
1. In Model & Syntax [19] these nodes are referred to as 'anonymous'. The newer Model Theory [15] introduces the term blank node.

2. In this paper, we use grammar rules that maintain the fiction from Model and Syntax that RDF is a grammar over lexical items rather than Infoset [12] items.

3. LL(k) abbreviates left-to-right parsing taking leftmost derivations using k symbols of lookahead.

4. Excluding triples corresponding to reification.

5. Making a trivial simplification of the grammar in Model & Syntax [19]

6.  The writer in Jena 1.2 does not support this production.

7. The writer in Jena 1.2 does not support this production.

8. Of these, the writer in Jena 1.2 only implements the ability to specify top-level elements.