Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA 7-11 May 2002
HTML Poster Submission Guidelines
Posters submitted in html format must incorporate the following
following javascript into the <head> of the document's source code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www2002.org/poster-ie-html.css" type="text/css">');
else {
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www2002.org/poster-nav-html.css" type="text/css">');
// -->
Please keep the html code as simple as possible so that the style sheet can control the look of the poster.
- Do not include any personal document level style sheets in your
html source. These will be removed.
- Do not specify parameters such as background color, font sizes,
margins, etc. All special formating codes will be removed.
- Do not use double columns or other layout formatting. All
posters will be converted to a simple single-column layout.
Please use the following html tags in the source of your poster:
- <h1> and
<h2> - Title
(select tag relative to the length of your poster title)
- <h3>,
<h4>, and
<h5> - Names of sections and
appropriate sub-sections
- <h6> - Names of author(s)
(under the title)
- <h6 class="caption"> - Captions
(under images)
- <p> - New paragraph will begin
with an indent
- <ul>,
<ol>, and
<dl> - Listings
- <pre> - Code samples should be
enclosed within
The poster should be no more than 1500 words in length. It should display properly in standard browser (Netscape 4.0+, Internet Explorer 4.0+) using the CSS style sheet provided. Please adhere to the following layout order when writing your posters:
- Title
- Authors
- Affiliations
- Section
- Main body of text
- Sub-sections (if applicable)
- Captions under images
- Acknowledgements
- Appendix
- References
- Accepted image formats include: EPS, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG,
All images should be saved at a minimum of 300
dpi to avoid reproduction problems.
- All images must be centered.
- Captions should follow immediately under the image (use
<h6 class="caption"> tags for
- Leave one blank line before and after each image (including the
All poster submissions and relevent images should be compiled into a zip file and uploaded onto the WWW2002 conference poster submission site. Complicated equations and codes should be rendered into an image file.
Last Reviewed: 1/23/02