The Web is increasingly becoming an
important channel for conducting businesses, disseminating
information, and communicating with people on a global scale. More
and more companies, organizations, and individuals are publishing
their information on the Web. With all this information publicly
available, naturally companies and individuals want to find useful
information from these Web pages. As an example, companies always
want to know what their competitors are doing and what products and
services they are offering. Knowing such information, the companies
can learn from their competitors and/or design countermeasures to
improve their own competitiveness. The ability to effectively find
such business intelligence information is increasingly becoming
crucial to the survival and growth of any company. Despite its
importance, little work has been done in this area. In this paper,
we propose a novel visualization technique to help the user find
useful information from his/her competitors' Web site easily
and quickly. It involves visualizing (with the help of a clustering
system) the comparison of the user's Web site and the
competitor's Web site to find similarities and differences
between the sites. The visualization is such that with a single
glance, the user is able to see the key similarities and
differences of the two sites. He/she can then quickly focus on
those interesting clusters and pages to browse the details.
Experiment results and practical applications show that the
technique is effective.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.5.4 [
Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Hypertext/Hypermedia - architectures, navigation, theory, user issues.
General Terms
Human Factors, Design, Algorithms.
Visualization, Web site comparison, business intelligence, user-interface, browsing.
With the advance of the Web and popularity of e-commerce,
companies, organizations and individuals are increasingly using the
Web to conduct businesses, and disseminate information on a global
scale. A large amount of important and even sensitive information
is now published on the Web by these companies, organizations and
individuals. The amount of information is still growing at a
phenomenal rate. With all this information publicly available, it
offers a great opportunity for companies, organizations and
individuals to get to know and to learn from each other, and to
find useful/interesting information from each other's Web
pages. This is not only important for individuals, but also
important for businesses. In a business environment, knowing
one's competitors is of crucial importance to the survival
and growth of any business. Business intelligence information used
to be very hard to find before the Web was available and before
e-commerce became popular. Now, much of the information is
accessible from the Web. However, this does not mean it is easy to
obtain useful information from the competitors' Web sites. In
fact, it is still a difficult and time-consuming task.
In our interactions with industrial executives, we found that
they often spent a large amount of time browsing through their
competitors' Web sites in order to find what their
competitors are doing so that they can learn from their competitors
and to design effective measures to improve their competitiveness.
Manual browsing is still the dominating technique. However, manual
browsing is a hard and very time-consuming task because of the
following main reasons:
- A commercial site often has a large number of
pages (hundreds, thousands or more), which makes it very difficult
for manual browsing without any automated assistance. Even for a
relatively small Web site, the number of Web pages could overwhelm
the human user, not to mention that the number of pages in a
typical site is still growing at an alarming rate.
- People often use anchor texts of hyperlinks to help
them focus and decide whether to go to lower level pages to obtain
further details. However, anchor texts can be quite ambiguous and
misleading. This situation becomes worse if one browses through the
Web site of a competitor from a different country due to culture
- Different companies may organize the same information
very differently. One company may use one page and another may use
a few pages. Some even put different aspects of the same
information in different categories. This makes it hard to obtain
the complete information about a particular item.
All these factors and more make manual browsing a difficult
task. In many situations, even if a page exists in a Web site, the
user may not be able to find it because of the complex link
structure of the site. Although some sites provide site search to
enable the user to find related information using keywords, the
precision of such searches is often very low. In addition,
searching does not help the user find unanticipated or unexpected
information, i.e., those pieces of information that the user does
not know of and thus is unable to issue any search query.
Broadly speaking, companies often want to find the following
types of pages from their competitors:
- Similar pages: These pages in the competitor site are
quite similar to some pages at the user site. Such pages allow the
user to know how the competitor presents the same information
and/or conduct the same business, from which the user can learn
from his/her competitor and exploit any weakness of the competitor.
If such pages can be highlighted to the user, he/she can quickly
focus his/her attention on them to perform detailed analysis, e.g.,
browsing the actual pages.
