Web Page Scoring Systems
for Horizontal and Vertical Search
Michelangelo Diligenti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Roma 56 - Siena, Italy
Marco Gori
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Roma 56 - Siena, Italy
Marco Maggini
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Via Roma 56 - Siena, Italy
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
WWW2002, May 7-11, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
ACM 1-58113-449-5/02/0005.
Page ranking is a fundamental step towards the construction of effective
search engines for both generic (
horizontal) and
focused (
vertical) search.
Ranking schemes for horizontal search like the PageRank algorithm used
by Google operate on
the topology of the graph, regardless of the page content. On the other
hand, the recent development of vertical portals (
makes it useful to adopt scoring systems focussed on the topic and
taking the page content into account.
In this paper, we propose a general framework for Web Page Scoring
Systems (WPSS) which incorporates and extends many of the relevant
models proposed in the literature. Finally, experimental results are given
to assess the features of the proposed scoring
systems with special emphasis on vertical search.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms and Problem Complexity]: Nonnumerical
Algorithms and Problems - Sorting and Searching;
H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and
Retrieval - Information Filtering;
H.5.4 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Hypertext/Hypermedia
General terms
Web Page Scoring Systems, Random Walks,
HITS, PageRank, Focused PageRank
The analysis of the hyperlinks on the Web [1]
can significantly increase the capability of search engines.
A simple counting of the number of references does not take into account the
fact that not all the citations have the same authority.
is a noticeable example of a topological-based ranking criterion.
An interesting example of query-dependent criteria is
given in [3].
User queries are issued to a search engine in order to create a set of
seed pages. Crawling the Web forward and backward from that seed
is performed to mirror the Web portion containing the information which
is likely to be useful. A ranking criterion based on topological
analyses can be applied to the pages belonging to the selected Web portion.
Very interesting results in this direction have
been proposed in [4,5,6].
In [7] a Bayesian approach is used to
compute hub and authorities, whereas in [8] both
topological information and information about page content are included
in distillation of information sources performed by a Bayesian approach.
Generally speaking, the ranking of hypertextual documents is expected
to take into account the reputation of the source,
the page updating frequency, the popularity,
the speed access, the degree of authority, and the
degree of hubness.
The page rank of hyper-textual documents can be thought of as a function of
the document content and the hyperlinks.
In this paper, we propose a general framework for Web Page Scoring Systems
(WPSS) which incorporates and extends many of the relevant models
proposed in the literature. The general web page scoring model proposed in
this paper extends both PageRank [2]
and the HITS scheme
In addition, the proposed model exhibits a number of novel features, which turn
out to be very useful especially for focused (vertical) search.
The content of the pages is combined with the web graphical structure
giving rise to scoring mechanisms which which are focused on a specific
topic. Moreover, in the proposed model, vertical search schemes can
take into account the mutual relationship amongst different topics.
In so doing, the discovery of pages with high score for a given topic
affects the score of pages with related topics.
Experimental results were carried out to assess the features of the
proposed scoring systems with special emphasis on vertical search. The
very promising experimental results reported in the paper provide a clear
validation of the proposed general scheme for web page scoring systems.
Page Rank and Random Walks
Random walk theory has been widely used to compute the absolute relevance
of a page in the Web [2,6].
The Web is represented as a graph
, where each Web page
is a node and a link between two nodes represents a hyperlink
between the associated pages.
A common assumption is that the relevance
of page
is represented by the probability of ending up in that page during
a walk on this graph.
In the general framework we propose, we consider a complete model of
the behavior of a user surfing the Web. We assume that a Web surfer can
perform one out of four atomic actions at each step of his/her traversal of the
Web graph:
jump to a node of the graph;
follow a hyperlink from the current page;
follow a back-link (a hyperlink in the inverse direction);
stay in the same node.
Thus the set of the atomic actions used to move on the Web is
We assume that the behavior of the surfer depends on the page he is
currently visiting. The action he/she will decide to take will depend
on the page contents and the links it contains. For example if the
current page is interesting to the surfer, it is likely he/she
will follow a hyperlink contained in the page. Whereas, if the page is not interesting,
the surfer will likely jump to a different page not linked by the current one.
