
Besides providing a guarantee of authenticity the security scheme must allow for a non repudiable record of the transaction to be made.

The need for such a scheme may be seen from the conference registration forms:

  1. Fill in form.
  2. Form is checked and presented to the user for confirmation
  3. User confirms request.

The multiple submit actions required are unsatisfactory. It would be preferable to implement this confirmation within the client.

This example demonstrates the need for purpose specific signatures. For example a user should have the option of being informed before being commited to pay money. It should be expected that a user will have multiple signatures for different purposes. One mechanism for dealing with this problem would be to define signature capabilities such as Identify, Payment, Delegate etc.

Ordering Goods.

Home shopping paradigm

  1. Visit page describing goods.
  2. Decide to buy.
  3. Fill in form.
  4. Submit form with payment authority to vendor.
  5. Review acceptance of the order.


Business order paradigm

  1. Visit page describing goods.
  2. Decide to buy.
  3. Fill in form.
  4. Submit form to accounts department for payment authority.
  5. Accounts department review, request required counter signatures etc
  6. Recieve reply from accounts with authorisation
  7. Submit order


Use of Standalone Certificates.

A standalone certificate is a signed object.

Example Certificate

Digest-Boundary: RSA-MD5, Random string
Start-Date: 01 Jan 1994
Expiry-Date: 31 Dec 1994
Hardware-Id: hardware address of machine
Message-URI: URI of optional external message
MIC-Info: RSA-MD5, digest of the external message
MIC-Head: RSA, RSA-MD5, signed digest of the external body

The form of a message certificate should enable it to be stored with the signed object and used to create a message header.

A certificate might incorporate additional, contract specific information through additional X- format headers.

Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, CERN ECP PTG hallam@alws.cern.ch
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, CERN CN, frystryk@ptsun00.cern.ch
Ari Luotonen, CERN ECP (Now at Mosaic Communications Corp)