Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA 7-11 May 2002
Refereed Track CFP: Electronic Commerce & Security Area
Paper Submission deadline: November 13, 2001
Author Notification: January 25, 2002
Final Paper Due: February 25, 2002
Please refer to main Call for Particiption web page for the
paper submission instructions
and further details about the technical program.
The rapid growth of the eCommerce sector is raising new research
questions, a great number of which are centered around security, trust,
and privacy. The Ecommerce and Security Track is soliciting papers on
all computer scientific aspects of eCommerce and security, as they
relate to the Web in general, or more specifically to Web standards. We
invite papers describing both theoretical and experimental research
including (but not limited to) the following topics:
- automated negotiation and bargaining
- computational markets
- dynamic pricing (e.g., shopbots and pricebots)
- e-commerce standards
- e-markets for digital information goods
- online auctions--theory and practice
- payment and exchange protocols
- personalization services
- recommender, reputation and trust systems
- supply and demand in networked economy
- XML data management and XML-based models for e-commerce
- privacy
- access control and security in e-commerce systems
- standards based implementations of e-commerce, security, and
- user interfaces for e-commerce, security, and privacy
- active content security
- data center security
- digital rights management
- digital signatures
- intrusion detection for e-commerce
- public key infrastructure
- security in content distribution networks
- web server and caching denial of service protection
- XML security
Electronic Commerce & Security
Program Committee
- Lorrie Faith Cranor,
AT&T Labs-Research, USA
- Ernesto Damiani,
Universita' di Milano - Polo di Crema, Italy
- Jeremy Epstein,
webMethods, Inc., USA
- Amy Greenwald,
Brown University, USA (Deputy Vice Chair)
Ruediger Grimm, TU Ilmenau, Germany
- Richard Hull, Bell Labs,
Lucent Technologies, USA
- Jose Kahan, W3C/INRIA,
- Jeffrey O. Kephart,
IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
- Marit Köhntopp,
Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein,
- Brian LaMacchia,
Microsoft, USA
- Xiaozhou Li,
University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Benny Pinkas,
Intertrust Technologies, USA
- Joseph M. Reagle Jr.,
- John Riedl,
University of Minnesota, USA
- Aviel D. Rubin,
AT&T Labs - Research, USA
- Oliver Spatscheck,
AT&T Labs - Research, USA
- Michael Stroebel,
IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland
- Peter R. Wurman,
North Carolina State University, USA
- Yiming Ye,
IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Mary Ellen Zurko, IBM Software Group, USA (Vice Chair)
Last Reviewed: 3/21/02