- Different pages: These pages exist at the competitor
site, but not at the user site (or vice versa). Such pages are
often very interesting, as companies always want to know what their
competitors have or are doing that they do not have or are not
Despite the practical importance of this task, little research
work has been done in this area. Although there are many existing
techniques that help one find useful information from the Web as we
will see in the related work section, they are not able to deal
with this problem effectively. In this paper, we propose a novel
technique to assist the user in analyzing his/her
competitors' sites through comparing the user site and
competitors' sites to highlight those similar and different
pages and/or information.
The basic idea of the proposed technique is as follows: Given a
user site
U, a competitor site
C, the proposed
technique performs the following steps:
- Crawl the pages from the competitor site (assume the
pages of the user site are available).
- Combine the pages in U and the pages in
C, i.e., A = U
- Cluster all the pages in A using a hierarchical
clustering algorithm (see Section 3.1). This results in a cluster tree
at different levels of details. At the bottom of the tree, we have
all the individual pages in A. As we move up the tree, we
have clusters and each cluster (or node) covers more and more
pages, i.e., the clusters become larger and larger (we also have
fewer and fewer clusters).
- Visualize the clustering results (see Section 3.2). Since the
clustering results are represented as a tree, this step visualizes
the cluster tree. The pages from different sites are represented
with different colors. Thus, one part of a cluster can be in one
color and the other part in another color. This enables the user to
clearly see similar and different pages from U and C.
In addition, each cluster in the tree also contains a rich set of
summary information about the cluster.
Using a clustering technique to group Web pages is not a new
idea. Clustering has been used to provide a summary of a site or a
set of Web pages
[e.g., 1, 10, 34]. Each cluster center is often
used to represent the pages in the cluster. Since the number of
clusters is usually much smaller than the original number of pages,
human users can obtain an overview of the site or the pages, and
selectively drill down to see those interesting clusters. Our
proposed technique is different. There are two novel ideas:
- We use clustering to compare Web sites to help
the user find similar and different pages, which are what the user
is often interested in [21].
- We combine the pages from both U and
C sites into one single set A, and cluster them
together. Coupled with color effects (see above), similar and
different pages and/or clusters from U and C can be
visualized very clearly. Specifically, after clustering, we can see
three types of clusters (note that individual pages can be seen as
the smallest clusters) from the visualization:
- Pure C clusters: These clusters contain only C
pages, which tell us that the competitor has some useful
information that the user site does not have. These pages are often
very useful as we discussed above because they often represent
unexpected or unknown information (e.g., products and/or services)
from the competitor.
- Pure U clusters: These clusters contain only U
pages, which show that the user site has some useful information
that the competitor does not have. These pages are also useful as
the user company can take advantage of this fact in marketing to
differentiate them from their competitor.
- Mixed clusters: Each of these clusters contains pages from both
C and U. These clusters show that both sites have
some similar pages. Such clusters are also useful. They allow the
user to carry out focused study to find the finer commonalities and
differences of the two sites.
Combining the pages from both
U and
C sites into a
single set
A, and cluster them together is proven to be a
crucial idea. If we do not do this but cluster the pages from each
site separately, it will be very hard to find the above interesting
pages because there is no common ground for comparison. Our
visualization system also makes it easy to see all the interesting
clusters with a single glance due to the coloring effects, i.e.,
different colors are used to represent
C pages and
pages and also their associated clusters. Enhanced with additional
features and summary information, the visualization system gives
user the ability to visually explore those interesting
pages/clusters without browsing through a large number of
uninteresting ones.
It is important to note that when we say that the user analyzes
the competitor site, we do not mean that the user has to analyze
all the pages of the site. Usually, for a particular user, he/she
is only interested in certain segments (those related to his/her
current tasks) of the competitor's site. Our system can
simply treat these segments as the pages in the competitor site to
compare with some segments of the user site. Note also, in the
above discussion, we only mentioned the comparison of one
site and one
C site. In fact, the proposed technique can be
used to visualize and compare any number of
U sites and
C sites at the same time. However, our experience shows that
one to one comparison each time is often more effective.