We can model the user behavior by a set of probabilities which depend
on the current page:
the probability of following one hyperlink from page
the probability of following one back-link from page
the probability of jumping from page
the probability of remaining in page
These values must satisfy the normalization constraint
Most of these actions need to specify their targets. Assuming that the
surfer's behavior is time-invariant, then we can model the targets
for jumps, hyperlink or back-link choices by using the following parameters:
the probability of jumping from page
to page
the probability of selecting a hyperlink from page
to page
this value is not null only for the pages
linked directly by page
, being
the set of the children of node
in the graph
the probability of going back from page
to page
this value is not null only for the pages
which link directly page
, being
the set of the parents of node
in the graph
These sets of values must satisfy the following probability normalization constraints
for each page
The model considers a temporal sequence of actions performed by the surfer
and it can be used to compute the probability that the surfer
is located in page
at time
. The probability
distribution on the pages of the Web is updated by taking into
account the possible actions at time
using the following
(1) |
where the probability
of going from page
to page
obtained by considering the action which can be performed by the
surfer. Thus, using the previous definitions for the actions,
the equation can be rewritten as
These probabilities can be collected in a
-dimensional vector
, being
the number of pages in the Web graph
and the probability update equations can be rewritten in a matrix form.
The probabilities of moving from a page
to a page
an action can be organized into the following matrices:
- the forward matrix
whose element
is the
- the backward matrix
collecting the probabilities
- the jump matrix
which is defined by
the jump probabilities
The forward and backward matrices are related to the Web adjacency matrix
whose entries are 1 if page
links page
. In particular,
the forward matrix
has non null entries only in the
positions corresponding to 1s in matrix
, and the backward matrix
has non null entries in the positions corresponding
to 1s in
Further, we can define the set of action matrices which collect
the probabilities of taking one of the possible actions from a given page
These are
diagonal matrices defined as follows:
whose diagonal values
are the probabilities
the probabilities
containing the values
, and
having on the diagonal the probabilities
Hence, equation (2) can be written in
matrix form as
(3) |
The transition matrix
used to update the probability distribution is
(4) |
Using this definition, the equation
(3) can be written as
(5) |
Starting from a given initial distribution
(5) can be applied
recursively to compute the probability distribution at a given
time step
(6) |
In order to define an absolute page rank for the pages on the Web,
we consider the stationary distribution of the Markov chain
defined by the previous equations.
is the state transition matrix of
the Markov chain.
is stable, since
is a stochastic matrix having its maximum eigenvalue equal to
Since the state vector
evolves following the equation
of a Markov Chain, it is guaranteed that if
, then
By applying the results on Markov chains (see e.g. [9]),
we can prove the following proposition.
Proposition 2.1



does not depend on the initial state vector

In order to simplify the general model proposed so far, we
can introduce some assumptions on the probability matrices.
A possible choice is to consider some actions to be
independent on the current page. A first hypothesis we
investigate is the case of jump probabilities which
are independent on the starting page
. This choice models
a surfer who decides to make random jumps from a given page
to another page with uniform probability. Thus, the jump
has all the entries equal to
Moreover, we suppose that also the probability of choosing a
jump among the available actions does not depend on the page,
. Under these two assumptions,
equation (3) becomes
(7) |
If we define
the solution of equation (7) is
(8) |
Using the Frobenius theorem on matrices, the following bound on the maximum
eigenvalue of
can be derived
Hence, in equation
the first term vanishes as
, i.e.
(10) |
is the matrix having all elements equal to
Thus, when
, the probability distribution
converges to
(11) |
as shown in equation (9),
it can be proven that the previous equation converges to
(12) |
As it is stated by proposition 2.1,
the value of
does not depend on the choice of the initial state vector
Multiple State Model
A model based on a single variable may not capture the complex relationships among
Web pages when trying to model their importance. Ranking schemes based
on multiple variables have been proposed in
where a pair of variables are used to represents the concepts of
hubness and authority of a page.
