... 2000)[*]
... usage[*]
... placement.[*]
At Search Engine Watch http://searchenginewatch.com/webmasters/paid.html
... result.[*]
The USA Today, cited earlier, quotes the CEO of GoTo.com as saying that commerce-related requests make up nearly 50% of search engine queries, and that over 32,000 businesses pay to be listed on GoTo.
... issues[*]
For example,Commercial Alert filed its complaint with the FTC on Monday, claiming that AltaVista, AOL Time Warner, Direct Hit, iWon, LookSmart, Microsoft and Terra Lycos are violating US law by inserting paid listings within their search engine results "without clear and conspicuous disclosure that the ads are ads." http://searchenginewatch.com/sereport/01/07-ftc.html
... optimality.[*]
The case where 38#38 is not of interest here, but it is easy to show that 35#35 = 0, i.e., the search engine can obtain full paid placement.
Juan Feng