In order to find truly interesting pages for the user, we also
allow the user to input his/her existing domain knowledge, which is
currently in the form of domain specific
stopwords). That is, the user can input some stopwords so
that these words will not participate in the clustering process
since they may be too common in a particular domain. For example,
in a travel domain, words such as "airline",
"travel", etc., are of no significance. Using them only
blurs the cluster boundaries.
So far, a number of experiments have been conducted with our
system, which is called VSComp (
Visual Site Comparison). It
has also been used in two practical domains. The results show that
the system is very effective.
The related work encompasses a number of areas, namely,
clustering, visualization, and information extraction and
discovery. We discuss them in turn below.
Web page clustering has been studied by many researchers. For
[34] studies clustering of a large number of Web pages;
[28] studies parallel clustering;
[14] studies clustering of web users and
[1] studies document clustering with user interactions. Clustering is often used to summarize a large number of pages to
facilitate user focusing
[34, 1, 10]. We have discussed the
differences of our work with normal Web page clustering in the
introduction section. We will not repeat them here.
In the Web context, visualization has also been explored
extensively. For example,
[30, 7, 34] study visualization of search
[6, 17, 15] study visualization of the user's web
browsing experience and surfing history;
[5] studies visualization
of a page in a summarized form;
[23] studies visualization of Web
[9, 13] study visualization and tracking of Web
structure changes; and
[11, 19] provide visual supports for web
querying. Clearly, these works are different from ours as we
visualize the comparison of Web sites.
With regard to finding useful information from the Web, our
technique is also different from existing approaches. Existing
methods focus on what the user wants or specifies explicitly. These
techniques include keyword-based search, wrapper-based information
extraction, user preferences, Web and XML queries, and resource
discovery. In keyword-based search, the user specifies some
keywords, and a search engine (e.g., Yahoo!, Excite, Alta Vista, and
Google) finds those Web pages that contain the keywords, and ranks
them according to various measures
[4, 12]. In Web information
[e.g., 2, 26], a wrapper or a specific extraction
procedure is built automatically or manually for a Web page to
extract some specific pieces of information requested by the user.
User preference based approaches are commonly used in push type of
[e.g., 33], where the user specifies what categories of
information are interesting to him/her. The system then gives
him/her only those types of information in the user-specified
preference categories. In Web query based approaches, database
query language SQL is extended and modified so that it can be used
to query semi-structured information resources, such as XML
documents and Web pages
[e.g., 22, 19]. Web resource discovery
finds Web pages related to the user's requests
[e.g., 8, 12].
This approach uses techniques such as link analysis and text
classification algorithms to find relevant pages. The pages can
also be grouped into authoritative pages, and hubs.
All these existing approaches essentially view the process of
finding useful information from the Web as a
process, although the queries may be of different forms, search
query, information extraction query, preference query, Web, XML or
semi-structured data query, and resource query. These approaches
suffer from a major shortcoming. They do not help the user find
unexpected information, which is unknown to the user or contradicts
the user's existing beliefs. They can only find anticipated
information because user queries can only be derived from the
user's existing knowledge space. Yet, a lot of information
that does not meet the user's queries may also be of interest
to the user. These pieces of information are often novel. Our
approach is able to highlight unanticipated pages and clusters,
e.g., pages that exist in
C but not in
U, which are
often very useful. Our method is also able to help the user find
what he/she wants, as we will see in subsequent sections.
[21], we reported a Web comparison system. The system uses
information retrieval and data mining techniques to compare
keywords in
U pages and
C pages to identify those
potentially interesting pages. The current work is different from
that in
[21] in two main aspects: (1) the work in
[21] does not
have a visualization component. All the comparison results in
are listed on the screen, which are hard to comprehend. The user is
not given much freedom to choose what he/she wishes to see. The
system presented in this paper is much more flexible. Due to its
intuitive visualization system, the user is able to view and to
choose whatever interests him/her. The visualization only
highlights those potentially interesting pages and clusters. (2)
[21] does not use clustering. The returned result is often very
large, which overwhelms the user. Clustering helps to summarize
similar pages. The user can see big pictures first before focusing
on interesting details. This is important when a large number of
pages are involved. In fact, it is these shortcomings of the
existing system in
[21] that motivated this work.
