contexts as follows:
Lexicon generation: We built a collection of 1.4 million unique words occurring in a random subset of windows containing approximately 90 million total words. Following standard practice, we created a final lexicon of 200,000 words from the 1.4 million unique words by taking the most frequent 200,100, and removed the most frequent 100. All further computations were performed in the 200,000-dimensional vector space defined by this set of terms.
Similarity functions: We estimated the distribution of
terms corresponding to each of the 192 most common internal nodes
of the taxonomy in order to derive the similarity function described in Section 3.3. We experimented
with several standard similarity measures; the results are given in
Section 4.2.
Measurement values: Based on 750 relevance judgments from human judges, we determined the measurement values associated with the 24 largest taxonomy nodes, as described in Section 3.3.
Full TBD processing: We applied the TBD algorithm to the entire dataset of 550 million spots using the family of similarity functions deemed to be most effective in Section 4.2, and using the human- and machine-generated metadata described above.
Evaluation: Finally, we collected an additional 378 human judgments against a previously unevaluated set of contexts in order to evaluate the effectiveness of TBD.
We now describe briefly our process for collecting human judgments, our measure of accuracy, and some baseline experiments regarding the difficulty that human judges have in coming to a single unambiguous conclusion about a particular spot.
As is well known from research in Knowledge Acquisition [13] and more recently from studies of manual semantic tagging of documents, there are many cases where different people choose different terms from an ontology with which to tag a phrase or a document. Therefore, we need to be careful when evaluating the results of SemTag.
We created a web-based tool that displays to an evaluator a spot consisting of a label in a context. The tool asks the evaluator to determine whether the spot is on topic for a particular node of TAP. This information is used to generate the measurements of Section 3.3.
Because there are several locations in TAP that may be appropriate for a particular entry (we evaluate this phenomenon below), the tool also checks to see if TBD suggested that the spot belongs elsewhere--if so, the tool also asks whether the algorithm's output is a valid answer.
We gathered two sets of evaluations. For the first set of evaluations, a set of 11 volunteers were asked to examine 1100 selections made by SemTag. The first 2/3 of these evaluations were used as human-generated metadata for TBD. The remaining 1/3 of the evaluations were used to score the performance of the algorithm.
Finally, a set of three volunteers were each asked to evaluate the same set of 200 labels in context, using the same tool described above. Of these 200, all three evaluators agreed on 137; i.e., only 68.5% were unambiguous to the humans. Furthermore, the tool was modified in this experiment to allow the users to indicate that a particular piece of context (typically ten words to either side of the label) was insufficient to understand the denotation of the label. The evaluators each selected this option in only 2.5% of the instances. Therefore, we conclude that while a 10-word window to either side of a label is typically sufficient to understand the sense of the label, human judgment is highly ambiguous regarding the placement of the label into the taxonomy.
The remainder of this section proceeds as follows. Section 4.2 describes our evaluation of different similarity functions. Sections 4.3 and 4.4 then give results of a sensitivity analysis to the availability of machine- and human-generated metadata to develop the similarity functions and measurement values respectively of Section 3.3.
Consider some fixed node of the taxonomy, and a new spot that may belong in the subtree rooted at that
node. As presented in Section 3.3, TBD must
determine whether the context
corresponding to the new spot looks similar to the contexts that
typically occur around spots from that node. We evaluate four
standard candidates for similarity functions.
First, we must cover the preliminaries. We generate a
200K-dimensional vector (over the terms of the lexicon)
corresponding to each internal node , or
more precisely, to the contexts that occur around spots for the
. In scheme ``Prob'', each entry of
the vector is simply the probability of the term occurring in the
window. In scheme ``TF-IDF'', each entry of the vector is the
frequency of the term occurring at that node, divided by the corpus
frequency of the term. In all cases, the vectors are normalized to
length 1.
Next, we consider two variants of algorithms to compute the
similarity of a spot given a vector. Algorithm ``IR'' computes the
standard ``cosine measure'' vector product of the sparse vector
corresponding to the current spot and the (probably dense) vector
corresponding to the node. Algorithm ``Bayes'' computes the
probability that the terms in the context would have been generated
by a source generating terms independently according to the
distribution given by the vector corresponding to .
The results are shown in Table 1. As the table shows, the most effective scheme is the cosine measure with tf-idf weightings. Furthermore, the tf-idf weighting scheme dominates the unweighted scheme, and so we adopt it henceforth for our other comparisons, and simply compare the IR and Bayes algorithms.
Overall, the accuracy of classification under the favored scheme is roughly 82%. As we show later, even comparing human judgments to other human judgments shows a systematic error rate of roughly this amount, leading us to believe that significant improvements will be quite difficult to achieve.
Next, we consider the sensitivity of TBD to the amount of
human-derived metadata present in the system. When TBD makes use of
all human-derived metadata, there are 24 internal nodes of with measurements. Figure 4 shows for each such node what
fraction of the total labels are covered by that node. The first
node with measurement data is the root
, whose
subtree covers all measurements; thus, the leftmost point of the
graph has
-value 100. The next node with
measurement data corresponds to cities in the United States, and
covers around 13% of the total spots. The actual values, and node
labels, are given in Table 2.