In the probabilistic framework described so far, we can define a multivariable
scheme by considering a pool of Web surfers each described by a single variable.
Each surfer is characterized by his/her own way of browsing
the Web modeled by using different parameter values in each
state transition equation.
By choosing proper values for these parameters we can choose different
policies in evaluating the absolute importance of the pages. Moreover,
the surfers may interact by accepting suggestions from
each other.
In order to model the activity of
different surfers,
we use a set of state variables
which represent
the probability of each surfer
to be visiting page
at time
. The interaction among the surfers is modeled by a set of
parameters which define the probability of the surfer
to accept
the suggestion of the surfer
, thus jumping from the page he/she
is visiting to the one visited by the surfer
. This
interaction happens before the choice of the actions described previously.
If we hypothesize that the interaction does not depend on the
page the surfer
is currently visiting, the degree of
interaction with the surfer
is modeled by the value
which represents the probability for the surfer
of jumping to
the page visited by the surfer
. These values must satisfy the
probability normalization constraint
As an example, suppose that there are two surfers, ``the novice''
and ``the expert''. Surfer
, the novice,
blindly trusts the suggestions of surfer
as he/she believes
is an expert in discovering authoritative pages,
does not trust at all his/her own capabilities.
In this case the complete dependence of the novice on the expert
is modeled by choosing
, i.e. the novice
chooses the page visited by the expert with probability equal to 1.
Before taking any action, the surfer
repositions himself/herself
in page
with probability
looking at the
suggestions of the other surfers. This probability is computed
(13) |
Thus, when computing the new probability distribution
due to the action taken at time
by the surfer
, we consider
the distribution
instead of
applying equation (2). Thus, the transition
function is defined as follows
(14) |
When considering
surfers, the score vectors of each surfer
can be collected as the columns of a matrix
Moreover, we define the
collects the values
. The matrix
will be referred to
as the interaction matrix. Finally, each surfer
will be described by his/her own forward, backward and jump
and by the action matrices
. Thus, the transition matrix for the Markov chain associated
to the surfer
Using these definitions, the set of
interacting surfers can be described
by rewriting equation (14)
as a set of matrix equations as follows
(15) |
When the surfers are independent on each other (i.e.
, and
the model reduces to
models as described by
equation (6).
Horizontal WPSS
Horizontal WPSSs do not consider any information on the page contents
and produce the rank vector using just the topological characteristics
of the Web graph. In this section we show how these scoring
systems can be described in the proposed probabilistic framework.
In particular we derive the two most popular Page Scoring Systems,
PageRank and HITS, as special cases.
The Google search engine employs a ranking scheme based on a
random walk model defined by a single state variable.
Only two actions are considered:
the surfer jumps to a new random page with probability
or he/she follows one link from the current page with probability
The Google ranking scheme, called PageRank, can be
described in the general probabilistic
framework of equation (2),
by choosing its parameters as follows. First, the probabilities
of following a back-link
and of remaining in any page
are null for all the pages
. Then, as stated above,
the probability of performing a random jump is
for any page
, whereas the probability of
following a hyperlink contained in the page
also a constant, i.e.
. Given that a jump is taken,
its target is selected using a uniform probability distribution
over all the
Web pages, i.e.
Finally, the probability of following the hyperlink from
does not depend on the page
, i.e.
In order to meet the normalization constraint,
is the number of links exiting from page
(the page
hubness). This assumption makes the surfer random, since
we define a uniform probability distribution among all
the outgoing links.
This last hypothesis cannot be met by pages which do not contain any
links to other pages. A page with no out-links is called sink page,
since it would behave just like a score sink in the PageRank propagation
scheme. In order to keep the probabilistic interpretation of
PageRank, all sink nodes must be removed.
The page rank of sinks is then computed from the page ranks of
their parents.
Under all these assumptions equation (2)
can be rewritten as
(16) |
Since the probabilistic interpretation is valid, it holds that
and, then, equation (16) becomes
(17) |
for each page and then
equation (12)
guarantees that the Google's PageRank converges to a distribution
of page scores that does not depend on the initial distribution.