Our work is also related to the interestingness research in data
[20, 27, 31, 25]. The issue of interestingness is stated as
follows: Many data mining algorithms often produce too many
patterns or rules, and most of the rules are of no interest to the
user. Due to the large number of rules, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for the human user to analyze them in order to find those truly interesting ones for application use. Automated assistance is needed. Past research has proposed a number of techniques
[20, 27, 31, 25] for the purpose. These approaches are,
however, not suitable for the Web. The reason is that rules are
structured and have clear syntax and semantics, while information
on the Web is semi-structured. Different methods are thus needed to
help the user to find interesting information from Web pages.
This section presents the proposed technique, which helps the
user compare and browse two Web sites. Let
U =
u2, ...,
uw} be the set of pages in the user's Web
site, and
C = {
cv} be the set of pages in the
competitor's Web site (which are crawled from the competitor
site). As mentioned in the introduction section, our technique
first combines the pages in
U and
C, i.e.,
A =
C. It then clusters all the pages in
A. After that, it visualizes the clustering results. In the following
sub-sections, we discuss each step in turn. The focus is on
visualization as clustering is a well-known technique, and we only
used an existing clustering algorithm. Although combining the pages
U and
C can be trivially done, it is a crucial
idea that makes the subsequent clustering and visualization
meaningful, i.e., makes it possible to show the similarities and
differences of the two sites naturally.
3.1. Hierarchical Clustering
In our work, we use agglomerative hierarchical clustering, which
produces a nested sequence of clusters
[18, 32] like a tree
structure (also called a dendrogram or a cluster tree). Singleton
clusters (individual pages in our case) are at the bottom of the
tree. One root cluster is at the top, which covers all the pages.
The clustering process starts building the dendrogram from the
bottom level, and merging the most similar (or nearest) cluster
pairs at each level up until all the pages are merged into a single
cluster (i.e., the root cluster). Figure 1 shows a schematic
example. At the bottom of the tree, we have 5 clusters (5 Web
pages). Cluster 6 is formed by merging clusters 1 and 2 (assume
they are most similar to each other). Cluster 8 is formed by
merging clusters 6 and 3, etc. As we move up the cluster tree, we
have fewer and fewer clusters. Since the whole clustering tree can
be stored in the clustering process, the user can choose to view
clusters at any level of the tree.
Figure 1. Hierarchical clustering
The reason that we choose this hierarchical clustering method is
precisely because the cluster tree allows the user to view clusters
at any level of details. It makes user analysis and visualization
of the two Web sites very convenient. That is, the user can drill
down and roll up to see clusters and pages at any level of
granularity. This process is also facilitated by our visualization
system, i.e., the users can "click, change, and see"
the results at any level on the fly. In each cluster node, valuable
pieces of summary information are also be stored in the clustering
process, which will be very useful subsequently (as we will see
If we used a clustering technique that requires a fixed number
of clusters as input, e.g.,
k-means clustering
[18, 32], we
will not only have a problem in providing the initial number of
k, but also give the user no flexibility to see
the clustering at different levels of granularity. Additionally,
Web pages are usually organized hierarchically based on their
contents. Using hierarchical clustering fits this naturally, which
facilitates the discovery of interesting pages and information.
In this work, we only use textual information in a Web page for
clustering. Each Web page is thus treated as a text document. The
document representation scheme that we employ is the widely used
vector space model
[3, 29]. This representation is commonly used in
information retrieval. The assumption of the representation is that
similarities, differences and the main contents of text documents
can be represented by
keywords (also called
terms) that appear in the documents.
In our clustering, the similarity or distance measure, which
decides how pages are clustered, is the popular cosine measure used
in document clustering. The details about the cosine measure can be
found in
Note that before clustering, we also remove words
in a
stoplist [3]. The stoplist contains words that have too
low content discrimination power, e.g., "a",
"the" and "and". Removal of such words
reduces the length of the text documents, and also makes the
similarity comparison of documents more accurate. Word stemming
29] is also applied to reduce the remaining words to their stems by
suffix stripping.
