

The InfoHarness Information Integration Platform
Leon Shklar, Satish Thatte, Howard Marcus, and Amit Sheth
Finding What People Want: Experiences with the WebCrawler
Associative Concept Navigation in MEDLINE and other NLM Databases via a Mosaic - Forms - WWW Interface Combining Natural Language Processing, Expert Systems and (un)Conventional Information Retrieval Techniques
Tamas E. Doszkocs, Seth B. Widoff, and Bruno M. Vasta
Using Coollists to Index HTML Documents in the Web
Jong-Gyun Lim
Sourcerer: Thesaurus-Assisted Automated Source Identification for the World Wide Web
R. P. C. Rodgers, Suresh Srinivasan, and Jim Fullton
The Harvest Information Discovery and Access System
Michael F. Schwartz, C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, and Udi Manber
WebLinker: A Tool for Managing Cross References Between WWW Documents
James Casey, Alberto Aimar, Nikos Drakos, Ian Hannell, Arash Khodabandeh, Paolo Palazzi, Bertrand Rousseau, and Mario Ruggier
WebMap - A Graphical Hypertext Navigation Tool
Peter Doemel


WAIS Through the Web - Discovering Environmental Information
David Crossley
A Word is Worth 1000 Pictures: Natural Language Access to Digital Libraries
Howard Beck, Amir Mobini, Viswanath Kadambari
Intelligent Distributed Hypertext Documentation
Mike Clarkson
The InfoSleuth Project:Intelligent Search Management via Semantic Agents
Darrell Woelk and Christine Tomlinson
Searching for Arbitrary Information in the World Wide Web: the Fish-Search for Mosaic
Paul De Bra and R. D. J. Post
Semantic Retrieval for the NCSA Mosaic
Hsinchun Chen and Bruce R. Schatz