Panel One
- Dale Dougherty, Publisher of the Global Network Navigator (GNN)
from O'Reilly and Associates.
- Robert Frasca, President of GALT Technologies, publishers of NETworth.
- Paul Hoffman, President of Proper Publishing, publishers of the
Internet Computer Index (ICI) (panel chair).
- Boris Putanec, Director of Product Development of the
Internet Shopping Network (ISN).
- Kerry Schwartz, Program Manager of Internet Technologies at Microsoft.
Panel Two
- Network Publishing: The Center of the Web
- Tim Krauskopf
- An Architecture for Scholarly Publishing on the
World Wide Web
- Stuart Weibel, Eric Miller, Jean Godby and Ralph LeVan
- "Drop-in" Publishing with the World Wide Web
- Jim Davis and Carl Lagoze
- Adventures in Publishing
- Dale Dougherty
Panel Three
Delivery of Library Services on the Web
- Chair: Stuart L. Weibel
- Nick Arnett, President and Chief Executive Officer, Multimedia Computing Corp.
- Tony Barry, Centre for Networked Access to Scholarly Information, Australian National University Library
- Sue Davidsen, Technology Librarian and Project M-link Operations Manager, University of Michigan
- ONline WISCONSIN: An Electronic Journal
- Ellen Berrigan
- Electronic Journal
- Kumar
- Online Fair Use of Copyrighted Material: Issues and Concerns
- Gerard Martin