In order to apply the Google's PageRank scheme without removing
the sink nodes, we can introduce the following modification
to the original equations. Since no links can be followed from
a sink node
must be equal to
equal to
. Thus, when there are sinks,
is defined as
(18) |
In this case the contribution of the jump probabilities does not
sum to a constant term as it happens in equation (17),
but the value
must be computed at the beginning of each iteration. This is the
computational scheme we used in our experiments.
The HITS Ranking System
The HITS algorithm was proposed to model authoritative documents
only relying on the information hidden in the connections among
them due to co-citation or web hyperlinks
In this formulation the Web pages are divided into two page classes:
pages which are information sources (authorities) and
pages which link to information sources (hubs).
The HITS algorithm assigns two numbers to each page
the page authority and the page hubness
in order to model the importance of the page.
These values are computed by applying iteratively the
following equations
(19) |
indicates the authority of page
its hubness.
is the vector of
the authorities at step
, and
is the hubness vector at step
, the previous equation can be rewritten
in matrix form as
(20) |
is the adjacency matrix of the Web graph.
It is trivial to demonstrate that as
tends to infinity,
the direction of authority vector tends to be parallel
to the main eigenvector of the
whereas the hubness vector tends to be parallel to the main
eigenvector of the
The HITS ranking scheme can be represented
in the general Web surfer framework, even if some of the assumptions will
violate the probabilistic interpretation.
Since HITS uses two state variables, the hubness and the authority of a page,
the corresponding random walk model is a multiple state scheme
based on the activity of two surfers. Surfer 1 is associated to the
hubness of pages whereas surfer 2 is associated to the authority
of pages. For both surfers the probabilities of remaining in the
same page
and of jumping to a random page
are null. Surfer 1 never follows a link, i.e.
whereas he/she always follows
a back-link, i.e.
. Because of this, the
HITS computation violates the probability normalization constraints,
Surfer 2 has the opposite behavior with respect to surfer 1.
He/she always follows a link, i.e.
and he/she never follows a back-link, i.e.
In this case the normalization constraint is violated for
the values of
Under these assumptions
, being
the identity matrix, whereas
all equal to the null matrix.
The interaction between the surfers is described by the matrix:
\mbox{\boldmath$A$}= \left[
0 & 1 \\
1 & 0 \\
\end{array} \right]
\end{displaymath}](../../CDROM/refereed/629/img170.gif) |
(21) |
The interpretation of the interactions represented by this matrix is
that surfer
considers surfer
as an expert in
discovering authorities and always moves to the position suggested by
that surfer before acting. On the other hand, surfer
as an expert in finding hubs and then he/she always moves to
the position suggested by that surfer before choosing the next action.
In this case equation
(22) |
Using equation (21) and
the HITS assumption
we obtain
(23) |
which, redefining
is equivalent to the HITS computation of
equation (20).
The HITS model violates the probabilistic interpretation and this makes the
computation unstable, since the
matrix has a principal
eigenvalue much larger then
. Hence, unlike Google's PageRank, the HITS
algorithm needs the score to be normalized at the end of each iteration.
Finally, the HITS scheme suffers from other drawbacks. In particular,
large highly connected communities of Web pages tend to attract
the principal eigenvector of
, thus pushing
to zero the relevance of all other pages. As a result the page
scores tend to decrease rapidly to zero for pages outside those
communities. Recently some heuristics have been proposed to avoid this
problem even if such behavior can not be generally avoided because
of the properties of the dynamic system associated to the HITS algorithm
The PageRank-HITS model
PageRank is stable, it has a well defined behavior because of its
probabilistic interpretation and it can be applied to large page collections
without canceling the influence of the smallest Web communities.
On the other hand, PageRank is sometimes too simple to take
into account the complex relationships of Web page citations.
HITS is not stable, only the largest Web community influences the ranking,
and this does not allow the application of HITS to large page collections.
On the other hand the hub and authority model can capture more than
PageRank the relationships among Web pages.
