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   Sheraton Waikiki Hotel
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
7-11 May 2002
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Birds of a Feather Sessions

Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions will be held Wednesday evening (8 May 2002) beginning at 7:00pm and ending at 9:00pm. A BoF session is an informal discussion with a small number of individuals who gather together to talk about a specific topic of interest. Each session's Organizer will facilitate the discussion. All sessions will take place concurrently.

Rooms will be available for the various sessions and assignments will be posted in the registration area. There is no fee required to attend, although it is highly recommended that a reservation be made. Session descriptions and a signup form are shown below. Instructions for requesting a BoF session are at the bottom of this page.

BoF Sessions Signup

To sign up to join one of the below BoF sessions, please enter your name, e-mail address, and company/organization in the spaces provided below. Then, select a BoF session you would like to attend and click on the Submit button. Note: Because the sessions are all held concurrently (at the same time), you should sign up only once.


Firstname Lastname

Show Current Signups
(new window)

E-Mail Address

Company or Organization (optional)

Select One

BoF Title / Description



BOF1 - World Organization of Webmasters (WOW)
Are your training and certification needs being addressed? Join the World Organization of Webmasters (WOW) for an interactive discussion on how to improve opportunities for education, training, and certification for Web professionals. Attendees will receive information regarding WOW's activities in the area of education and certification, which spans the scope of industry, government, and educational institutions worldwide.

WOW will also raffle prizes generously donated by Adobe and Macromedia to attendees of this BOF.

Bill Cullifer
Executive Director
World Organization of Webmasters

Maui Room

BOF2 - Semantic Grid
The purpose of the BOF is to bring together people with an interest in applying Semantic Web and Web Services technologies to Grid computing infrastructure and applications.

David De Roure, Professor
Intelligence Agents Multimedia, Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton, UK

Puna Room

BOF3 - Use of Intranets in Large International Organizations
The purpose of the BoF is to discuss usability issues and functionalities of Intranets in Large Non-Profit International Organizations with a strong need in knowledge sharing.

Antonella Quacchia - Krige
Head of Web Policy and Development Unit
Bureau of Programming and Management
International Labour Office, Geneva, CH

Honolulu Room

BOF4 - Mobile Commerce
The outcome of the BoF should be a position paper on the relation of web technologies and m-commerce.
Topics to be discussed include:
- how can state-of-the-art web technologies support mobile commerce?
- (how) will m-commerce demands drive future developments?
- what kind of standards are needed for successfull m-commerce services and applications?
- what are the major driving factors for m-commerce?
- what are the major obstacles / risks in m-commerce?

Gabriele Kotsis
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Kohala Room

BOF5 - E-Learning Standard -- Next Steps
Initial E-Learning Specifications and Standards have been released and are gaining use and acceptance. The session is aimed at anyone with an interest in E-Learning, interoperability of content and systems, and the Web. Participants will discuss "what n ext" -- deployment, development, building communities, developing processes.

Daniel Rehak
Professor & Technical Director
Learning Systems Architecture Lab,
Carnegie Mellon University

Robby Robson

Wayne Hodgins
Director, Worldwide Learning Strategies

Oahu Room

BOF6 - Intro to W3C Web Accessibility Initiative R&D Interest Group
WAI R&D Interest Group (RDIG) is a new activity within W3C, with the goal of exploring the accessibility issues in emerging web technologies and to encourage researchers to incorporate accessibility into their research plans. The purpose of this BOF i s to introduce the RDIG, discuss goals and topics, and to encourage participation by academic and corporate researchers in the WWW community.

Markku Hakkinen
W3C WAI Research & Development Interest Group

Waianae Room

BOF7 - Join a discussion on - XML now and XML of the future
Through the BOF I would like to bring together people who are interested in open discussions in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere concerning XML dissemination in each participants' respective country and what can be done to further disseminate XML throughout society.

Localization Team Staff
Mediafusion Co., Ltd.
(an XML database engine vendor)

Waialua Room

BOF8 - Annotations on the Web

Jose Kahan Oblatt

Maui Room

BOF9 - Semantic Web Tools

Brian McBride
Hewlett-Parkard Laboratories,
United Kingdom

Maui Room


BoF Sessions Request

If you do not see a session in your area of interest, you may organize and facilitate your own BoF session. As an Organizer, you may schedule a session using the following procedure:

Prior to Sunday 5 May 2002:
Please send a request by email to
Be sure to include the following information:

From Sunday 5 May to Noon Wednesday 8 May 2002:
fill out a request form at the conference registration desk (registration hours TBD)

BoF topics should be appropriate to the conference and will be considered for room assignments on a first-come-first-served basis. A list of scheduled BoFs will be posted in the registration area at the conference and will also be available on this web page.


Last Reviewed: 5/8/02