Sheraton Waikiki Hotel Honolulu, Hawaii,
USA 7-11 May 2002
Birds of a Feather Sessions
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions will be held
Wednesday evening (8 May 2002) beginning at 7:00pm and
ending at 9:00pm. A BoF session is an informal discussion with a small
number of individuals who gather together to talk about a specific topic
of interest. Each session's Organizer will facilitate the discussion. All
sessions will take place concurrently.
Rooms will be available for the various sessions and assignments will
be posted in the registration area. There is no fee required to attend,
although it is highly recommended that a reservation be made. Session
descriptions and a signup form are shown below. Instructions for
requesting a BoF session are at the bottom of this page.
BoF Sessions Signup
BoF Sessions Request
If you do not see a session in your area of interest, you may organize
and facilitate your own BoF session. As an Organizer, you may schedule a
session using the following procedure:
Prior to Sunday 5 May 2002:
Please send a request by email to
Be sure to include the following information:
BoF title
brief statement of issues/goals to be discussed
your name
your company/organization
your job title/position
From Sunday 5 May to Noon Wednesday 8 May 2002:
fill out a request form at the conference registration desk
(registration hours TBD)
BoF topics should be appropriate to the conference and will be
considered for room assignments on a first-come-first-served basis. A
list of scheduled BoFs will be posted in the registration area at the
conference and will also be available on this web page.