In this section we show that the proposed probabilistic framework
allows to include the advantages of both approaches.
We employ two surfers, each one implementing a bidirectional PageRank surfer.
We assume that surfer
either follows a back-link with probability
or jumps to a random page
with probability
Whereas surfer
either follows a forward link with probability
or jumps to a random page with probability
Like in HITS, the interaction between the surfers is described by the matrix
In this case, equation
(24) |
Further, we assume the independence of parameters
on the page
. Hence, it holds that
is the diagonal matrix with element
equal to
is the diagonal matrix with element
equal to
. Then:
(25) |
This page rank is stable, the scores sum up to
and no normalization
is required at the end of each iteration. Moreover, the two state variables
can capture and process more complex relationships among pages.
In particular, setting
yields a normalized version
of HITS, which has been proposed in [4].
Vertical WPSS
Horizontal WPSSs exploit the information provided by the Web graph
topology. Different properties of the graph are evidenced by each
model. For example the intuitive idea that a highly linked page
is an absolute authority can be captured by PageRank or
HITS schemes. However, when applying scoring techniques for
focused search the page contents should be taken into account beside
the graph topology. Vertical WPSSs aim at computing a relative
ranking of pages when focusing on a specific topic. A vertical
WPSS relies on the representation of the page content with
a set of features (e.g. a set of keywords) and on a classifier
which is used to assess the degree of relevance of the page with
respect to the topic of interest. Basically the general probabilistic
framework of WPSSs proposed in this paper can be used to define
a vertical approach to page scoring. Several models can be derived
which combine the ideas underlining the topology-based scoring
and the topic relevance measure provided by text classifiers.
In particular a text classifier can be used to compute proper
values for the probabilities needed by the random walk model.
As it is shown by the experimental results, vertical WPSSs
can produce more accurate results in ranking topic specific pages.
Focused PageRank
In the PageRank framework, when choosing to follow
a link in a page
each link has the same probability
to be followed. Instead of the random surfer model,
in the focused domain we can consider the more realistic case
of a surfer who follows the links according to the
suggestions provided by a page classifier.
If the surfer is located at page
and the pages linked by page
have scores
by a topic
classifier, the probability of the surfer to follow the
-th link
is defined as
(26) |
Thus the forward matrix
will depend on the classifier
outputs on the target pages.
Hence, the modified equation to compute the combined page
scores using a PageRank-like scheme is
(27) |
is computed as in equation (26).
This scoring system removes the assumption of complete randomness of the
underlying Web surfer. In this case, the surfer is aware of what he/she is
searching, and he/she will trust the classifier suggestions following the links
with a probability proportional to the score of the page the links leads to.
This allows us to derive a topic-specific page rank.
For example: the ``Microsoft'' home is highly authoritative
according to the topic-generic PageRank, whereas it is not highly
authoritative when searching for ``Perl'' language tutorials, since
even if that page gets many citations, most of these citations will be scarcely
related to the target topic and then not significantly considered in the
Double Focused PageRank
The focused PageRank model described previously uses a topic specific
distribution for selecting the link to follow but the decision on the
action to take does not depend on the contents of the current page.
A more realistic model should take into account the fact that the
decision about the action is usually dependent on the contents of
the current page. For example, let us suppose that two surfers are searching
for a ``Perl Language tutorial'', and that the first one is located at the page
``http://www.perl.com'', while the second is located at the page
``http://www.cnn.com''. Clearly it is more likely that the first
surfer will decide to follow a link from the current page while
the second one will prefer to jump to another page
which is related to the topic he is interested in.
We can model this behavior by adapting the action probabilities
using the contents of the current page, thus modeling
a focused choice of the surfer's actions.
In particular, the probability of following a hyperlink
can be chosen to be proportional to the degree of relevance
of the current
page with respect to the target, i.e.
(28) |
is computed by a text classifier.
On the other hand, the probability of jumping away from a page decreases
proportionally to
, i.e.
(29) |
Finally, we assume that the probability of landing into page after
a jump is proportional to its relevance
, i.e.