Domain Specific Stoplist: Apart from the general stoplist
that contains those common words that are not representative of
document contents, the proposed technique also allows the user to
input a domain specific stoplist. This domain specific stoplist
contains those words that are very common in the application
domain, e.g., "airline" and "travel" in the
travel domain, and also the company name of each site. These words
tend to blur the cluster boundary. Our experiments show that when a
domain specific stoplist is used, the resulting clusters are much
more informative and accurate.
3.2. Visualization
The visualization component of the proposed technique displays
the cluster tree, which gives an intuitive view of the site
comparison. It takes advantage of the superb visual capability of
human users to enable them to spot interesting patterns, pages, and
information easily. The tree structure naturally allows the user
can drill down or roll up the cluster tree. Each node of the tree
represents a cluster (at a particular level of granularity) and
each link represents a parent-child relationship. Each parent
cluster covers all the children clusters below, i.e., Web pages
associated with a parent cluster include all the pages associated
with its children clusters. Figure 2 shows an example tree (only
part of a full tree). The number next to each cluster node
represents the cluster ID, which facilitates the user to remember
which cluster he/she is analyzing. From the visualization, the user
can also easily see which clusters are closer to each other. For
example, in Figure 2, we can clearly see that pages 3 and 4 are
clustered together before they are clustered with page 5. We can
also see that the first 7 pages are closer to one another than the
pages from 8 to 13.
By default, we display the whole tree on the screen. When the
tree is too large, scroll bars can be used to see all the hidden
clusters. Zoom-in and zoom-out mechanisms are also provided for the
user to focus on a specific area or to see a global picture.
Additionally, a "cut" operation may be performed to
remove lower level clusters (for focusing). Figure 3 shows an
example cut of Figure 2, where only the top 5 levels of clusters
are displayed.
A full screen dump from one of our real-life applications is
shown in Figure 4. Each cluster is represented with a small
rectangle. As the user moves the mouse to point to a cluster,
summary information associated with the cluster is displayed in 3
separate windows (to be discussed below).

Figure 2. Part of a dendrogram or cluster tree

Figure 3. Result of a cut of the top 5

Figure 4. A full screen example
The key features of our clustering visualization are as
- Different colors are used to represent pages in C and
U sites. This enables the visualization system to reveal
similarities and differences among the pages in U and
C clearly. By default, we use green for U pages and
red for C pages (the user can change these two colors).
- Each cluster (represented with a rectangle) is partitioned into
two parts, which represent the proportions of pages from U
and C covered by the cluster respectively. The two parts are
also colored accordingly using green and red colors. For example,
if a cluster covers 5 pages from the U site and 10 pages
from the C site, then the rectangle will have 1/3 of the
area colored in green, and 2/3 of the area colored in red.
- Each cluster is also associated with some summary
information. When the user moves the mouse to point to a cluster,
the summary information of the cluster will be shown in three small
windows (see Figure 4). The first window lists the URLs of the
pages from the U site (denoted as Site 1 on the screen), and
optional top-ranking keywords of the pages. The second window lists
the URLs of the pages from the C site (denoted as Site 2 on
the screen) and the keywords from each C page. The user can
click on any URL to open the page for browsing. Note that due to
confidentiality reasons, we could not reveal our user site names.
The site's URLs are masked with "Document URL" on
the screen. The third window (on the right) gives a few other
pieces of summary information:
- Cluster ID: This is the ID of the cluster that the user is
currently focusing on. The user can use this ID number to find the
cluster in the tree.
- U/C pages in site: These two numbers give the
total number of pages in the U site and the total number of
pages in the C site respectively.
- U/C pages in cluster: These two numbers give
the number of U pages and the number of C pages in
the cluster respectively.
- Percent: These two numbers give the percent of U
pages and the percent of C in the cluster with respect to
the total number of pages in U and the total number of pages
in C respectively. The user can use these two numbers to see
how much emphasis each site is putting on the particular cluster
(or topic).
