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   Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
7-11 May 2002
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Alternate Track CFP: Telehealth

Paper Submission deadline: January 31, 2002 closed
Author Notification: February 8, 2002
Final Paper Due: March 11, 2002

The Telehealth Track will use the same HTML or PDF guidelines listed in the
refereed papers track submission instructions
shown on the main Call for Particiption web page.
Submissions will be reviewed by the track program committee
and should be emailed directly to

Please note that the key dates are only for this Alternate Track

Accepted Alternate Track papers will be published
in a non-ACM produced proceeding.

The Web is changing the nature of health care delivery. Health care professionals and their patients have access to an increasingly vast amount of information on web-sites around the world; through email and interactive web-sites physicians can maintain close communications with patients; and remote monitoring equipment placed in the patient's home can send data cheaply through the Internet. As a result, opportunities abound to improve the quality of care through better patient and provider education, improved monitoring of chronic conditions, better managed physician-patient relationships, and increased involvement of patients in managing their health. Concomitant with opportunities to improve the quality of care is the opportunity to make the delivery of care more efficient and less costly.

The Telehealth (eHealth) track invites you to submit a paper or presentation proposal on your work in health applications of the Web. We are particularly interested in development of new technologies, innovative medical and health application, evaluations of new systems, and discussions of privacy, security, and policy implications.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to the following:

Telehealth Program Committee


Last Reviewed: 2/1/02