(30) |
Such modifications can be integrated into the focused PageRank
proposed in section 4.1 to model a focused
navigation more accurately. Equation
guarantees that the resulting scoring system
is stable and that it converges to a score distribution independent
from the initial distribution.
Experimental Results
Figure 1:
(a) The distribution of page scores for the topic ``Linux''.
(b) The distribution of scores for the topic ``cooking recipes''.
In both cases PageRank is much smoother that the
HITS one. The focused versions of the PageRank are still
smooth but concentrate the scores on a smaller set of authoritative
pages which are more specific for the considered topic.
![\includegraphics[width=60mm]{linuxDistribution.eps}](../../CDROM/refereed/629/img206.gif) |
![\includegraphics[width=60mm]{cucinaDistribution.eps}](../../CDROM/refereed/629/img207.gif) |
(a) |
(b) |
Using the focus crawler described in [11], we have
performed two focus crawling sessions, downloading 150.000 pages for each
single crawl. During the first session the crawler spidered the Web searching
for pages on the topic ``Linux''. During the second session the crawler gathered
pages on ``cooking recipes''. Each downloaded page was classified to assess its
relevance with respect to the specific topic. Considering the
hyperlinks contained in each page, two Web subgraphs were created to
perform the evaluation of the different WPSSs proposed in the previous
sections. For the second crawling session, the connectivity map of pages
was pruned removing all links from a page to pages in the same site
in order to reduce the ``nepotism'' of Web pages.
The topological structure of the graphs and the scores of the text classifiers
were used to evaluate the following WPSSs:
- the ``In-link'' surfer. Such surfer is located in pages
is the relevance
of the page computed by the text classifier;
- the PageRank surfer;
- the Focused PageRank scheme as described in section
- the Double Focused PageRank scheme described in section
- the HITS surfer pool;
- the PageRank-HITS surfer pool.
We have performed an analysis of the distribution of page scores using the different
algorithms proposed in this paper. For all the PageRank surfers (focused or not)
we set the
parameter equal to
For each ranking function, we normalized the rank using its maximum
value. We sorted the pages according to their ranks,
then we plotted the distribution of the normalized rank values.
Figure 1 reports the plots for the two categories,
``Linux'' and ``cooking recipes''.
In both cases the HITS surfer assigns a score value significantly greater
than zero only to the small set of pages associated to the main eigenvector
of the connectivity matrix of the analyzed portion of the Web.
On the other hand the PageRank surfer is more stable and its score distribution
curve is smooth. This is the effect of the homogeneous term
equation (17) and of the stability in the computation
provided by the probabilistic interpretation.
The Focused PageRank surfer and the Double Focused one still provide a smooth
distribution. However, the focused page ranks are more concentrated around
the origin. This reflects the fact that the vertical WPSSs are able to
discriminate the authorities on the specific topic, whereas the
classical PageRank scheme considers the authoritative pages regardless their topic.
Figure 2:
We report the 8 top score pages from a portion of the
Web focused on the topic ``Linux'', using either the PageRank surfer,
or a HITS surfer pool.
For the HITS surfer pool we report the pages with the top authority value.
Figure 3:
We report the 8 top score pages from a portion of the
Web focused on the topic ``Linux'', using the proposed
focused versions of the PageRank surfer.
Figures 2 and 3 show, respectively,
the 8 top score pages
for four different WPSSs on the database with pages
on topic ``Linux'', while figures 4 and 5
reports the same results for the topic ``cooking recipes''.
As shown in figure 2,
all pages distilled by the HITS algorithm come from the same site.
In fact, a site which has many internal connections may acquire the
principal eigenvector of the connectivity matrix associated
to the considered portion of the Web graph, conquering all the top
positions in the page rank and hiding all other resources.
Even the elimination of intra-site links does not improve the performances of
the HITS algorithm. For example, as shown in the HITS section of
figure 4, the Web site ``www.allrecipe.com'',
which is subdivided into a collection of Web sites (``www.seafoodrecipes.com'',
``www.cookierecipes.com'', etc.) strongly connected among them, occupies all
the top positions in the ranking list, hiding all other resources.