- URL average levels: These two numbers give the average depth
of the U pages and the average depth of the C pages
in the cluster. This allows the user to see how deep some pages are
buried in each site.
- Main keywords of this cluster: This gives the main keywords
of the cluster. In other words, these keywords characterize the
cluster. With these keywords, the user will know what this cluster
is about and decide whether it is interesting to focus on this
cluster and drill down to obtain further details. The system can
also compare this cluster with a previous cluster and highlight the
common keywords (e.g., keywords in purple in Figure 4).
- Besides the three small windows, the system
allows the user to keep the summary information window and add
more. Sometimes, the user may want to study multiple clusters
(especially in the same sub-tree) at the same time. He/she can use
the "keep" menu option to keep the current
cluster's summary information windows on the screen, and
navigate to other clusters. Two examples are shown in Section
- A "find" function is also provided to
enable the user to find those clusters that contain a set of
user-specified keywords. These clusters are then highlighted on the
screen. This function can be used to quickly focus on those
interesting clusters. Section 5 gives an example.
Using the proposed clustering and visualization technique, the
user can easily identify the following interesting clusters (which
have been discussed in the Introduction section, and we list them
here again for completeness):
- Pure C clusters: Rectangles representing such clusters
are colored completely in red. These clusters tell the user that
the competitor has some pages that the user site does not have.
These pages are often very interesting.
- Pure U clusters: Rectangles representing such clusters
are colored completely in green. These clusters show that the user
site has some pages that the competitor does not have.
- Mixed clusters: Rectangles representing such clusters are
partly colored in red and partly colored in green. These clusters
show that both sites have some similar pages.
We have implemented a Web sites comparison and visualization
system based on the proposed technique. The system is called
VSComp, which is coded in Visual C++ under the Window's
environment. It consists of 4 main components (a block diagram of
the system architecture is shown in Figure 5):
Figure 5. VSComp system architecture
- A multi-thread information collector: It crawls a Web
site to download all its pages (we use a similar crawling method as
that in [24]). After crawling, a sitemap [21] is built to allow the
user to choose any subset of pages for comparison.
- A keyword extractor: It extracts keywords from a Web
page, and performs the standard operations of eliminating
stopwords, and word stemming. We use the Smart system
[29] for this purpose.
- A hierarchical clustering component: It clusters the
user selected C pages and U pages together for site
- A visualization and user interface component: It
visualizes the results and allows the user to interact with the
This section evaluates the proposed technique and system. We
first use two real-life examples from two different domains to show
the working of the system and to illustrate how different functions
provided by the system can be exploited for finding interesting
C pages and information from them. We then compare VSComp
with a previous system through our experiences.
5.1. Running Examples
In the two running examples, the first user site is a travel
site. Its competitor site is provided by the user. At the time of
writing this paper, there are 352 and 241 pages at these two sites
respectively. The second user site is a junior college site. The
competitor site is another junior college site. At the time of
writing this paper, there are 130 and 240 pages in these two sites
Note that in the visualization, we could not reveal the user
site names due to confidentiality reasons. Their sites' URLs
are masked with "Document URL" on the screen (as we saw
in Figure 4). However, keywords from the Web documents will be
shown to facilitate understanding.
The proposed technique and visualization are versatile and can
be used to find many types of interesting pages and information. In
the following, we only show a few main types to illustrate the use
of the system. Note also that some unnecessary parts of the figures
are discarded to save space (the user can rearrange objects on the
screen to give a better view).
Unexpected C pages (or clusters): These pages or
clusters exist at the
C site but not at the
U site.
As discussed previously, such pages are unexpected and often very
interesting. In our visualization, these pages or clusters are
colored completely in red. In Figure 6, we highlighted cluster
1059, which has 13
C pages (5.39% of the total
pages) and it is a pure red cluster - all pages come from the
competitor's site. As related pages are clustered together,
this gave the user a surprise because it means that the competitor
site used 5.39% of their Web pages to devote to something that the
user site did not have at all. It was found (from the keywords on
the screen and also the actual pages) that these pages were about
the company's history, news and press information (it can
also be seen from the other display windows that provide URLs,
which are not given here.). The user site did not have any such
press release or company news information. The user felt that they
should add such information to their site to improve their
publicity and public relation.
