is held by the author/owner(s).
WWW2003, May 20-24, 2003, Budapest, Hungary.
ACM 1-58113-680-3/03/0005.
This paper describes a new paradigm for modeling traffic levels on the world wide web (WWW) using a method of entropy maximization. This traffic is subject to the conservation conditions of a circulation flow in the entire WWW, an aggregation of the WWW, or a subgraph of the WWW (such as an intranet or extranet). We specifically apply the primal and dual solutions of this model to the (static) ranking of web sites. The first of these uses an imputed measure of total traffic through a web page, the second provides an analogy of local ``temperature'', allowing us to quantify the ``HOTness'' of a page.
H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval.
Algorithms, Experimentation, Theory.
Search Engines, Static Ranking, Entropy, Optimization
Most analyses of the world wide web have focused on the connectivity or graph structure of the web. The analysis by Broder et al. [4] , discussing the so-called ``bowtie'' structure is a particularly good example. However, from the point of view of understanding the net effect of the multitude of web ``surfers'' and the commercial potential of the web, an understanding of WWW traffic is even more important. This paper describes a method for modeling and projecting such traffic when the appropriate data are available, and also proposes measures for ranking the ``importance'' of web sites. Such information has considerable importance to the commercial value of many web sites.
We may abstract the WWW as a graph G=(V,E)
where V is the set of pages, corresponding to vertices or
nodes and E is the set of hyperlinks (henceforth referred to
simply as links) corresponding to directed edges in the
graph, such that if page i has a link to page j then
edge (i,j) exists. For convenience, we define
di as the out-degree of page
i; that is, the number of hyperlinks on page i. We
also define a strongly connected component of G to
be a subset
of the vertices such that for
all pairs of pages
, there exists a
directed path from i to j in
For the moment we shall consider an ``ideal'' model in which the whole graph is strongly connected--that is any site(URL) can be reached by following the links from any other site.
Given such a graph, a popular model of the behavior of web surfers, and hence of the WWW traffic is a Markov Chain model. That is, web surfing is assumed to be a random process, where presence at a web page is viewed as a ``state'', and at every tick of some notional ``clock'' every web surfer clicks on an out-link from that page with some fixed probability, independent of the path by which the surfer arrived at the page. While this Markov Chain approach has been used in other contexts (e.g [5]), by far the best known application is to the static ranking of WWW pages known as ``Page Rank'' (see [15]). We briefly describe this approach in the following section.
Link-based ranking schemes are customarily divided into two classes-- query specific and static. A query specific method such as the HITS/CLEVER approach (see [14]) builds a subgraph of the web which is relevant to the query and then uses link analysis to rank the pages of the subgraph. This form of ranking is not addressed in this paper. In a static ranking scheme all pages to be indexed are ordered once-and-for-all, from best to worst--this ordering is the ``static ranking'' itself. When a query arrives, and some fixed number of pages (say, 10) must be returned, the index returns the ``best'' 10 pages that satisfy the query, where best is determined by the static ranking. This simple scheme allows highly efficient index structures to be built. The scheme can then be augmented by incorporating other parameters.
PageRank is a static ranking of web pages initially presented in [15], and used as the core of the Google search engine. It is the most visible link-based analysis scheme, and its success has caused virtually every popular search engine to incorporate link-based components into their ranking functions. PageRank uses a Markov Chain model as described above, assuming that the probabilities of following the out-links from a page are equal.
We define a matrix P such that1
Let us now consider the ``ideal'' definition of PageRank[15]--that is page i has rank xi as a function of the rank of the pages which point to it:2
Now, let us look at the ideal model (2). The PageRank vector x is clearly the principal eigenvector corresponding to the principal eigenvalue (with value 1) if this is nonzero (see e.g. [12]). Unfortunately, in the real web, many pages having zero in-degree and others have zero out-degree. Even if self loops are added to the latter, or some other means is used to preserve unit row sums of M, this means that the transition matrix will be reducible, and the eigenvector corresponding to the principal eigenvalue will contain a great many zeros.
To get around this difficulty, Page et al[15] proposed an ``actual PageRank model'':
Page et al[15] and others use
this device to obtain an analogous eigenvalue problem again, as
follows. Let us suppose that in addition to following links out of
a page with probability pij a surfer makes
a ``random jump'' every so often to some other page with uniform
probability 1/n. Let us suppose the surfer follows some link
with probability and makes the random
jump with probability
. The modified transition
probability is then
and the
modified method requires us to solve
It is easy to show that solving (4) and (5) are equivalent. If we scale the eigenvector obtained from (5) so that eTx = n we immediately obtain (4). Conversely, taking any solution x of (4) and noting that eTA = eT, we see that eTx = n , and (5) follows (see [1]) .
Finally we note that the above modification is precisely equivalent to augmenting the graph G by an additional node n+1, and defining an augmented transition matrix:
In this paper we move beyond the Markov Chain model to a much richer class of models--network flow models (see e.g. [11]).