In [10]
the content of pages is considered in order to propagate relevance scores
only over the subset of links pointing to pages on a specific topic.
In the ``cooking recipe'' case, the performances cannot be improved even
using page content, since all the considered sites are effectively on the
topic ``cooking recipes'', and then there is a semantic reason because such
sites are connected. We claim that such behavior is intrinsic of the HITS
Figure 4:
We report the 8 top score pages from a portion of the
Web, focused on the topic ``cooking recipes'', using either the
PageRank surfer, or the HITS surfer pool.
For the HITS surfer pool we report the pages with the top authority value.
Figure 5:
We report the 8 top score pages from a portion of the
Web, focused on the topic ``cooking recipes'', using the proposed
focused PageRank surfers.
The PageRank algorithm is not topic dependent. Since some pages are
referred to by many Web pages independently from their content, such pages
result in always being authoritative, regardless the topic of interest.
For example, in figures 2 and 4
pages like ``www.yahoo.com'', ``www.google.com'', etc, are shown
in the top list even if they are not closely related to the specific
It is shown in figures 3 and 5 that
the ``Focused PageRank'' WPSS described in section 4.1
can filter many off-topic authoritative pages from the top
list. Finally, the ``Double Focused PageRank'' WPSS
is even more effective in filtering all the off-topic
authorities, while pushing all the authorities on the relevant topic to
the top positions.
In order to evaluate the proposed WPSSs, we employed a
methodology similar to that one presented in
For each WPSS we selected the
pages with highest score, creating a collection of pages to be evaluated
by a pool of humans.
experts on the specific topics independently labelled
each page in the collection as ``authoritative for the topic'' or ``not
authoritative for the topic''.
Such a reliable set of judgments was finally used to measure the percentage of positive
(or negative) judgments on the best
pages returned by each ranking function.
In particular,
was varied between
The topics selected for these experiments were ``Linux'' and ``Golf''.
As in the previous experiments 150.000 pages were collected by
focus crawling the Web.
Figure 6 reports the percentage of
positive judgments on the
best pages returned by the five WPSSs,
respectively, for the topic ``Linux'' and ``Golf''.
In both cases the HITS algorithm is clearly the worst among the other ones.
Since its performance decreases significantly when applied to the entire
collection of documents, it can only be used as a query-dependent ranking
schema [1].
Figure 6:
The plots show the percentage of positive judgments assessed
by a set of 10 users on the best
pages returned by the various WPSSs
respectively for the topic ``Linux'' (case a) and ``Golf'' (case b).
![\includegraphics[width=60mm]{linuxGoodLogToRes.eps}](../../CDROM/refereed/629/img216.gif) |
![\includegraphics[width=60mm]{golfGoodLogToRes.eps}](../../CDROM/refereed/629/img217.gif) |
(a) |
(b) |
As previously reported in [12],
in spite of its simplicity the In-link algorithm has performances similar
to PageRank. In our experiments PageRank outperformed the
In-Links algorithm on the category ``Golf'', whereas it was outperformed on
the category ``Linux''. However, in both cases the gap is small.
The two focused ranking functions clearly outperformed all the not
focused ones, demonstrating that when searching focused authorities,
a higher accuracy is provided by employing a stable computation schema
and by taking into account the page content.
In this paper, we have proposed a general framework for the
definition of web page scoring systems for horizontal and
vertical search engines. The proposed scheme incorporates
many relevant scoring models proposed in the literature.
Moreover, it contains novel features which looks very appropriate
especially for vortals. In particular, the topological structure of the web
as well as the content of the web pages play jointly a crucial
rule for the construction of the scoring.
The experimental results support the effectiveness of the
proposal which clearly emerge especially for vertical search.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the model described in
this paper is very well-suited for the construction of
learning-based WPSS, which can, in principle, incorporate the
user information while surfing the Web.
We would like to thank Ottavio Calzone who performed some
of the experimental evaluations of the scoring systems.
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