As part of the modular browser and library concept we would like to provide a mechanism to permit additional transformer modules to be declared. In the context of security these modules would provide encryption, digest and authentication functionality.
Facility_open (sh_parameters *param, sh_context **context)
Facility_block (sh_context *context, const void *block_in, int length_in, void **block_out, int *length_out)
Facility_close (sh_context *context, void **block_out, int *length_out)
The block and close routines are responsible for allocating the required memory using the SHAllocate (int size, void **block). routine. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory with the SHFree (void block) routine.
Transformers are registerered using the SHRegister routine and derregistered using the SHDeregister routine:
SHRegister (sh_context *context, int (*open)(const sh_parameters *param, sh_context **context), int (*block)(sh_context *context, const void *block_in, int length_in, void **block_out, int *length_out), int (*close)(sh_context *context, void **block_out, int *length_out), sh_identifier **id)
SHDeregister (sh_identifier, *id);
Alternatively a stream like format might be employed. In this scheme data would be returned via callbacks to a specified routine using a context defined when the stream was opened. This scheme avoids the need to create and destroy memory blocks.
Facility_open (const sh_parameters *param, void *user_data, sh_context **context)
Facility_block (sh_context *context, void *block_in, int length_in, int (*putblock) (const void *user_data, void **block_out, int *length_out));
Facility_close (sh_context *context, int (*putblock) (void *user_data, void **block_out, int *length_out));
Either scheme may be made to appear like the other through additional wrapper logic. It may be appropriate to permit transformers of both varieties to be added to the library. A single scheme would be preferred however.
Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, CERN ECP PTG Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, CERN CN, Ari Luotonen, CERN ECP (Now at Mosaic Communications Corp)