Again assuming that users click on a link at each tick of the ``clock'', let us define:
The essence of a network flow model is that the flows are required to satisfy conservation equations at the nodes of the network. Assuming that the web traffic is in a state of equilibrium, so that the traffic out of any node is equal to the traffic in per unit time, and initially making the simplifying assumption that the network is strongly connected, these equations are:
Usually we prefer to work with normalized values (probabilities) pij = yij/Y, in which case (7) and (8) become:
Now the ideal PageRank model specifies that traffic out of each node be split in fixed (equal) proportions:
It is then necessary to ask what solution should we propose? We may gain some guidance by looking at the models which have been used to estimate traffic patterns and flows in road networks (see [16],[23]). It turns out that both may be derived by examining a quite general class of problem.
Following Jaynes [13] we consider the situation where we have a random variable x which can take on values x1, x2, ..., xnwith probabilities p1, p2, ..., pn. These probabilities are not known. All we know are the expectations of m functions fr(x):
Jaynes asserts that ``... our problem is that of finding a probability assignment which avoids bias, while agreeing with whatever information is given. The great advance provided by information theory lies in the discovery that there is a unique, unambiguous criterion for the ``amount of uncertainty'' represented by a discrete probability distribution, which agrees with our intuitive notions that a broad distribution represents more uncertainty than does a sharply peaked one, and satisfies all other conditions which make it reasonable.'' This measure of the uncertainty of a probability distribution was given by Shannon [20] as:
Assigning Lagrange multipliers to
the constraints (12), and
(13), the unique maximizing solution
is easily seen to be of the form:
Note that the maximum entropy can be expressed in terms of the optimal Lagrange multipliers as follows:
We now apply the preceding general discussion to the specific problem of estimating a traffic distribution on the web which satisfies (9) and (10). The single-subscript probabilities pi are replaced by the link probabilities pij, and we see that the equations (9) result if the functions fr are specified to have the form:
To solve this model we might view it as a nonlinear network optimization problem and solve it by application of some general method for this class of problems (see e.g. [6]). However, in view of the special form of the solution displayed in (18) above, we can also use an approach found to be appropriate with other entropy maximization applications ([16],[21], [23]) that is an iterative scaling or matrix balancing approach. Letting
This class of methods has received considerable attention in the literature (see e.g. [8],[17],[ 18]), though not for problems of web or near-web scale. In practice the following method has worked well.
Initially estimate the value of Z-1 and then perform the following steps:
The web (and intranets) do not satisfy the strongly connected (SC) property. There are usually many pages (nodes) with no in-links, and many others with no out-links. As in the Markov chain model, this leads to an ill-posed problem, which can be dealt with in a similar, if not identical way. Let us again add an ``artificial node'' n+1 to the model, which is connected by links to and from every node of the set V. Let the augmented graph be denoted G' = (V',E'), where
This modification only slightly changes the algorithm described
above. The matrices
are augmented by an
(n+1)th row and column so that
![]() |
(22) |
and the algorithm of the previous section is adjusted so that in step 2 we also compute
Otherwise the algorithm is unchanged. In what follows we will work only with the expanded edge set, and refer to it for convenience simply as E.
The maximum entropy traffic model yields both a primal solution
(the pij) and dual values (the
). As remarked earlier, the
number of ``hits'' at a node is given by the total traffic into (or
equivalently, out of) the node, i.e.
It is frequently the case in optimization models that we can gain considerable information and insight from the dual, as well as the primal solution. This true in the present case, and in a particularly interesting way. We noted earlier that the maximum entropy value is a function of the optimal Lagrange multipliers:
From (25) we see that the
play the role of the
inverse of (local) temperature. Thus by analogy we may
propose a page temperature:
The methods described here have been implemented and tested extensively on graphs resulting from two crawls of the IBM Intranet (yielding about 19 and 17 million pages) and a partial crawl of the WWW made in 2001, yielding about about 173 million pages. In both sets of experiments, the graph is confined to those pages actually crawled. For both crawls, a large number of other pages were linked to, but not crawled. These links and pages are ignored.
We first consider the Intranet results. To test the quality of the results of the Traffic and HOTness ranking, they were compared with PageRank both empirically, and on two specific test sets of URLs.
The test URLs were those which in the judgement of ``experts'' should be the primary results of a specified set of queries. Using all three ranking schemes, each page is ranked from highest to lowest (1 through n). Thus each page has a set of three ranks. To measure the ``quality of the results'', we took the average of the ranks for those test URLs which were covered by the crawl. Thus a low average would indicate results judged favorable by the ``experts''. The first test set is the smaller of the two, less than 100 pages. The second test set is somewhat larger (about 200). The averages obtained are shown in Table 1
For the smaller test set 1, the average value is considerably better for HOTness than PageRank, giving greater ``precision'' by this measure. The TrafficRank is much worse. This is because these ranks are measuring somewhat different things. PageRank (and evidently HOTness) measures the ``attractiveness'' of a page, or what is sometimes referred to as authority (see [14]). TrafficRank measures total flow through a page. This is affected by its out-links, as well as its in-links, and indeed pages which score well on TrafficRank tend to point to many other pages. Examples are the indices of manuals, and catalogs. Thus this measure tends to capture hubs (see also [14]). The test set of URLs used here is intended to be a set of authorities, so the result is not surprising. A similar trend is observed for the larger test set 2. The difference in the averages is somewhat less, but they are in the same relationship.