Another example comes from the college domain. Figure 7 shows
the example. It was found that the competitor site used 9.58% of
their total pages on tours of their college, while the user site
did not provide any such online tour of their college. The user
found that this was quite important as such online tour pages can
help prospective students (or their parents) know their college
better before applying to the college.

Figure 6. An example of unexpected C pages: travel

Figure 7. An example of unexpected C
pages: college application
Different emphases: Different companies often have
different emphases of their businesses. These emphases reflect
their current directions and/or strengths. In our system, this kind
of information is easily noticed and discovered. One simply finds
those clusters that have very unbalanced numbers of pages from the
two sites. Different color proportions in each cluster on the
screen reveal such information clearly. Figure 8 shows such an
example in our travel domain.
The highlighted cluster (1020) consists of 12
U pages,
but only 1
C page from the competitor. The keywords show
that the highlighted cluster is mainly about travel packages to
Tokyo, Japan. A detailed study revealed that the
C site had
only one package to Japan. The user company can make use of this
information in promotion to stress their Japan tours and to
differentiate them from their competitors.
A similar example is also shown in the college application in
Figure 4. In cluster 650, we can see that the user college has 12
pages on their bowling team, while the competitor college has only
a single page on it.

Figure 8. An example of unbalanced business emphasis: travel
Expected pages: In most cases, the user knows something
about their competitors. He/she may want to confirm his/her
knowledge about the competitor. In the travel application, the user
believed that their competitor had similar tour packages to Europe
as theirs. He then used the "find" function in the
system to find all the Web pages on Europe tours. The results were
quite satisfactory. In Figure 9, the pages on Europe tours are
highlighted with circles. Note that the cluster IDs are not shown
in Figure 9 due to figure size limitations. In our system, the user
has the option to hide all cluster IDs on the screen.
As the user rolls up in the cluster tree, he comes to the
highlighted cluster (1148), which shows that both the user and
competitor sites have similar numbers of pages dedicated to tours
to European countries (7.67% and 7.88% respectively).

Figure 9. Finding expected pages: travel domain
Finer differences: Here we show that one can drill down
from a high level cluster to its lower level clusters to find
interesting details. The function "keep" is very useful
here as it allows information windows from multiple clusters to be
displayed on the screen at the same time. An example from the
travel domain is given in Figure 10. The "keep" option
is used 4 times on 4 different clusters. The screen thus shows 5
cluster information windows simultaneously. The windows were
rearranged manually to make maximum use of the space.
The highlighted high-level cluster is cluster 1107. It is about
tour packages to Canada. Both the user site and the competitor site
have such packages. From the corresponding display window, we can
see that the two sites have 10
U pages and 6
C pages
respectively, which are 2.84% (10/352) and 2.48% (6/241) of their
total pages. The user then drilled down to the children of cluster
1107. 4 clusters are shown on the screen (not at the same level),
1021, 894, 702 and 403 (the cluster ID 403 is too small to be seen
on the screen). We observe that cluster 1021 is mainly from the
user site and is devoted to travel package to the city of
Vancouver. Cluster 894 is from the competitor site and is devoted
to Vancouver too. Cluster 403 and 702 both come from the user site
and are about Montreal and Toronto trips respectively. These
clusters reveal that Vancouver tour is common to both the user site
and the competitor cite. However, the user company also provides
Montreal and Toronto tours. The competitor site does not. These
were later confirmed by browsing the pages. Knowing such
information is quite useful for the user company in their promotion
and marketing.

Figure 10. Drilling down the cluster tree: travel

Figure 11. Drilling down the cluster tree:
college application
We now show an example from the college application (Figure 11).