Figure 5 shows the
performance of TBD when only of the 24
total measurements are available to the system. As the figure
shows, TBD is effective even with extremely minimal metadata.
Finally, we consider the sensitivity of the algorithm to the
amount of automatically-generated metadata maintained at internal
nodes of the taxonomy. As described above, the representation of
the similarity function is a vector of 200K dimensions. We now
consider keeping only the largest few dimensions of that vector for
each of the internal nodes of the taxonomy. We proceed as follows.
We fix some fraction , and for each internal
with vector
, we keep only the largest
entries of
. Table 3 shows, for various different
values of the fraction
, the total number of
non-zero entries over all internal nodes (i.e., the total number of
values that must be maintained in order to execute TBD), and the
performance of the IR and Bayes algorithms using this smaller set
of machine-generated metadata. The performance of the IR algorithm
is extremely stable down to 100 non-zero entries per node, and the
performance of the Bayes algorithm begins to degrade slightly
Functionality in Seeker is delivered through a network services
model, in which components publish their availability through a
centralized registry, and export a network-level API. Thus, Seeker
is a service oriented architecture (SOA): a local-area,
loosely-coupled, pull-based, distributed computation system. We
require high speed (
RPCs per second), high
availability (automatic fail-over to backup services), and
efficient multiple programming language support (due to integration
and performance issues). As a result we choose to base our network
services on Vinci [2] a
SOAP [6]-derived package
designed for higher performance intra-net applications.
Vinci uses a lightly encoded XML (employing the xtalk protocol) over raw TCP sockets to provide the required RPC rate. It includes translation gateways allowing SOAP components to be integrated with minimal difficulty.
Infrastructure services must address issues of reliability and scalability; therefore, the implementation of these core services includes a systems engineering problem. The main infrastructure components of Seeker include a centralized store, an extensible full-text indexer, a scalable web crawler, and a query processing component called the joiner. We will cover here only the components that are relevant to semantic tagging applications.
The Seeker system contains a generic large-scale distributed indexer capable of indexing sequences of tokens. The index built contains not only a positional text index of the web, but also additional document annotations generated by miners. The indexer is fed documents as a stream of tokens, similar to the MultiText model [9], which allows us to achieve high performance during indexing due to the simple data model. For flexibility, each token that is indexed can have arbitrary attribute data associated with it. Analysis agents can generate additional tokens that overlay text tokens to indicate higher-level semantic information. These tokens are indexed along with the text, and may be used in queries to mix semantic information with full-text queries.
Indexers within the system are generic components. The indexer described above builds and serves a positional index that allows proximity queries, phrase search, and so forth. However, for some applications, an index that supports range queries of numeric values might be more appropriate--consider, for example, queries for locations within a particular region. Other queries may desire information about closure of spans of information, or be geospatial in nature or be part of a hand-selected collection or any of a number of restrictions.
The joiner is a service that takes a request, for example
SELECT url FROM web WHERE SemTag = 'Athlete,Jorden,_Michael' and PageLocation within 20 miles of SanJose
and returns the set of URLs of pages that meet the restriction criteria.
The joiner allows more complicated annotators to examine only those documents which meet some basic criteria, allowing them to take more time on those pages of interest.
An annotator is defined as an analysis agent that can be written to process each entity of a certain type independently. We focus immediately on the most common category of annotators, in which the entity type is the page, and the annotator performs some local processing on each web page, and writes back results to the store in the form of an annotation. For example, analysis agents that scan each web page and recognize geographic locations, or proper names, or weights and measures, or indications that the page contains pornographic content, are all annotators. Similarly, analysis agents that perform complex tokenization, summarization, or language identification, or that automatically translate between languages, are also annotators.
Annotators manifest strong locality of reference in that they can be run independently on each individual web page without reference to other pages. Thus, they can be executed by the system on a machine with limited resources, and handed one page at a time. The system provides special support for annotators, making them almost trivial to program. The programmer need write only a simple process_one_page() function, and the system will make sure the function is applied to all pages in the dataset, and the results are published in the store for all others annotators to use.
In SemTag, the operation of dumping all windows containing references to TAP objects is coded as an annotator. Due to the simplicity of creating and running annotators, it was possible to post-process the TAP RDF file in order to extract the labels for each node of the ontology, create an annotator to extract the windows around each label, and run the annotator on the full set of data, within a 24 hours period.
A similar annotator can be used to write annotations back into the store once processing has completed on the large collections of windows. However, the intermediate processing, generation of automatic metadata, and incorporation of manual metadata from human judgments, does not fit the limited definition of an annotator, and must therefore be coded a more general miner.
Miners are analysis agents that need to look at a number of entities (of one or more entity type) together in order to arrive at their conclusions. The overall SemTag application (using the TBD algorithm) is a good example of such a system, as it looks at the results of spots on many pages in order to disambiguate them.
Examples of other cross-entity miners are those that generate co-occurrence information, aggregate site information, and hub and authority scores.
We would also like to thank the TAP project at Stanford for providing the ontology used for the semantic tagging. In particular, we would like to thank: Rob McCool, Ed Feigenbaum, Richard Fikes, Shiela McIlraith and Deborah McGuiness.
Finally, a special thanks to Bruce Baumgart for hardware wizardry that made the experiments described above possible.