By ordinary optimization standards, problems with a million or more variables or cnstraints are presently considered large, and so computing even an aproximate solution to the maximum entropy model for the WWW segment should represent a significant challenge--the associated nonlinear network model has 173 million constraints and over 2 billion variables. Gratifyingly, this very special network model ran, after calibration, in a small multiple (about 2.5) of the time required for the PageRank calculation on a desktop machine. There seems no reason why this approach should not scale in the same way as PageRank to the full web.
To evaluate results from this partial crawl of the WWW we adopt
an approach similar to that used for the Intranet - the average
position of humanly chosen pages. We use the pages chosen by the
Open Database Project (ODP - see The evaluation
was structured as follows: Only URLs identified by the
``r:resourcE' tag were considered. For all three static ranks, the
average rank of such URLs was computed by ``level''. Thus in
Table 2 only those
resource URLs at the first level of the ODP hierarchy (such as
/Top/Computers or /Top/Games) are considered to be at level 1.
Level 2 includes these, plus those at the next level of the
hierarchy (such as /Top/Computers/Education), level 3 also includes
URLs in /Top/Computers/Education/Internet, etc. Level
includes all resource URLs in the
hierarchy. Column 2 of the table gives the number of URLs for each
level found in the partial crawl.
For level 1, PageRank wins quite easily. However this very small set of pages is presumeably highly authoritative, so the result is not particularly surprising or significant. For all the higher levels we see the HOTness average is better (by about 10%) than the PageRank average, with the TrafficRank inferior to both at levels greater than 3. This is consistent with the intranet results.
While the new static ranks may be used individually, they may be even more useful when used in conjunction with other static ranks (e.g. PageRank or in-link count), or even with query-specific ranks.
As simple example of aggregation, we took the best (i.e. lowest ordinal) of the three ranks for each URL in the first test set of intranet URLs. The average of these best ranks is now 85,113 -- considerably improved. Of course the rank scale has now been compressed by a factor of (at most) three. However, the score has improved by a factor of five.
These preliminary results encourage further experiments with aggregation of static ranks. The use of rank aggregation methods ([7],[9]) has become of growing importance, but its application to static ranking schemes for web pages is in its infancy. Obviously, such schemes need ranks to aggregate, and the two new measures defined here are a significant addition to the link-based schemes available.
The problem of ``spamming'' search engines continues to grow. PageRank, which depends only on in-links to confer importance, is thought to be relatively resistant to spam, but there is a cottage industry which attempts to do just that.
Ranking schemes which involve hubs, such as HITS, are more vulnerable to spam, since it is easy to create many out-links, and thus create a hub. Clearly TrafficRank will be vulnerable to spamming in the same way. However, it is not at all obvious how to spam HOTness. Malicious manipulation of the dual values of a large scale nonlinear network optimization model is a problem which has not been studied, to our knowledge. Clearly, this would be an interesting topic for further research.
In the absence of other information the traffic on the WWW can only rigorously be modeled by use of an entropy maximization procedure. Such a model can be constructed on a large scale and there exists a computationally feasible algorithm for its solution. As a by product of this algorithm two sets of quantities--``traffic'' and a local ``temperature'' are obtained which may be used for ranking pages. This model has the further advantage that it can be adapted to employ such data as may become available on the actual traffic and network behavior.
I would like to acknowledge the help of my IBM colleagues Reiner Kraft, Kevin McCurley and Andrei Broder for their work on quality measure and web crawling, and Michael Saunders and Danzhu Shi of Stanford University for helpful discussions of the algorithms.
So far we have only assumed that we know the structure of the
graph Gand the value of the parameter . The model may be generalized to include other
sets of data, or partial data, if they are available. Firstly,
there may be a ``prior'' distribution
of the probabilities
pij postulated. In this case, we may
modify the objective function to maximize the
The second set (or sets) of data which might be exploited are
those assigning some cost (e.g. congestion) or benefit (e.g.
relevance to the current page) to following a link. If we assume
that there is some total cost or benefit to be obtained we can add
a constraint
Computationally the algorithm need only be modified in the
obvious way, in the definition of the
Finally, we point out that the entropy maximization formalism
gives the most likely distribution subject to ``whatever is
known''. If we know the total traffic through a node (i.e. hits
Hi for a page) we can incorporate this in
the model in the same way as we deal with the ``artificial'' page
n+1 - that is by replacing the single conservation equation
for that page (7) by the
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
WWW2003, May 20-24, 2003,
Budapest, Hungary.
ACM 1-58113-680-3/03/0005