The high level cluster that the user was interested in was the
co-curricular activities (not shown on screen due to figure size
limitations). When the user drilled down to find details, he found
that cluster 544 was about soccer; cluster 649 was about sepak
takraw (a type of sports from Malaya); cluster 493 was about
squash; cluster 546 was about softball; cluster 650 was about
bowling; cluster 633 was about music band. Note that only two
summary windows are kept on the screen in Figure 11 to give the
reader a better view. From the visualization result, it is clear
that the user college emphasizes on sepak takraw and bowling, while
it lacks softball and is also weak in music.
In summary, we can say that the proposed technique makes it easy
for the user to find many types of useful information from the two
sites. This is because our visualization system is able to
highlight those potentially interesting aspects of the comparison
to the user. The user simply chooses the areas to focus on.
5.2. Application Experiences
Since the proposed technique deals with something subjective, it
is difficult to have an objective measure of its performance. Here,
we report our application experiences and compare our VSComp system
with an existing system (called WebCompare)
[21], which, to the
best of our knowledge, is the only system that is able to perform
Web site comparisons. We have carried out a number of experiments
involving our users to check whether the new system is indeed
superior. Our users were from two organizations: a travel agency,
and an educational institution. Each of them compared their company
site with a competitor site. Some of the examples have been shown
in Section 5.1.
[21] compares two sites by using information
retrieval and data mining techniques to analyze the keywords in
U pages and
C pages and to rank the
C pages
according to various criteria. In terms of techniques, VSComp is
different from WebCompare as VSComp uses clustering and
visualization, which are not used in WebCompare. These differences
result in important consequences. Our experiences show that the new
system is superior to the old in two important aspects:
- Flexibility: Ranking pages (done in WebCompare) does not
give the user sufficient flexibility to explore those aspects that
may be of interest to him/her. Those pages that are ranked high may
not be those that interest the user because interestingness of
information is quite subjective. Ranking is also a global
operation, which sorts all the pages in the C site to
produce a single list. This list tends to drown those interesting
local areas. In our applications of WebCompare, we found that when
the top ranking pages were not that interesting, users did not know
what to do and became frustrated. In the new system, this does not
happen, as the user is able to inspect clusters and pages from
anywhere and at any level of granularity. That is, he/she can pick
any interesting clusters or pages (i.e., local areas) for further
analysis (see Figures 6, 7 and 8). The color effects of the
clusters and hierarchical clustering make this very convenient.
This cannot be done in WebCompare, which tends to dictate what
pages the user should see (through ranking).
- Information overload: WebCompare often returns too much
information which overwhelms the user due to its use of the data
mining method called association mining (which often produces a huge
number of patterns [20]). Without a summarization and visualization
system, it is very hard for the user to inspect them in order to
find something interesting. Thus, the users often give up. The new
system is friendlier. Its clustering system is able to summarize a
large number of pages into a small number of clusters to give the
user a global picture. He can then choose to drill down to some
interesting aspects.
We are unable to directly compare the results of the two systems
because VSComp does not output any ranking. It only clusters and
shows those potentially interesting spots on the screen. It is up
to the user to select clusters or pages for further analysis.
The new system was shown to be much more versatile and
friendlier due to its flexibility and its visualization system.
Without the system, it was very tedious to browse through many
pages to fish for something interesting. The users often gave up
after browsing some top-level pages. Our system helped them perform
a more complete analysis of their competitor sites. In these
applications, many pieces of useful information were uncovered, and
some of them were shown in Section 5.1.
In this paper, we studied the problem of comparing Web sites in
order to find useful/interesting pages from these sites. A novel
technique is proposed for the purpose. It combines clustering and
visualization to highlight those potentially interesting pages from
the two Web sites. The key idea of the proposed approach is that
Web pages from the two sites are combined first, and then clustered
and displayed together. This naturally reveals those interesting
pages, i.e., similar and different pages in the two sites. Enhanced
with color effects of the visualization, the user is able to obtain
a clear picture of those interesting spots. He/she can then focus
his/her attention on those areas to browse for further details. Our
applications demonstrated that the technique is effective and
useful in practice. In our future work, we plan to study how
hyperlinks and metadata in the Web pages can be utilized to build a
more intelligent system for Web site comparison and
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