An approach to integrate these two aspects can be based on the concept of domains. Its purpose is to provide a general means for grouping and structuring HTML pages. A domain is defined as a set of related HTML documents which together form one document. It is possible for a single HTML page to be part of several domains and it is possible that a domain is itself an element of another domain.
The following information which will be necessary for
WebMap to support domains should
not be part of the document pages' bodies but could be made available as
meta-information stored with a ``starting'' document page
(domain entry page):
As a first step towards realization of this concept and to support what already exists, WebMap derives graphical document structure maps from special ``table of contents''/index pages which often are provided by authors or document conversion tools. WebMap parses such pages using a simple heuristic: it searches for the first nested list, interprets it as a hierarchy and creates a node for each anchor it finds.
As proposed in section 2.1, it would be nice if an author provided a graphical navigation map along with a large document. To protect authors from learning a complicated map description format, the logical consequence is to extend WebMap's capabilities towards a simple authoring tool. Then an author could interactively create a map reflecting the document structure. In this case WebMap would not only store this map, but also generate a set of HTML document frames derived from an author-provided HTML template and enriched with structure information.
The next step to implement the domain concept will be the support of the HTML <LINK> element together with the <REL> attributes. Using this element, simple disjoint domain topologies may be created (resp. generated by WebMap).
As the final goal it appears most promising to keep additional document structure information, like navigation maps, completely separate from the documents themselves. As already proposed, it could be stored as meta-information together with one ``domain entry page'' instead of spreading it over several documents.
This approach has several advantages:
Of course, each page belonging to a domain should contain a <LINK> element in its HEAD that points to its domain entry page. This way, a user who reaches a page belonging to a new domain can immediately be provided with a complete map of his new environment.